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Detailed analysis of LED lighting trends

LED lighting technology to overcome problems represent the general trend

Proposed by ETP in 2008 2050, global carbon emissions from 620 tons down to 140 tons (BLUEMapscenario), to reduce the 480 tons of key technologies, to improve the efficiency of energy use is the most important, is expected to account for 47%, followed by renewable energy supply, accounting for 21%.LED lighting is used from the end power saving mode, in line with the trend of low carbon economy.

How about the efficiency of LED trend? The luminous efficiency of various light sources, incandescent lamp and halogen lamp bulbs only 20~30lm/W, about 70lm/W, HID increased to 100lm/W, the luminous efficiency of the lamp tube slightly to nearly 120lm/W, but in 2010 were only about 80lm/W and 30lm/W to LED and OLED, but showed a rapid improvement in the situation, the next few years is expected to break the traditional lamp, LED laboratory data will go towards 200lm/W.

2000 home optical fiber (FTTH) to shout loudly, creating the optical communication industry has been good, but the rapid development of wireless communication becomes a substitute products, the optical communication industry rapid decline. Today's LED is expected to play the role of the wireless communications industry, as a new generation of lighting options.

Incandescent lamp energy released by infrared because for most, so keep the heating temperature, lighting in fact is not ideal. At present, 20~40W lamps, LED replace the trend is mature, 60W there is no problem of heat. In addition, glare LED also needs to be improved.

For life, actually does not have to be too long, if too long for 10 years does not change, the industry is also equal to the end. Luminous efficiency of lm/W in fact does not make sense to consumers, lm/$is the focus, really want to guide the 800~1000lm/$will be the basic goal. In addition, the design of a plurality of point light sources and different to the traditional light source, light source design into a centralized point light source and light source, if the quality of light, light from all sides, including color, color, number, type and light lumens must be the same or close to the traditional light source. In fact, due to power saving and bring the effect of money must be displayed in 1.5 years. These are technical problems to overcome.

The United States announced the closure of the last of the incandescent light bulb factory GE days ago, are echoes of the United States in 2007 to eliminate all incandescent bulbs announced before 2014, also shows the low energy efficiency of incandescent bulbs. In addition, PHILPS also pointed out that LED will be the main driving force in the lighting industry, and is expected to be the penetration rate of turnover in 2015 to go faster than the fastest 50%. in Japan has reached 50%.

The development trend of LED lighting commercialization

Although LED lighting trend is clear, but now only do LED lighting is very difficult to survive, is not standard, technology is not mature diding. Not only that, LED's optoelectronics industry and the lighting industry is the 2 different areas, meet together also need more than. As the lighting industry often family enterprises, highly disciplined, ecological LocalKing be handed down from age to age, obviously, the new LED light source, adopt a wait-and-see attitude, or try to put a little water resources, high profit. The LED lamp is still in the spring and Autumn period, and the light output of the lamp and the quality requirements of each light there is still a lot of room for improvement, access is not mature, the industry are still not able to make a profit.

The relationship between absolute popularity and price LED, LED lighting current retail price of $20, an incandescent lamp is $1.5, the expected price dropped to $15, the permeability of up to 4%, to 7.5 to reach $10%, $3.75, which is 2.5 times that of incandescent lamp, the permeability of up to 25%.

EPISTAR is committed to the realization of the LED application of infinite possibilities, the past is the first home and Samsung LED will be used in mobile phone manufacturers, used in notebook computer market share reached 50%, used in television in South Korea is not high self-sufficiency rate has reached 50%, is now in use on lighting should be input.

LED lighting why the price too high? Analysis of the cost structure of LED lighting can get a clear direction, the relative cost of heat dissipation and metal bonding accounted for the highest proportion, followed by the driver, and the cost of LED Bin. It is believed that the high price of LED grain is the reason, in fact, the proportion of the crystal is very small, even smaller than the current price of phosphor.

LED of the U.S. Department of energy set clear goals, including emission efficiency, price, including the phosphor conversion project details. At present, the cooling efficiency can reach 80%, but the market will be a huge warm state to drop another 20%, leaving the remaining 60%, so many technical development to seek a breakthrough.

To 800lm lighting calculation, luminous efficiency of 100lm/W in 2010, according to the light efficiency 0.5 (other 0.5 heat), the calculation of driving efficiency of 80% and the optical efficiency of 80% and DELtaT106.3, the input power is 12.5W, when the situation if the annual itemized calculation efficiency improved by 2015, luminous efficiency 150lm/W, light efficiency 0.75 (the other 0.25 are hot), the input power is 6.6W, the heat generated is less than 2W (6.6x25%), therefore, it was important to heat, is not a problem in the future.

LED lamp, another problem is that, as long as to allow consumers to open or close enough, so the development of ACLED technology is very important. But the ACLED bridge rectifier is more expensive, so from the integrated single chip pulled into a single chip is connected with a bridge rectifier diode, a high voltage (HV) LED chip, suitable for high voltage and low current (without transformer), because in the bridge type rectifier, which can increase the luminous area, AC, DC apply, province power cost, also

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