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Product Maintenance

GE announced the end of September will completely withdraw from the production of incandescent lamp

America led GE lighting Dachang announced before the end of September, the United States will close the last production of ordinary incandescent light bulb factory, marking the GE out of the incandescent lamp production.

The main reason for the closure of the incandescent light bulb was the adoption of an energy saving policy in the United States in 2007 that would ban the production of ordinary incandescent bulbs by 2014, instead of compact fluorescent lamps, which could save energy and power.

Energy saving lamps in the United States currently rely mainly on imports of china. GE has also taken into account the transformation of the incandescent lamp factory production of energy-saving lamps, but because of the cost of production of energy-saving lamps is higher than China's imports of 50%. Therefore, the factory must not be closed.

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