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GE optimistic about LED bulb explosive Veeco, Aixtron soared more than 10%

Singular (GE) under the illumination of GE Lighting president and CEO MichaEL Petras said in an interview, the company within the next 10 years there will be a maximum of 75% of revenue from LED, much higher than the current less than 10%. He said that with the decline in prices, consumer demand for LED bulbs gradually increased.

GE is scheduled to launch in November the first to replace the 40 watt incandescent bulb home led, power consumption of only 9 watts, life expectancy of about $50. Petras said that within 10 years, the retail price of home LED bulbs will be less than $10. American Law stipulates that 100 watt incandescent bulbs (Incandescent Bulb) must be in full production in 2012, other lower luminous bulbs will also be discontinued.

United States LED shares 13 hearing Jin yang. Philadelphia Semiconductor Index constituent stocks and light-emitting diode (LED) upstream of the crystal manufacturing plant CreeInc. Jin Yang 3.98%, closing at $54.62, hit a new high since September 29th. Philadelphia stocks and metal organic chemical vapor deposition system (MOCVD) equipment maker Veeco Instruments Inc. rose 10.8%, $41.03, or the top 30 teams split into the crown, and the highest since August 4th closing high. MOCVD equipment manufacturers Aixtron rose 10.77%, to close at $31.78, hit a new high since July 27th close to $.

Cree Hongkong managing director Li Shiyi in October 13 at ITRI hosted the "LED lighting industry development forum" pointed out that PHILPS on the global brands lighting LED lighting penetration rate estimates, from 2% last year, increased to 5%-6% this year, and forecast 2015 LED lighting penetration rate will reach 50%. Means that 2011-2012, the global market penetration of LED lighting will exceed 10%. According to the study, when a product market penetration reached 10%-15%, the next penetration rate will accelerate.

New York Times reported on August 11th that the global retail goods industry leading home repair TheHome Depot, Inc. started on the website selling a price of only $19.97, equivalent to the brightness of the 40W EcoSmart series LED bulbs, it went on sale in September retail entity. HomeDepot partners is located in Florida Lighting Science Group; the Florida manufacturer is also the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contract. HomeDepot spokesman pointed out that the LED bulb just launched a popular, or even a shortage situation.

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