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LED end of grain supply and demand balance

Led supply and demand controversy has not yet ended, a report released yesterday pointed out that the use of LED TV grain shortage will be the end of the year, it is estimated that the fourth quarter will reach a balance,

The topology Research Institute said in a report yesterday, the LED TV, because the LED TV new machine launched in March after the first quarter LED TV shipments in the second half of the brand is not high, pushing LED TV, expected shipments will reach 16 million 810 thousand units in the fourth quarter, accounting for over 32% of the global LCD TV shipments. This year, LED TV cumulative shipments of 36 million units, accounting for LCD TV shipments of 20%.

LED TV is the main driving force of the explosive growth of LED this year, due to the MOCVD machine from purchase to production, at least four months time, the machine set at the beginning of this year, want to mass production by the end of the year, resulting in a large gap in the first half of the second season of LED grain supply, LED supply can only cope with the needs of the 60%, with the out of the third quarter production capacity, supply demand accounted for up to 85% by the end of the year, almost can reach the balance of supply and demand.

LED TV backlight gradually towards a single chip as a 40 inch single package, for example, the use of a number of grain will be from 400 to 500, to as long as 250, but the grain size is larger; to the package after the price, the current mainstream 20 x 20MIL size of the product, to the fourth LED package price will be compared with the beginning the price of 25% to 30%.

If the LED TV to replace the LCD TV penetration rate of 80%, is the world's 1000 MOCVD machine to supply the required, this year LED epitaxial chip factory expansion, estimates of global new MOCVD machine in more than 700 units, a light Samsung will have 200 MOCVD, next year will reduce the capacity, purchase rate, how to extended to the lighting application, or conversion of new markets, is the key to success of LED industry.

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