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LED general lighting from real business in the end how far?

In energy conservation and environmental protection trend, LED lighting has become a large number of standardizing the organization goals, such as the United States Department of energy Energy Star program of the 1.1 edition of solid-state lighting took effect on February 2009, China Institute of standardization is also preparing to release Chinese version of LED lighting energy efficiency standards in 2010. It is expected that by 2012, the market size of LED drives and related discrete devices will grow from about $688 million in 2008 to $1 billion 308 million, an annual compound growth rate of up to 17.4%.

LED general lighting is still in its infancy

Despite the prospect of LED is now so hot, but the relevant data shows that in the light bulb and fluorescent lamp replacement, embedded lights, streetlights and parking lights, work lights (lighting lamps, cabinets) mainly in general lighting, LED lighting application proportion is still less than 1%. Outdoor LED street lighting, for example, most of the current only as a demonstration project of the government, the real business seems to be still widespread popularity in time.

A Morimi semiconductor Hongkong and China Senior Application Manager, Mr. Zheng Zongqian

A Morimi semiconductor (OnSemi) and Hongkong Chinese senior manager Zheng Zongqian think, LED street can as a demonstration project, of course, depends on its high luminous efficiency, light reflection loss is low, not high pressure, no mercury, higher security features; secondly, compared with the ordinary lighting, LED lamps are easier to add digital or analog modulation light, easy to realize remote control, and can provide high brightness and color in the foggy and rainy weather under special circumstances such as lighting. In addition, the cost of laying, power consumption and life expectancy, LED street lamps are significantly better than the high pressure sodium lamp.

Fairchild Semiconductor PLM lighting technology marketing senior manager Li Yingyou

But at the same time, the cost is relatively high, the power supply reliability is not strong, and the short range, is not conducive to work at higher altitudes and other issues is still an important factor hindering the rapid development of LED street lamp. On the other hand, if the government can timely introduction of LED road lighting standards, then it will be a very powerful means of popularizing LED street lamps.

Fairchild Semiconductor (Fairchild) PLM lighting technology marketing senior manager Li Yingyou said that the LED street lighting is part of the government's energy efficiency projects, the upgrade includes not only the bulb replacement, but also including the use of long-life rectifier. "The first step in the upgrade is to install the LED street lights in the newly developed area, and then gradually replace the existing old street lighting. It is expected that in the next five years, most of today's street lamps will be replaced by LED lighting. "

ADI Sales Manager Zhang Jing

ADI central China Area Sales Manager Zhang Jing believes that compared to LED outdoor lighting, indoor lighting is in the initial stage, the current price is not high, this is because the lumen cost is too high, on the other hand also because the LED indoor lighting products too, lighting designers do not choose to promote the indoor lighting product set obstacle. His advice is given, the development and promotion of LED indoor lighting products should focus on product family, integration, intelligence and humanization, improve the utilization rate of luminous efficiency and luminous flux, minimizing the overall cost of lighting.

Key words: "hot", "drive" and "cost""

LED (Maxim) business manager PieroBianco believes that the shape size and electrical compatibility is a key factor in the success of the popularity of the lamp can be a factor. "The reason is very simple, the replacement lamp must be able to install to the source of the pre frame, of course, must also be able to work on the existing electrical architecture, to ensure that no light flashes. "

He further explained that the existing framework for replacing the lamp made physical limitations (that is, the drive plate must be small enough) and thermal limit requirements. These factors restrict the designer to replace the lighting program conditions (such as PAR, R and A type specification), the smaller the size of the application of the more difficult to face, such as MR16 and GU10. Compared with the size of the factors, the thermal limit is often more critical, because unlike other technologies, LED only emit visible light, does not produce infrared radiation energy. Therefore, LED is more efficient than incandescent or halogen lamps, and most of the heat is dissipated through the inner conductor of the lamp.

Business Manager PieroBianco

Taking into account the heat is a key factor restricting the intensity of the lamp, and the current lighting products in the use of LED technology is difficult to meet the mainstream market can accept the brightness level. Therefore, in order to break the brightness limit, it is necessary to solve the problem of heat dissipation, which is the product of the necessary conditions for successful commercialization. Piero stressed that.

Heat dissipation is not only the light intensity, but also will directly affect the service life of the drive plate. Piero said that in order to produce higher light intensity, the lamp must work at a very high temperature (+80 DEG C to +100 C). At this temperature, the life of the drive plate will limit the performance of the entire lighting, especially the electrolytic capacitor has become a thorny problem facing the design. Because the electrolytic capacitor will soon dry at high temperatures, resulting in its working life will not exceed thousands of hours, which has become a constraint on the life of the entire lighting factor.

Linear Technology Corporation Marketing Director power products products TonyArmstrong

Linear technology (Linear) products marketing director TonyArmstrong LED said, the driver circuit selection depends largely on the current input voltage range, LED series voltage drop, and the cumulative itself is sufficient to drive the required LED, which led to a variety of feasible LED driver topology

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