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LED lack of talent in the mainland to Taiwan to Taiwan to grab people

Taiwan led upstream epitaxial manufacturer massive amplification of MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition) machine, is expected today (2010) Blu ray machines added to more than 200, but also caused a large gap in the recent wave of talent, the industry is also rumored, in the Hsinchu Science Park Group is actively poaching friends Ronda crystal electric talent, even China LED factory also rush to Taiwan people.

LED upstream epitaxial crystal electric manufacturers, Lunda, canyuan, downstream of the Hong Qi, such as Kai Yiu LED factory in the massive expansion, have recently launched new recruitment activities, the upstream epitaxial plant goals in addition to sign before the operator, with actual operation of MOCVD talents has become a focus of various manufacturers to sign.

Insiders pointed out that, in addition to having experience in the industry engineers, with epitaxial process experience during the period of school personnel, can not meet the large expansion rate, thus epitaxial plant have recently set off a wave of poaching trend, they hope to join the new MOCVD production as soon as possible, quickly shipped to the customer.

Taigu chairman assistant Liu Sanbao pointed out that the talent shortage, Taigu in addition to provide good benefits, the use of defense service personnel is also a good way.

Liu Sanbao analysis, MOCVD production is not as simple as the production of instant noodles! "The new MOCVD machine on average during the test period of up to 3 months to about 4 months, after testing the product yield, brightness is also a great challenge, which is a test of the engineer's experience and ability.

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