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LED lighting costs fell faster in 2015 to see the penetration rate of 50%

LED lighting applications are actively involved in the policy and the industry continues to expand. LED maker CREE CREE Hongkong company director Li Shiyi to attend the 10/13 LED "sponsored by ITRI lighting industry development forum" pointed out that PHILPS on the global brands lighting LED lighting penetration rate estimates, from 2% last year, increased to 5%-6% this year, and forecast 2015 LED lighting penetration rate will reach 50%. Means that 2011-2012, the global market penetration of LED lighting will exceed 10%. According to the study, when a product market penetration reached 10%-15%, the next penetration rate will accelerate.

How to accelerate the development of LED lighting, crystal electric (2448) R & D center, deputy general manager Xie Mingxun said that the reduction in unit cost is very important. At present, the crystal LED lighting products can be done 100lm/$($1 per $100 lumens brightness), is expected in 2015 will reach 800-1000lm/$. Forecast according to the market research firm, in the traditional incandescent light bulbs (40W) at the price of $1.5 as an example, when the LED bulb price dropped to $3.75, the price for incandescent lamp 2.5 times (estimated in 2015), LED lighting penetration will exceed 20%.

Xie Mingxun said that the crystal is currently in large size (such as LCD TV) backlight market share has been high, the next to be in the lighting market to achieve high market share. At present, the crystal is actively developing LED lighting, and has launched a high-pressure LED solutions.

Global LED market penetration is expected to reach more than 50% in 2015, mainly based on the forecast of the lighting plant PHILPS. Taiwan PHILPS lighting business general manager Bai Jiansheng stressed that the era of LED lighting will come soon, but LED lighting era, like the disruptive innovation, may not in the past, lighting environment, change the rules of the game, although it is a chance, but the vendors may want to build different thinking.

For example, LED lighting continues to create new needs, so PHILPS is very focused on systems and solutions, rather than a single light source to develop LED lighting. In terms of street lights, light point of view, may be sodium lamp, fluorescent lamp, but from the system point of view, the use of different technologies, can make the street lamp with a variety of functions.

PHILPS is currently about 8 billion euros in annual turnover of about 5%, invested in R & D R&D, of which more than 90% are betting on LED related products. At the same time, PHILPS also focus on cooperation with the industry over the past 5 years has invested about NT $200 billion in the establishment of cooperative relations, especially control systems, lighting control.

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