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Taiwan technical force in Japan FineTech shine

FPD industry in 2016, the world's biggest event, but also the largest display in Japan FinetechJapan, since 6-8 April in Tokyo International Exhibition Center (TokyoBigSight) debut. ITRI by director Peng Yumin leader, the integration of OLED, LED and other soft display and lighting, green materials, metals and other 15 advanced materials technology and new materials company Yu Wei ITRI display technology exhibition.

ITRI material Peng Yumin director said, in the long-term economic project of Ministry of science and Technology Research Institute under the support of their own material achievements this year, Japan's largest exhibition agencies accept special ReedExhibitions Finetech invited to participate in the exhibition, the integration of 15 innovative materials and new companies exhibitors, looking through the Finetech International Exhibition platform, to attract international R & D institutions or vendors and the cross domain cooperation, accelerate Taiwan material technology opportunities in international business applications, help Taiwan industry into the high order international market, enhance the added value, enhance the competitiveness of industries in Taiwan.

ITRI in soft lighting and displays a series of exhibition OLED phosphorescent materials, including blue, green, yellow, orange, red and other colors, can be used for the evaporation and solution process, and establish the material verification platform, to provide one-stop service industry. At the same time also exhibited LED lamp with multi direction luminescence characteristics, application of structure design to develop lens is different from traditional LED lighting is needed and a light diffusion element, a new full week lighting solutions, has been applied to 8W high power LED lighting.

In the green environmental protection material, at 100 U.S. science and Technology Award "for lignin epoxy resin, application of lignin in plant development, no residual bisphenol A component concerns, structure and properties and the traditional petroleum chemical materials containing bisphenol A epoxy resin can be used in the application to canned food made in rust endometrial or replace other epoxy resin, is Taiwan's first green material technology of epoxy resin bio products. In addition, there can be at the time of the crash and harden quickly, absorb and disperse energy offset impact strength; and return to the original state of the soft after impact of "high impact energy absorption materials, composite technology can fast thickening response, 20% higher energy absorption efficiency than traditional polymer materials, can be applied to various the type of clothing, protective clothing for the aging society will face will have a high degree of space to play.

Advanced metal materials, metal powder for manufacturing 3D display print layer by the alloy design, by adjusting the gas flow rate, atomization parameters, to obtain metal powder with high roundness, high fluidity of the body in the process of melting, with laminated manufacturing needs, can be used in precision molds, medical equipment, aerospace zero components, and all kinds of special, lightweight structures. High conductive metal mesh touch module is through the metal thickening material technology, using embedded metal wire manufacturing grid, and then applied to the field of touch, touch module integration become thin, soft and flexible, and can be applied to a large area of wet coating process, can effectively reduce the cost.

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