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Product Maintenance

The elimination of incandescent lamp LED lamp environmental protection energy-saving lamps

Reform Commission is currently set out a roadmap of lighting products inefficient incandescent lamps, phased plan phasing out different models of the promotion of efficient lighting products. The industry believes that all the incandescent lamp no longer than 10 years, which means that the replacement of incandescent lamp energy saving lamp, halogen lamp, LED lamp, incandescent lamp will occupy the future after exiting the market blank.

Incandescent lamp at the end

"Roadmap called, what time is completely out of incandescent lamp, and the manner in which the overall plan eliminated. Chen Yansheng, President of China lighting association.

Incandescent lamp will be eliminated, the popularity of energy-saving lamps

At present, Chinese lighting electricity consumption accounted for about 12% of total electricity consumption, more than 430 billion kwh. If all of the incandescent lamp used in the replacement of energy-saving lamps, saving 48 billion kwh per year, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 48 million tons.

China began to implement the green lighting project in 1996. In 2008, the national development and Reform Commission and the financial subsidies to promote efficient lighting products, for the bulk of users and urban and rural residents to buy energy-saving lamps were given 30% and 50% of the subsidies, but up to now, has not given a specific timetable for Chinese end of incandescent lamp.

I learned that in addition to the schedule, the NDRC is still on phasing out the incandescent lamp energy-saving promotion policy and planning.

NDRC ring division energy conservation director Lv Wenbin said that the future will amend the relevant national performance standards for efficient lighting products and energy efficiency standards, improve the national testing agencies to efficient lighting products quality testing and monitoring ability, and further improve the efficient lighting product quality supervision system.

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