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The second session of the LED lighting driver conference covers a wide range of issues such as heat transfer dimming

Distance "the second LED general illumination drive technology seminar" officially held with less than a month time, the meeting is like a raging fire and carried out at present everything in good order and well arranged, the attending enterprises reached more than and 500. The topic about the work enterprise for the participating companies are coming to an end, the NS, PI, Infineon and other enterprises the topic has been finalized, the content of the speech comprehensive coverage of LED lighting dimming and cooling, high efficiency hot topic.

As the sponsor of the conference, National Semiconductor Corporation Ns (NS) will explain why the audience LM3464 new LED lamp power system architecture can bring higher reliability and longer service life for LED street, and to be able to maximize system efficiency, simplify system design and reduce the cost of development.

At the same time, PI will introduce "PI series of LED lighting solutions" at this meeting, the content will involve dimming, power factor correction (PFC) technology innovation, accurate control, high efficiency and high reliability and other unique advantages of the. Infineon will be a detailed description of the audience "Infineon LED lighting driver program". Taiwan will be from the accumulation of the number of components, space, cost, security and power correction, etc., for the audience to bring a simple and competitive AC power LED lighting solutions. Systech will be the theme of "integrated circuit" used in LED lighting, mainly aiming at the hot spot - LED lighting dimming principle analysis, thyristor control technology will involve different dimming resistor and SCR etc., and controllable silicon technology in the application of general lighting through existing features light hot topic, share with the audience silicon controlled light appeared in the LED lighting application problems and solutions.

For LED lighting protection components, sunlord will bring "chip varistor in LED lighting overvoltage protection application" solution, the content will involve over voltage protection mechanism and system design of chip varistor, including overvoltage classification and harm, IC overvoltage withstanding mechanism analysis and parameter selection of chip varistor the principle and circuit of over-voltage protection system design.

For LED testing, LeCroy, Guangzhou Huayi 2 enterprises will be in "power measurement in some key problems research", "LED lighting safety test" as a topic. LeCroy's speech content mainly includes sequential power measurement, high uncertainty, low voltage power supply ripple, power spectrum analysis of 5, pipe loss measurement of dynamic characteristics of suspension measurement, voltage measurement and power switch load etc.. Guangzhou Hua Instrument from the general structure of the LED lighting, LED lighting test standards, GB7000.1/IEC60598-1 standard interpretation, interpretation of the IEC61347-1/IEC61347-2-13 standard and LED lighting safety test program, etc..

Believe this seminar topic will cover the rich from the heat, light, color, light, reliability, safety, stability, high efficiency and testing and certification standards, solutions to meet the lighting business and product engineers drive the different technology and the high cost of LED lighting demand.

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