General family or classroom, lighting design is based on the standard of health of the people, this is not necessarily suitable for patients with eye disease, for children with low vision, to create a suitable indoor lighting is particularly important. Low vision patients according to their own circumstances, can improve the intensity of illumination or reduce.
The following eye diseases caused by low vision need to strengthen the lighting.
1) significantly reduced the pupil
2) optic atrophy
3) pathological myopia
4) macular lesions
5) after operation, the lens
Retinitis pigmentosa (6)
7 congenital retinal, choroid and optic nerve defects
In general, low vision patients need high lighting, but there are some cases in contrast, for example:
1 albinism: albinism due to lack of melanin pigment film, it can not tolerate strong light, suitable for low light.
2): especially nuclear cataract or posterior subcapsular opacity, low requirement of lighting, if necessary, plus a yellow filter, the lighting brightness weakened after the pupil naturally open, so that the effective imaging beam around the lens into the eye through the transparent area, improve eyesight.
3 congenital iris: this kind of low vision patients because the pupil can not adjust the intensity of the light, the lighting can be slightly lower than normal, some children can use normal lighting.
4) central corneal turbidity: this kind of patients with low vision if improve lighting, will make the pupil more to see things, the use of low lighting can make the pupil Kaida more conducive to the light entering the eye, see.
5 (full color blindness): this type of low vision patients need low lighting, in order to avoid discomfort such as strong light.
Key words: lighting design, lighting Engineering Company Wanda lighting project
Contact: mack
Phone: 13332979793
Add: 3rd Floor, Building A, Mingjinhai Second Industrial Zone, Shiyan Street, Baoan, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China