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7 LED renamed listed companies now?

In announcing the renamed for more than a month after Signify, "old" PHILPS lighting in May 15th for the first time publicly Chinese company name keanos fly, and officially opened in May 16th.

In fact, PHILPS lighting the name change in the LED industry is not the first. Prior to this, the existing zhenminglee renamed with Fang Youyou; "Lehman photoelectric renamed" Lehman shares "; beneficial up changes to the" meghdutt digital "; honglitronic renamed" Hongli Newell "; rectangular lighting was renamed" rectangular group "; renamed" Qinshang KingSun shares "etc..

Why LED companies have changed its name? Analysts said that the reason the enterprise was renamed complex, or because of the brand, or for the industry, but was renamed behind it reveals the dilemma and the enterprise the current LED enterprises to seek a breakthrough with the intention of strategic transformation.

Of course, in addition to the reasons for the name change, the major companies in the development of the same name of concern. In this connection, you online for a simple sort to readers.

He shares the same side based on the "Neo" name "with Fang Youyou"

In February 2015, the stock exchange of Jiangmen lighting giant neon Chinese announced that the company name changed to "with Fang Youyou Holdings Limited, the stock referred to as corresponding by" neon "changed to" Fang Youyou ", the name English remained unchanged.

On the name of reason, Kerry said earlier that the name is mainly based on the white tongfang. In addition, the change of company name, will reflect the core backbone industry status zhenminglee shares the same side, so as to update the industrial enterprise image, is conducive to the development of related businesses, while maintaining the stability and development of English name unchanged to the overseas market. Tongfang Neoneon borrowed from the LED platform, in the further expansion of industrial LED lighting and energy saving business at the same time, but also conducive to the integration of resources LED layout.

With the friends of the friends of current lighting products production is mainly located in the Republic of Heshan, through a wholly-owned Affiliated Companies Heshan Tongfang Lighting Technology Co. Ltd. ("Heshan") production. According to the 2017 results, with 2017 annual Yohyo lighting division (R & D lighting products manufacturing, distribution and provide solutions) 641 million yuan, 640 million yuan compared to the year 2016 little change. The lighting segment recorded a gross profit of 172 million yuan, 189 million yuan compared to 2016 even decreased by 8.9%, the company explained that due to the increase in the cost of goods sold.

Note: during the period of 2014* from April 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 for the nine months.

It is worth mentioning that, in June 29, 2017, Heshan and Heshan City Industrial Park Management Committee ("Heshan industrial city management committee") signed the investment framework agreement, the relevant content through the planning and construction of the city with the science and Technology (a business by Heshan Tongfang science and Technology Park) development and expansion of Heshan electronic information industrial city industry and L ED lighting industry. In March 1, 2018, the Heshan government has approved the construction of the city with the science and technology planning and development of the quasi investment framework agreement.

"Lehman photoelectric" renamed "Lehman shares", the implementation of LED and double main sports

In August 30, 2015, Lehman photoelectric announcement, the company securities referred to Chinese changed since August 31, 2015 for "Lehman shares", English changed the securities referred to as "LEDMAN", the company's securities code unchanged. The company said, given the company's current implementation of LED and double sports industry development strategy, the original securities referred to as "Lehman photoelectric" has not fully and accurately reflect the business content and characteristics of the company, the securities referred to the change in order to facilitate the company's brand promotion and diversified development, more conducive to reshape the company's image, the company did not To the development of.

In recent years, Lehman's shares continued to consolidate LED business, at the same time the parallel development of sports business. The sports business covers in a, B, the Portuguese player brokerage operations, event resources and other segments, and shares of world famous sports marketing, sports media production and Broadcasting Company infront sports industry group, to promote the company's internationalization; at the same time with the company's actual controller of Shenzhen holding all the thunder Manchester, Australia Football Club Newcastle jets Football Club fans service platform "Twelfth" APP sports investment layout coordination, construction of multi-level, three-dimensional football industry chain.

According to the results, the sports industry accounted for in 2016, 2017 revenue in the proportion of 12.12% and 3.46% respectively. Compared to 2016, Lehman's shares in 2017 sports revenues declined, the main reason is that the company not to renew the contract of the super league.

Seastar renamed "meghdutt digital", open digital industrial transformation

In December 6, 2015, the company announced Chinese seastar, the full name of "Shenzhen sea star Polytron Technologies Inc" changed to "Shenzhen city wheat digital Limited by Share Ltd"; the company securities referred to by "seastar" changed to "meghdutt digital".

It is reported that since the establishment of 98 years; 07 on the SME board, then the type of business the first login small board company; in 2011, to enter the field of LED lighting; in 2014, while the changes in the Internet environment, decided to transition into the Internet industry. The first step in 2015 shares Xunyou digital; after July, in the 3 Internet digital marketing company, and its profit: Shun xuan.

The company's business mainly include intelligent marketing and intelligent hardware two business segments. In the wisdom of marketing sector, existing many digital marketing company. Digital marketing is an important part of the company's current income and profits, the 2017 annual digital marketing sector accounted for 60.65% of revenue, net profit accounted for 121.37%. Intelligent hardware sector covers LED lighting and intelligent hardware manufacturing business, the year 2017 to achieve rapid growth, revenue exceeded 346 million, an increase of 37.44%, of which LED lighting products accounted for 21.86% of revenue.

On the industry trend based judgment meghdutt digital representation will be intelligent, data, technology is the driving force of future new business, the company smart marketing + intelligent hardware wheeled strategy will always use it as the core, the construction of core competence.

Rectangular lighting was renamed "rectangular group", open the diversified development

In February 29, 2016, the company announced that in order to rectangular lighting in long-term strategic development, the company's name was changed from "Shenzhen Chinese Changfang semiconductor lighting Limited by Share Ltd" to "Shenzhen city square group Limited by Share Ltd", the securities referred to by the rectangular lighting "changed to" group ".

In addition to promoting the development of the field of LED, a group of nearly two years gradually to the education industry development, to find a new growth point for the performance of the company. In June 2016, a group intends to own funds invested 100 million yuan to set up a wholly owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Qianhai long Education Management Limited (hereinafter referred to as "long education"), promote the extensive development of the group. 2017 annual report disclosure, a wholly owned subsidiary of rectangular education period operating income was 676464.81 yuan net profit -4479077.15 yuan.

In July 13, 2016, the establishment of a Zhuhai Hengqin rectangular Yide education industry investment fund mergers and acquisitions (limited partnership) industrial investment fund mergers and acquisitions, the company shareholding ratio was 40%, not to participate in the education industry investment fund mergers and acquisitions activities. In 2017 the company passed the education industry investment fund mergers and acquisitions investment projects 12 million yuan, and in July 2017 to recover the investment principal of 12 million yuan and 2 million 48 thousand yuan investment income.

Honglitronic renamed Hongli Newell, to create "LED+ car networking" double main industry

In June 8, 2016, honglitronic announcement said, intends to change the company name and the securities referred to, "honglitronic" was renamed "Hongli newell". Honglitronic then said, this is in order to better reflect the layout of the double main industry, has been actively layout of the car networking industry, lay the foundation for the build "LED+ car networking" double main industry.

To create a "LED+ car networking" double main industry, Newell has shares of Pasadena Hongli technology, invested Hong innovative energy joint venture, cooperation and professional investment institutions set up to invest in car networking industry investment fund. In addition, in June 2017, the company successfully completed the matters issued shares to buy 100% stake in the network speed, the company holds 100% stake in the network speed and easy, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, its main business provides Internet marketing business and automotive Internet service for customers.

At present, Hongli Newell focused on LED packaging business, LED automotive lighting business, Internet services and other main business owners. In 2017, the company LED packaging business revenue of 3 billion 113 million 693 thousand and 500 yuan, accounting for 84.17% of total revenue, an increase of 53.92%, operating profit of 212 million 983 thousand and 300 yuan, accounting for the company's operating profit of 67.23%, an increase of 20.01%; to achieve operating income 262 million 968 thousand and 700 yuan LED business car lighting, the total operating income of 7.11%, to achieve Operating profit of 49 million 561 thousand and 500 yuan, accounting for the company's operating profit of 15.64%, down 14.19%; car networking - Internet service owners healthy development, June 2017 -12 months, the network speed and easy to contribute to the company operating income of 285 million 178 thousand and 400 yuan, accounting for the company's total operating income of 7.71%, with operating profit of 54 million 251 thousand and 400 yuan, accounting for the company's operating profit 17.13%. Easy network speed commitment in 2017 to complete the net profit after deducting non recurring gains and losses of 76 million yuan, the actual completion of 84 million 994 thousand and 300 yuan, exceeding the performance commitments.

Semiconductor lighting industry and education industry double main industry, KingSun renamed Qinshang shares"

In order to meet the development needs of the company in February 2017, KingSun Chinese changed the securities referred to by "KingSun" for "Qinshang shares", referred to as English change by "KINGSUN OPTO" to "KINGSUNSHARE". KingSun shares said, the name given in the completion of a major asset reorganization, the acquisition of Longwen Education Limited 100% stake, the company's main business development strategy, major changes, realize the double main industry layout of semiconductor lighting industry and education industry.

From the beginning of 2016, A shares of listed companies KingSun shares already riveting enough strength to the transformation of "comprehensive education group". At present, a group including the main business of education industry and semiconductor lighting industry. Education industry is a new development of the company through the acquisition of Longwen education in England and the education industry, the year 2017 has grown as the main growth performance of the company. Unexpectedly, KingSun shares announced on May 2017 divestiture to the semiconductor lighting business, the matter is still in the process of steady progress. Semiconductor lighting industry after stripping, companies will be transformed into the education industry to the main business of the A shares of listed companies.

KingSun shares from the 2017 annual report, the reporting period, the company achieved total revenue of more than 1 billion 600 million yuan, up 90.84% over the previous year. KingSun shares that the total operating income over the previous period, the main reason is the increase in the reporting period of Longwen education, British education year caused by revenue into the scope of consolidated financial statements. From the constitution of 2017 revenue, education industry accounted for nearly half of its revenue in the proportion in the transformation of education, the effectiveness of previews.

PHILPS lighting renamed "keanos fly", positioning the company more clearly

International Lighting giant PHILPS lighting "was renamed" Signify "event in the screen lighting ring. "PHILPS lighting hundred-percent" is a "old", has a long history, reputation loud. The brand connotation and value based on the name of the Signify will continue to use the PHILPS brand promotion products.

Signify (Xin Nuofei) in China

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