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Product Maintenance

Change is the main, dealers how to recruit ten tied retailers?

Fast consumer goods dealers between dealers and corporate news in general is a cooperation agreement, the two sides in a sense is a community of interests, and the relationship between the retail terminal and dealers are often free trade relations, Never mind long-term stability as the foundation, will cause the dealer to control the terminal weakness in the competition often passive, it is also in the lighting industry, there has been a problem, but in the era of LED lighting is more obvious. The lighting manufacturers how to turn passive to active? Xiao Bian summed up how to tie the retailer's ten magic weapon - the support of the ten.

Protocol support

Generally speaking, there is an agreement between the dealer and the enterprise, through the cooperation and the restriction of the agreement, we can form an organized and planned strategic alliance. The two batch of business, the retail terminal is often their own array of retail investors, they are what products to sell to sell what products, what products are profit what products to sell the same product, one who is cheap, timely delivery and good service who would buy a house.

The flow channels and forms are the free flow of cross purchase. It provides a basis for disorderly competition, vicious cuanhuo. The main method of solving the problem is by agreement, will each array, the two operators and retailers lacking spirit of cooperation into the network management range of manufacturers, the two batch of manufacturers, retailers feel a sense of belonging, support and control protocol. In the absence of foreign major temptation, they will be in accordance with the agreement to sell the manufacturer's products.

For example: some enterprises in Guangdong Meizhou area, because of some non contributing two batch of down goods everywhere disturbed the normal market order, find one to find them to sign off the agreement by agreement, played a good role in constraining. We call this method as "amnesty law". Another example of a business retail store in Urumqi 100 honor by agreement, greatly enhance the competitiveness of the market, a large number of retail stores to make sales Wang point specifically to buy exclusive products, set up the brand into the market competition barriers.

Conference / information support

By regularly convened within the area of the two batch of business and retail stores in order, the introduction of new products, promotion policy, cash will inform the meeting, and the two batch of producers and retailers to strengthen communication and liaison, through meetings and information support for their work on the terminal holding. Practice has proved that this is a good and effective method.

Emotional support

"Do business first", customer relationship is the basis of long-term business. A region of the two batch of manufacturers, retailers can purchase from different ways, although many enterprises require closed sales, this is the only one party is willing to manufacturers, retail terminal in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, long-term and stable purchase to a dealer, in addition to the policy and price factors, but also requires dealers to be with the two batch manufacturer retailer relationship in hospitality. Only by improving the quality of service, strengthen communication and cooperation, through the maintenance and enhance the feelings of the types of activities, in order to truly tie the two batch and retail.

Price support

Product prices and sales profits are closely related, it directly affects the enthusiasm of the two batch, the retail price of the enterprise, but the control is very strict, arbitrary price changes will bring serious negative influence to the market. The correct price support method should be: not the manufacturer's normal price at all levels under normal circumstances will change, but in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the terminal, improve the enthusiasm of the two group of terminals and the award should be given when necessary to return the dark.

The award as an incentive, reward to do or achieve a certain sales of advanced standards, and not only let him get happy, but also set an example for others; the dark back as a price support for support or support customer value, given a certain profit support, make him feel is only, is satisfactory. This method is suitable to help the formation of the core customer base, help to strengthen customer relationships, and help to enhance the competitiveness of the market, help to improve sales.

Personnel support

Manufacturers of the two installment, the most direct support for retail personnel support. Such as in order to enhance the advantages of terminal confrontation, the formation of a single team of enterprises, the promoters of the two batch of business, retailers, people support. Run by a single member of the terminal area development, terminal maintenance, door-to-door visits to help dealers, the two batch of orders.

For example: unity, Kang Fu Shi pioneered the use of large quantities in the country (more than 50 thousand national staff member) run single, support for wholesalers, sea tactics for terminal direct combat, won success, unity, Kangshifu tea drinks, juice drinks after a short period of three or four years of cultivation, over Coca-Cola and Wahaha such the top of the beverage giant, ranked as the first brand of China.

Promotion support

Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing, in the increasingly fierce competition today, the promotion of goods increasingly important. But many dealers, two operators to cut their own immediate interests and promotional items manufacturer buckle promotional costs, the promotion policy of the manufacturers can not reach the terminal, the terminal can not form commodity sales climax through promotions, retailers and wholesalers or even make the terminal conflicts and opinions.

Promotional activities for the terminal can not only enhance the sales of goods, but also to strengthen the wholesale and terminal cooperation, customer sentiment, silence

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