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How to achieve the realization of the LED light source of Holland horticultural incremental and production?

Holland is the current world horticultural industry in most developed countries, and because of the geographical location and climate, the light has become the most important environmental factors limiting the development of this industry, it also attaches great importance to the artificial light. In order to understand the Holland in the artificial light, especially the application of research results of LED light source, the guest had engaged in Horticulture related research in Holland for many years Dr. Li Tao share the current progress. I hope this article can give domestic research and development of LED light source to control crop growth.

Holland is one of the most developed countries in the world, with 10500 hectares of intelligent glass greenhouse, with an annual output of up to 5 billion 900 million euros. About 40% of them are used in the production of fruit and vegetable crops, such as tomato, sweet pepper and cucumber; the remaining about 60% of the greenhouse is mainly used for fresh cut flowers (represented by rose and chrysanthemum) and potted flower production. Although the total area of Holland glass greenhouse has been stable for many years, the large-scale development of greenhouse is very fast, so that it can be used for intelligent management. At present, some enterprises have more than 20 hectares of greenhouse area.

In addition, the yield of horticultural facilities in Holland area are way ahead units in other countries, for example, tomatoes can reach 70 per year (30 kg M2 China kg m2); cucumber 90 kg m2 per year; in the artificial lighting conditions can be cut rose to 250 per year was m2. Despite the high efficiency of the Holland facility horticulture industry, high input and high energy consumption have been a problem for the industry. Therefore, to further improve production and improve production is the long-term goal of the development of Facilities Horticulture industry.

Added 1% light = increased 0.5-1% yield

Holland is located at latitude 52o, coupled with the impact of the Atlantic, a lot of rainy weather, therefore, the light is the main environmental factors restricting the development of horticultural facilities in Holland.

Over the years, Holland horticultural scientists conducted a lot of research summed up a law, namely in the greenhouse every 1% increase of light means to increase the yield of 0.5-1%, based on this, the artificial light is widely used in horticultural production. At present, there are more than 3000 hectares of greenhouse equipped with artificial lighting system, has played a pivotal role to promote production. At first, the artificial light system is mainly applied to fresh cut flowers and potted flowers and crop seedling production. In recent years, the application of fruit and vegetable crops has been increasing. In addition to the artificial light can improve crop yield, but also ensure the annual production, so as to meet the needs of the market and improve the application efficiency of greenhouse. Holland winter natural light is too weak to meet the needs of crop growth, generally speaking, the Holland tomato planting in mid December, the following year in March began to harvest, production continued until mid November. However, due to the low light intensity and short winter sunshine, natural light in December cumulative lower than in June about 10 times, so the artificial light is mainly used in winter crop production, to guarantee annual supply of horticultural products.

High pressure sodium lamp light source

Holland horticulture artificial light at high pressure sodium lamp light. The high pressure sodium lamp has the appropriate spectral composition and high energy conversion efficiency. At present, the energy conversion efficiency of the high pressure sodium lamp can be achieved by 1.9 mol m2S1 of photosynthetic effective light energy input per watt. High pressure sodium lamp has been widely used in fruit and vegetable and flower production in (Figure 1). Nevertheless, the biggest challenge faced by the artificial light is still the problem of high cost efficiency and lower energy utilization. In order to solve this problem, scholars carried out a series of research work, such as the optimization of the artificial light photoperiod and light intensity for different crop varieties and explore different light, artificial light improvement measures. Holland scholars have proposed a moving light source lighting concept, although the mobile source can save the investment cost to a great extent, but its application is still controversial, because there is no evidence to suggest that horticultural crop yield can yield the same reach fixed light conditions in the mobile light source lighting conditions.

Fig. 1 Application of high pressure sodium lamp in greenhouse tomato production

LED offers many possibilities for the development of artificial light sources

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, a new type of artificial light source is constantly emerging, and its spectral components can be optimized gradually. The advent of semiconductor LED light source is considered to be a revolutionary progress in horticultural production. The LED light source has the characteristics of monochromatic light, energy saving, good controllability and long service life, and can be used to form the spectrum of the plant after the combination of LED. Therefore, LED light source is considered to be the most ideal artificial light source in plant production.

In recent years, Holland scholars for the LED application in the field of horticulture facilities to carry out a lot of research work, made a series of research results, such as the systematic exploration of the response mechanism of plant photosynthesis to light, and the light of photomorphogenesis and the effects of the application of LED in promoting horticulture production has important significance.

1, the production of high quality flower crops may provide. The horticultural crop appearance and internal quality of its market value plays an important role, especially for high value-added floral crops, its market value is determined by its shape, and the external morphological characteristics of plant spectral environment plays a decisive role, such as the cultivation of high-quality potted flowers, can reduce plant growth by improving the red / far red ratio, so as to get some type of plant to improve its market value. For cut flower

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