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Ji'nan LED street light penetration rate is the main reason for low capital policy

Ji'nan daily news in recent years, as the green lighting LED industry has been more and more international and domestic recognition. In this context, many companies to join the LED industry. Compared with the domestic, especially the southern LED brand expansion, the pace of development of the LED industry in Ji'nan has been slow, the vast majority of urban road lighting is still using high power consumption, environmentally friendly high pressure sodium lamp. Industry experts said that the industry access threshold is high, the lack of financial support for the policy, are the bottleneck of the Ji'nan LED industry needs to break through.

"High pressure sodium" Ji'nan Wuyingshan road LED lighting engineering

Ji'nan LED Street penetration rate is very low

March 2010, Licheng District, 2.9 kilometers of open source road section of the road, all replaced by high-pressure sodium lamp LED super bright low carbon environmental protection street lamp. The road became the first section of the city of Ji'nan LED lighting demonstration road. 2013, Ji'nan near West Road, nearly 13 kilometers of the road more than a thousand lamps replaced by high-pressure sodium lamp LED lamp. This is one of the few sections of the LED lighting in Ji'nan. Reporters learned from the construction side of the street, only 13 km of LED street lights, can save 7 million kwh of electricity in 5 years.

LED lamp relative to the traditional energy-saving lamps or high-pressure sodium lamp advantage? Relevant research institutions public data show that LED lamp light quality, no radiation, reliable and durable, very low maintenance costs. The use of time is relatively long, in general, LED lamp can be used for more than 50000 hours, it is more than half of the traditional energy-saving lamps. In addition, the most prominent advantage of LED lamp is still on the environment, for example, each 48 watt LED street lamp to replace the traditional 150 Watt high-pressure sodium lamp can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1.8 tons per year.

Nevertheless, today, in addition to the District of Ji'nan Kaiyuan Road 2.9 km road, Ji'nan West Road, the second ring road and other sections of the road a few kilometers, the road has not been widely popular street LED. One of the relevant practitioners to reporters calculations, the current city is the use of the mainstream type -- the case of high pressure sodium lamp estimates its maintenance costs, every street lamp maintenance costs 300 yuan, the city's total of 160 thousand lights, 5 years down maintenance costs about about 10000000. In the two obvious advantages of relatively weak conditions, despite the relatively low cost of LED maintenance and environmental protection, but did not rely on their own advantages among the mainstream market in Ji'nan.

With the current LED lights in the popularity of the Ji'nan market, the number of domestic LED companies and the ability to innovate is lagging behind. A person in charge of the unit responsible for the energy industry in Ji'nan has issued a sigh: in Ji'nan to promote LED lights, the majority of the brand can come from the south. Local enterprises can not do large orders, small orders do not do. "Talking about the reasons, the practitioners quite helpless:" involved in departmental interests, the official threshold is high, private enterprises can not go. "

Compared with the developed countries in Europe and the United States LED industry, the domestic LED lighting products started relatively difficult. Statistics show that in our country, such as the popularity of energy-saving lamps LED is still very low, the current annual sales of incandescent lamps is still about 2 billion, the proportion of small and medium cities in the use of incandescent bulbs in general more than 30%.

LED obvious environmental advantages

Lighting industry has always been valued in Europe and the United states. LED is known as the fourth generation lighting source or green light source, the world's developed countries around the development of LED launched a fierce technical competition. The United States since 2000 to invest $50 billion to implement the national semiconductor lighting program, the European Union in July 2000 announced the launch of a similar rainbow project". Australia in 2010 to stop the use of ordinary incandescent lamps, replaced by LED lighting lamps, becoming the world's first ban on the use of traditional incandescent countries.

China's Ministry of science and technology under the support of the "863" plan, in 2003, June first proposed the development of semiconductor lighting program. Over the years, LED lighting with its energy saving, environmental protection advantages, has been the national and all levels of government attention, all over the country have introduced policies and measures to accelerate the development of LED lamps. China launched the implementation of green lighting project from 1996, 2008 to carry out financial subsidies efficient lighting products promotion, 2009 issued the "opinions" of the development of semiconductor lighting industry, 2011 issued a "China phasing out incandescent roadmap", to promote the lighting industry structure optimization and sustainable development. According to estimates, if all of our incandescent bulbs replaced with energy-saving lamps, saving 48 billion kwh per year, equivalent to nearly 48 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

In China, OPPLE, FSL, NVC has become the "Star" brand ear. Today, LED has been widely promoted in Wuxi, Nanchang, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Fuzhou and other cities, the province of Weifang, Qingdao and other places have also joined the Ten City million demonstration city list.

2013, the Shandong Provincial People's Government on the implementation of the National Development [2012] document No. 19 to further accelerate the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry, the implementation of the views of the introduction of the document. Subsequently, the Shandong Provincial People's Government on accelerating the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry, the implementation of the views of the introduction. An unnamed industry sources said that at present, although there are provincial documents to support, but Ji'nan has not yet issued a guidance document.

Companies look forward to funding policy support

How to develop LED industry? Many companies said they hope to get more support from government policy. A lighting business in Ji'nan said: "in addition to meetings organized annually the municipal department in charge of energy conservation, Ji'nan is currently no specific document issued to the relevant government departments can as early as possible

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