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LED industry competition for core technology will be the opportunity of Foshan

LED rise of the charm of Foshan famous old aluminum companies also can not resist.

Recently, there are rumors that Guangdong Xingfa aluminum listed in Hongkong is currently preparing for the LED project. That source evaluation, raw materials of LED lamps mainly from aluminum, which makes Xingfa aluminum have inherent advantages to expand lock for LED lighting great prospects.

Behind Xingfa cross industry into Foshan, is on the LED lighting industry lofty ideals and high aspirations. At the end of May, the construction of new light industrial base was officially launched in Guangdong in the South China Sea Luo Cun, Foshan LED industry roadmap and has been brewing for a long time is coming soon.

But also in LED, Dongguan, and Zhongshan City brothers etc.. 70% of the country's LED package is completed in Guangdong, but did not dare to call a company leading market. Pack up, Foshan LED lighting opportunities?

'outsiders' Challenge

Not only Guangdong Xingfa aluminum, Akinobu Group 'LED' is also heavily attacked.

June 10th, Guangdong Akinobu group formally signed the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Bridge Engineering, tunnel LED lighting is provided. Prior to this, it has been in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Guizhou and other places of street lights, tunnels and other projects have successful experience.

Akinobu group involving metal, shoes, real estate and other industries. 2006, the group quit toys, footwear and other businesses, the transformation of LED lighting. Liang Fengyi, chairman of the view, the transition is quite timely zhao. The financial crisis led to sharp decline in exports of toys, footwear and other industries, but they have been able to produce 240 million chip packaging module, the country's first semiconductor lighting chip equipment projects.

Xingfa aluminum, Zhao letter is regarded as' outsiders', the greater the energy savings in FSL industry. South China Sea lighting industry output value of about 6 billion yuan in 2008, within the jurisdiction of the lighting business and related production companies have a total of about more than and 400, there are about about 10 companies have converted LED.

World Bank East Asia chief energy expert Robert. Taylor has publicly said, 'we believe that the development of the energy industry in China is of great potential, China has a lot of energy investment market, 50 billion -800 billion, and in this regard, the investment can be profitable. '

Faced with such a huge market, FSL industry has no reason to refuse. At the end of May, FSL announced at the general meeting of shareholders are actively looking for partners, ready to engage in the business of LED packaging. The same period, snow Wright, OSRAM and other lighting giants have said to enter the market, such as LED.

Subsequently, at the Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition in June 9th, more than and 300 Foshan lamps and light source enterprises extravaganza. Foshan Kai Europe and other major international market, the original lighting companies spend even more than 250 thousand yuan to create a LED technology and other intelligent lighting system lighting booth, to display the advantages of lighting and other anti-theft system products.

Univic in

As China lighting industry the most important production base, Foshan aims to become one of the leading LED lighting industry in the future. However, the urgent need 'Teng cage for birds' Dongguan, Zhongshan and other cities, the same will be locked in the LED lighting industry, and even in some ways, has been walking in front of Foshan.

April 'project in Guangdong province LED industry line shall be borne by the Dongguan KingSun' seminar was held in Guangdong Dongguan. At the same time, the local standards of the'LED street lamp in Guangdong has also been jointly drafted by the relevant departments of Dongguan, enterprises and Tsinghua University.

Passion for LED, Dongguan may not be worse than Foshan. The province 'Trinidad one hundred thousand'LED program has started from Dongguan, the city has completed a total of 68 km of 4100 LED street lamp demonstration project construction.

June 16th 'Zhongshan city' semiconductor industry technology alliance established. Data show that the number of enterprises and the overall size of the city of Zhongshan has been ranked second in the province, LED industry chain has basically formed LED.

PRD so obsessed with LED, support from policy. According to the current price of more than 5000 yuan per LED street lamp estimates, behind the 100 thousand LED street lamp is the sales market of $600 million, plus chips, stents and other related industries, you can pull the output value of 2 billion 500 million yuan. If the country's 200 million ordinary street lamps are replaced by LED street lights, LED street industry will exceed trillion output value.

Brother city speed rise, making Foshan to step up the pace. At the end of May, covers an area of 1000 acres, 1 billion yuan of investment in Southern China (International) electric light source lighting city foundation in Nanhai Luo village, the construction of new light industrial base in Guangdong officially launched.

At the same time, the South China Sea area is building a semiconductor lighting demonstration road project, the first phase of two demonstration municipal roads selected for financial high tech Zone Butchart road and Huacui Road, is currently bidding, is expected by the end of June to start.

To absorb the complete production chain

'Foshan has two listed companies are doing the lighting, LED light source, from the production chain, Foshan has been very perfect, the key is to enhance the core technology. 'Wu Yulin, general manager of Foshan' s Western Europe lighting.

Reportedly, 70% of the country's LED package is completed in Guangdong, but the key technology of upstream exists large gap with Europe and the United states. Even in the country, the ability to develop high-end products in the middle and upper reaches of the enterprise is also basically in the province. 'Foshan enterprises to break through, it is necessary to gain advantage and brand position in the application of advanced technology. '

It is understood that the current LED lamp in the country is still in the trial order

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