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LED lamp without expensive seats into the supermarket Tucao point"

"Recently I want to get married, are decorated houses, designers a kick to offer the living room and a bedroom with LED lights, is energy-saving and good-looking. What is the difference between the LED lamp and the ordinary energy-saving lamps?" Is the decoration of the small Jiang is very much puzzled. But Jiang doubts and small contrast, IKEA recently announced it will begin from September 1, 2015, LED lamps sell only IKEA stores in the world.

While the consumer is "unintelligible", the business side is the "LED market both pace appears to be a deviation. Reporter yesterday (23) day visited the survey found that, for many ordinary citizens, LED lamp or "new stuff", it is difficult to see it daily shopping in the supermarket, and the seller has nine out of ten large stores in the store selling. In the popular performance after the "price" is still a Kaner consumers hesitate.

The supermarket is difficult to find LED lamps

The reporter asked the industry after the discovery, the LED lamp can be described as "big", the so-called LED is the abbreviation of "light emitting diode" English, this year, with the blue LED invention of three Japanese scientists won the Nobel prize in physics. The three scientists of the last century the early 90s through the semiconductor high brightness blue beams are derived. "They invented a revolutionary," the Nobel Committee said in a statement, "the incandescent lamp lit in twentieth Century, twenty-first Century will be lit by the LED lamp." But from the current domestic consumers reflect the view, "on twenty-first Century" judgment has not been confirmed.

"The shelves are energy-efficient, pick." In a supermarket near the garden in the shopping guide staff a, 5W, 15W, 23W and other power lighting box visible Goods are available in all varieties., "energy saving", but when he heard that "there is no LED bulb" when asked, shopping guide staff replied: "never heard, generally at home is that we use these."

Zhongguancun is located in the larger Carrefour supermarket, the reporter struggled in the folds of the shelf to find the LED bulb figure, but a total of ten aircraft in the double layer, LED lighting brand and number one. "Ordinary energy-saving bulb" into the shelves fully deserve the "mainstream" and the sale of the brand has five or six kinds, shelves occupy more.

Metal replacement

The reporter visited a number of supermarkets, found that LED light bulb or trail, or only a corner. But in the Shili River is located in the lighting market, LED lighting is has become the flagship store. When a reporter said that "like the three lights to the bedroom and the living room, the more than 10 owners have made a similar recommendation" energy-saving effect are the level of the wall."

When a reporter asked further "this is the ordinary energy-saving lamps and LED lamps", a shopkeeper directly said: "my family now only sell LED, now the price ladder, ordinary energy-saving lamps too lose." Another owner said: "ordinary energy-saving lamps that several LED regardless of the ceiling or chandelier, there are dozens of models, there is always a love you."

See reporters do not understand LED lights and ordinary energy-saving lamp difference, a shopkeeper directly brought a remove lamp LED lamps, "a lot of people like you, don't know what it is about LED, I removed a talk to the customer." The reporter saw in the "naked light", which is not an ordinary lamp, and the usual visible lamp, but the metal strips of various shapes, with a dot above than fingernail rectangular strip is still small.

LED lighting sales shopkeeper admitted that customers come to buy is the most fashionable young people, specially the ordinary energy-saving lamps in the home "replacement" less. Why consumers desire to buy? "The price is too expensive" has become a "Tucao point" - the reporter found, 3W LED bulb price from thirty yuan to sixty or seventy yuan, while the ordinary small power energy-saving light bulbs and some price less than ten yuan, for more than ten square meters of living room, bedroom ceiling lamps, LED basic models for three and five hundred yuan. About 30W ordinary energy-saving lamps are about one hundred or two hundred yuan.

A year of electricity can repair the lamp post

In the high price under the conditions of the purchase of LED lights whether "live"?

"Different ordinary energy-saving lamps, incandescent lamp and LED lamp is the largest in light emitting principle. Incandescent lamp by tungsten heat light, when in use, only 5% of the electricity used for lighting, the remaining 95% by the heat consumption, ordinary energy-saving lamps can make 80% of the electrical energy into light energy. The LED lamp through a light emitting diode, can be directly converted into electricity to light, lower power consumption. The energy consumption in the theory of LED is only 1/10 of incandescent lamp, is the ordinary energy-saving lamps 1/4 to 1/3." South Beijing rechi core microelectronics technology company technical support manager Liu Lei told reporters.

The LED lamp as an example of 3W (calculated in accordance with the market price of 30 yuan), the control of 12W ordinary energy-saving lamp brightness equivalent (15 yuan), if the lights 8 hours a day, the use of LED lamps will save 0.072 kwh a year, saving 26.28 degrees, according to the unit price of 0.48 yuan / kWh, saving electricity 12.6 yuan, more than a year can be the initial purchase price up "". At the same time, LED lamps than ordinary energy-saving lamps "served" longer - most mainstream PHILPS ordinary energy-saving lamps marked the slogan "life is 3 years". LED lamp life of qualified products are generally in more than 10 years or even 20 years, this calculation, 10 LED lights can be sustained

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