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Must know! 8 key strategies of LED enterprise patent

First, the domestic LED industry patent situation

1 China's LED industry has gradually entered a mature stage of development, the number of patent applications slowed growth in 2013 may become the peak number of patent applications, as follows. At the same time, the number of patents is no longer the main focus on the quality of patents and patent system construction, and the huge patent base for the creation of a high level of patent operations.

2 patent applications and China's LED industry in the region should be concentrated, the future of the industrial structure will not change significantly. It is understood that the largest number of patent applications in Guangdong LED industry, accounting for 26% of the country, Taiwan and Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang province accounted for about 9%, as follows:

3 patent key enterprises and domestic industry closely increasingly, the careful to take measures against patent and market positioning, domestic enterprises and international enterprises is still great difference between key patents, at the same time, international enterprises change to the domestic enterprise patent licensing attitude. In addition, the number of industry technology roadmap and key enterprise diversification increased, certain factors, as well as some of the key patents expiring, key enterprises tend to patent licensing or cooperation, domestic enterprises should choose to increase.

4 enterprise patent strategy may change, domestic enterprises still have a larger patent risk. Why do you say that, mainly in four aspects:

A. enterprise scale growth, improve the stability of business needs, a greater willingness and ability to purchase or accept the patent license; B. domestic enterprises and international enterprises gradually formed directly in the high-end market competition, against the risk of patent C. increase; domestic intellectual property policies and regulations and gradually improve the legal system, improve the efficiency, cost and improve the efficiency of litigation D.; leading industry through mergers and acquisitions to achieve patent breakthrough, most companies expect to obtain patent protection through patent licensing, tends to intense competition based on.

2015 domestic patent related events increased significantly closer to the level of enterprise competitive operations. For example: in 2015, the white LED patent owner TOYOTA synthesis and Jufei, REFOND, ashineon etc. the licensing agreement; in February 2015, the United States ITC voted to the United States Feit, Xiamen Feit, Taiwan Unity Microelectronics (East Bay, East Bay American Marketing Company) 337 investigation of four enterprises in May 2015; Corelle patent litigation enika silicone patent is declared invalid and events.

5 domestic LED patent ability to upgrade rapidly, but there are still significant weaknesses. Mainly reflected in 5 aspects:

This growth rate is higher than the global patent applications, but the original invention patent, the patent number of peripheral;

It is the core technology in the field of patent, but there are still many gaps in technology;

It mainly concentrated in patent research institutes, industry conversion rate is not high;

Most of the enterprises. There is no domestic patent strategy, patent operation consciousness and lack of means;

This lack of patent application system layout, do not form a valid patent network, international patent application and the proportion of international market disproportionate;

It can not form a domestic patent network layout, no foreign patent protection status will also be in the development of semiconductor lighting industry for a period of weakness.

Two, enterprise patent strategy

1 different stages of development of enterprises need different patent strategy and strategy, patent operation is the advanced stage of enterprise patent strategy, is the key to create a unique core competitiveness. The primary stage of the enterprise is the stage of patent accumulation, the intermediate stage is mainly to give patent protection, and the advanced stage is the main stage of patent operation. As shown in the following figure:

2 domestic LED patent on the competitiveness of enterprises to build support. The domestic LED enterprises are in the initial stage of patent development, of course, there are a number of LED companies have started to enter the middle stage, become the backbone of the development of LED enterprises in China, a few leading enterprises began to take some strategic measures in the advanced stage, the construction industry has led force operating system patent. Therefore, there is still a considerable gap between domestic LED enterprises and international industry leading enterprises.

3 domestic LED enterprises must rely on patent operations in order to truly form the core competitiveness. LED enterprise status and different goals, determines the different enterprise patent strategy; patent strategy in the primary stage and the intermediate stage is passive, defensive strategy, it is difficult to form industry innovation leadership; advanced stage to domestic LED must enter the patent operation has the initiative in the global LED industry competition.

With the patent rights as the main content of the intellectual property rights operation ability, market operation of patent resources is the core competitiveness of enterprises; an enterprise sustainable competitive advantage comes from its core technology as the main body or the foundation of knowledge assets, and is no longer the "comparative advantage"; to protect intellectual property rights according to law the market exclusive right to constitute the "core competitiveness".

The key strategy of enterprise patent: perfect system. Including: patent planning, patent early warning, patent sources, patent structure and compound talents. For example, millet through wisdom Valley to build their own ecosystem patent barriers. As shown in the following figure:

Strategy two: International distribution. Including: through the improvement of the international patent layout to cope with global competition, to protect the benefits of the enterprise; by targeting the major international markets and the patent environment in good areas, especially in Europe and the United States and other regions of the patent layout. The following is the 2014 years of China to the European Patent Office

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