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OSRAM to sell the new shares will be born according to Buddha?

Recently, OSRAM Holdings Limited company to sell FSL shares held, and Shanghai Audio News intends to two acquisition of the German brush OSRAM lighting business explosion WeChat circle, has become a major focus of the industry. The so-called "listen to the silent thunder, to see this colorless flowers, multinationals, and lighting every act and every move the chiefs and the release of the industry what signal? Now, let us listen to the views of industry experts.

China's LED industry will play a greater energy in the international market

Dou Linping, Secretary General of China Illuminating Engineering Society

Enter the LED lighting, had a dramatic impact on the entire lighting market: excessive number of enterprises, price chaos, competition is fierce, in the past, brand, technology research and development and market dominant international companies have to adapt to the domestic LED lighting market competition situation, and many have the high price, superior quality products enterprises to enter the international market and increasingly occupy the market dominance. At this time to get out of the way, and be wise.

In Europe and the United States have a number of lighting plants, although their overall size is not doing much, but very dedicated, deep channel network, in the past it is difficult to break the barriers of domestic enterprises. In the era of LED lighting, due to their LED changes too fast due to operational difficulties, in the competition gradually losing, this has brought more development in the international arena has the opportunity and space for the domestic LED enterprises. It is understood that some of the outstanding domestic enterprises LED lighting products cost-effective, low price, but the quality is not bad. In terms of LED, after all, we studied 10 years ahead of time.

At present, the domestic LED lighting basic research is not enough. Due to the relevant performance indicators are not uniform, the difficulty of selection of electrical designers, LED products are more used in replacement, but it is difficult to build new buildings. Many companies under pressure to survive, unable to focus on product development and innovation, can only passively imitate. I hope the industry colleagues to work together to change this dilemma, so that China's LED industry in the international market to play a greater energy.

Who has the opportunity, who have the risk

China Illuminating Engineering semiconductor lighting technology and application Specialized Committee Tang Guoqing

These two days, OSRAM FSL holdings sold a stake to popular concerns of the industry, this is my opinion:

1 in a new era of LED based lighting, the world's brand pattern is quietly changing, multinational giants dominate the world has become a history. LED is changing the shape and characteristics of lighting products, have unlimited innovation space, consumer demand has become increasingly diversified and personalized, which means that the enterprises in the future will be based on market segments, or even differential market for product development and manufacturing, the market has become complicated, therefore, various amount of business can be found their survival and development space.

2 OSRAM holdings will sell FSL shares, the industry as well as rumors that OSRAM will sell the German general lighting business, which is a normal market behavior. As for hundreds of years of business, OSRAM has gone through numerous industries and market changes will be adjusted according to the waves, business profit status and its industry development needs, to give up the general lighting of the cake, there are other more profits. For example, cars and special lighting are relatively high profit market segments.

3 electronic information industry group in Guangdong, the first to buy the National Star photoelectric shares, and now has become the largest shareholder of FSL, which meets the needs of its layout LED industry. State star do package, Buddha follow the light source and finished lamps, is conducive to the integration of industrial chain.

4 in the LED era, who have the opportunity, who also have risks. Even if you are an international manufacturer, but if you can not keep up with the rhythm. At the same time, in the LED era, the business mentality to relax, integration and integration, is glorious, as long as the win-win situation, we should conduct cooperation, integration, integration is don't feel shame, after all, the business community, can really make money is Wang tao.

5 Chinese LED enterprises should look relaxed, taking advantage of the more, as in the international market.

LED profit freezing point, the transfer of foreign investment shelter, listed companies seek policy support

Shi Weili, deputy director of Polytron Technologies Inc

At present, the LED price war fierce, profits have to freezing point, OSRAM holding about 2600000000 yuan to sell the price of FSL shares, is very realistic, but also a very good deal. OSRAM's own layout is a special lighting market, has long been planning to set up a special lighting manufacturing base in Kunshan and has announced the establishment of. Prior to contact PHILPS's move, there are indications that: international lighting companies have been sold in the Department of low profit transfer, greatly reducing their risk.

From this incident we can see: the last stage of the listed companies to the state capital side, such as Sanan optoelectronics, and FSL now, this shows that in today's economic environment, domestic listed companies need the support of the government policies and support, which is conducive to the survival and development of the company, and the industry itself is not.

These days there is a noteworthy news, a Beijing company that developed an energy-saving lamp, it will be yttrium aluminum garnet, sapphire laser used as a synthetic analysis of raw material for making the diode cultivation, this kind of material

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