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Science: VR, AR, MR, CR in the end how to distinguish?

We all know that Micro LED technology for VR/AR, and VR, AR, MR, CR so many "R", in the end what is the difference?

Concept popularization

Virtual reality VR

Reality (Virtual, referred to as VR, also translated into the spirit of the environment, the magic is true) in recent years, the emergence of high technology, also known as environmental technology or artificial environment. Virtual reality is the use of computer simulation to generate a three-dimensional virtual world, provides the user to simulate visual, auditory and tactile sense, let users like personally on the scene, can in a timely manner, there is no limit to observe things in three dimensions.

Augmented reality AR

Reality (Augmented, referred to as AR), also known as mixed reality. It is the use of computer technology, the application of virtual information to the real world, the real environment and virtual objects in real time superimposed on the same plane or space at the same time.

Mixed reality MR

Reality (Mix, referred to as MR), both augmented reality and augmented virtual, refers to the combination of reality and the virtual world and a new visual environment. In the new visualization environment, physical and digital objects coexist and interact with each other in real time.

The system usually uses three main features: 1 it combines the virtual and the reality; the in the virtual three-dimensional (3D registration); real-time operation of 3.

Image reality CR

As for CR, Magic Leap was once the concept of publicity, said he was Cinematic Reality, image reality, meaning that the virtual scene as realistic as the movie effects. But it turned out that their spokesman also called himself MR.

The difference between VR and AR

In short, VR (virtual reality), to see the scene and the characters are all false, is to put your consciousness into a virtual world. Augmented reality (AR), a part of the scene and characters that are really a part of the fake, is the virtual information into the real world.

The interaction between VR and AR

VR: because VR is a pure virtual scene, so VR equipment is more used for interactive users interact with the virtual scene, more use is: position tracker and data glove (such as 5DT), motion capture system, data helmet and so on.

AR: because the AR is combined with the reality of the scene and virtual scene, so the basic needs in the camera, camera shooting surface based on the combination of virtual surface display and interaction, such as the GOOGLE GLASS (in fact, strictly speaking, IPAD, the mobile phone with camera head only, can be used for AR. Just install the AR software on it).

Technical difference between VR and AR

Similar to the game production, creating a virtual scene for people to experience, the core of which is the graphics technology to play. And we are most exposed to the application in the game, can be said to be an upgraded version of the traditional game entertainment equipment, the main focus on whether the virtual scene has a good experience. They don't care about the real scene. VR devices tend to be immersed, the typical device is oculus rift.

AR uses a lot of computer vision technology. AR emphasizes recovering human visual features, such as automatic recognition and tracking of objects, rather than I manually to point out; and the 3D modeling of autonomous tracking around the real scene, and not as I opened the Maya scene to do a very similar. A typical AR device is an ordinary mobile phone, such as the upgraded version of Google Project Tango.

The distinction between AR and MR

In the above definition, AR is often seen as one of the forms of MR, so in today's industry, many times in order to describe the convenience or other reasons, the AR also as a synonym for MR, using AR instead of MR.

Furthermore, in terms of the concept advocated by the industry, AR and MR and there is no clear dividing line, the future is likely to no longer distinguish between AR and MR. MR is just more Hololens and Magic Leap played a gimmick.

But now the so-called "AR" and "MR equipment", from the application of technology and display effect, is slightly different, so the difference here or about the two types of equipment (with Google Glass on behalf of the AR device with Hololens and Magic Leap MR on behalf of the equipment).

In order to understand, we explain a bit more popular, there are two main differences:

First, whether the relative position of the virtual object moves with the movement of the device. If yes, the AR device, if not, is the MR device.

For example, a Google Glass, it's on your left front projected "weather panel", no matter how you walk in the room, or turning the head, the weather has been in your left front panel, and you (or GoogleGlass) the relative position is the same, where you go then, take it somewhere; and Hololens is how, it will cast a weather panel on the walls of the room, but the difference is that no matter how you walk in the room, or turning the head, the weather is always in the wall panel, it will not move as you move

Second, in the ideal state (no loss of information in the digital light field), whether the virtual objects and real objects can be distinguished.

AR devices to create virtual objects, can be clearly seen as virtual, such as FaceU in the user's face to play virtual items, Google Glass projection with your moving virtual information; and Magic Leap, users

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