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TFT mobile phone panel demand STN manufacturers for thermal TFT orders

With nearly 2 years of mobile phone and mobile phone color photographic sales quickly pulled, strong product competition, was favored by the market and the price decline of the TFT panel, replacing the related application of CSTN panel in the mobile phone market, mobile phone market originally by STN vendors, in the face of the TFT panel for the tourist competition pressure, short-term most manufacturers can not put into the small size TFT panel, so many manufacturers will also cut into the TFT field, focusing on the layout after the pendulum module in the process of similar equipment. According to statistics, last year accounted for the overall mobile phone panel for small and medium size TFT panel in the proportion of 56%, the annual growth of about 30%, at the same time last year, TFT mobile phone panel shipments of approximately 242 million, accounting for 36% of total shipments of mobile phone panel, the annual growth of about 88%. Research institutions Displaysearh pointed out, to the first quarter of this year, TFT in the global mobile phone main panel market share has increased to 42%, approaching CSTN market share in the mobile phone standard, once part of the panel, the TFT global market share is only 8.1%, still lagged behind the market share of about 40% CSTN. This seems to indicate that TFT in the future will also have a greater degree of expansion in the mobile phone panel. At present STN panel and module manufacturers such as Taiwan, Jiuzheng Shenghua, and mining, have quickly put the small size TFT module production, and actively expand the proportion of TFT business, the STN industry in the small size TFT panel prices continue to close under the pressure of competition, TFT has become a section of the module order STN manufacturers a hotly contested spot. The whole station believes that the STN plant for the production of the TFT panel plant after the module, has become the development trend of small size panel market, the two sides will have an increasingly close relationship of cooperation in the future, rather than just a competitive relationship. In addition, Shenghua stage TFT related business (including raw material processing and a panel module) revenue accounted for about 30%, is the highest proportion of TFT revenue STN panel manufacturers in manufacturers. In mobile phone application requirements on the TFT panel TFT panel factory under the massive expansion, continued its 3.5 generation line factory to accelerate the production of small and medium size panel, one of the main reasons also contributed to the small size TFT panel after the module outsourcing production significantly increased the proportion of investment, new opportunities for STN vendors. At present, small and medium size panel manufacturers except more scale and other foreign currency AUO, CMO, CPT, wide bright and color crystal, for this small size panel to change the layout, will be gradually opened a new capacity (industry statistical rough estimate of new total monthly production capacity of about 200K), and estimate the subsequent section of the module capacity are by outsourcing. Industry pointed out that although the Taiwan panel factory itself also has a TFT panel module production line, but due to the order of small and medium size panel mostly belongs to a variety, it is expected there will still be a small size panel factory TFT more after the module orders to the professional module manufacturers, because the factory scale is often module panel factory is small, so in the undertaking the more cost competitive advantage of a variety of orders, which is for the professional module manufacturers and eager to STN panel factory for the piece of the pie, will be the development of a good time. In addition, the development of small and medium-sized manufacturers of STN size TFT module business model, on the one hand STN manufacturers by TFT panel factory set size requirements, TFT module production standardization, and supply of TFT panel factory, these manufacturers include in the new mining and etc.; on the other hand, STN manufacturers can also purchase materials to the TFT panel factory, buy semi-finished glass, and asked to cut by the downstream customer size, to complete the assembly, launched the "customized" products to customers, Taiwan and Jiuzheng are expanding the business and cooperation of both as cmo. Mobile phone manufacturers for customers, which can be said to be the new STN plant TFT business model. It is worth noting that Taiwan's first completely transferred to small and medium size TFT module products (accounting for 100% of revenue) in the new layout, although has reached more than 98% of the high yields level, and more than 10 module production line (CPT is one of its major customers), have been put into TFT panel production business module in the STN panel and module factory situation, the whole industry will also be bound to the fierce competition environment, the future customers will therefore change, it is worth observing.

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