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The capital chain "life and death" reappearance, when the LED industry shuffle lost?

In the background of poor economic environment, the market downturn has become an industry consensus, many LED manufacturers even think that the industry is now developing to the "most difficult" period. In fact, since 2015, LED industry has experienced fierce competition through price war and product homogeneity, and the industry has been drastically shuffling. Now, "shuffle" becomes the key word of the industry. The bankrupt of the product one lighting, uncovered this year domestic LED industry shuffle big curtain. Subsequently, the Chinese optoelectronic, Zhongshan Tongji lighting, delopu photoelectric, Rui Valley Science and technology has announced that because of poor operation led to bankruptcy. According to the announcement and interview of the above companies, the collapse of the capital chain is mostly due to the collapse of the capital chain. Liang Ronghua, the executive director of the product, has publicly responded that the first lighting is the choice of the shop, the company's capital chain has been serious problems, ready to apply for bankruptcy liquidation. Zhongshan Tongji Science and technology lighting because of poor management, less than 600 million less than the suppliers are unable to pay, the salary of the company can not be paid. DELP optoelectronic said that because of the excess capacity and the industry's triangle debt caused the difficulty of the company's capital turnover, it decided to clean up and hold suppliers for claims and liquidation. Rui Valley Science and technology, because of the economic downturn, manufacturing business difficulties, but involved in the collapse of the tide. The transformation failure accelerated the shuffling, although the result is the same, but the cause of capital break is different. Among them, the product one lighting and the Rui Valley Science and technology are because of the transformation failure. At the beginning of 2013, the product one lighting from the factory production turned on the electric business. During the period, the company grew at a rate of 8-10 times a year, from several employees to an e-commerce team of 180, and the monthly sales reached nearly 10 million. Last year, a high-profile lighting announced that the sales of double 11 had exceeded 12 million in the same day. A black horse fleeing in the field of electronic commerce was widely concerned by the industry, and even once called the model of the transformation of e-commerce marketing model. Just for a long time, the resplendence created by this transformation has only lasted for more than two years. "The failure of the product one is a victim of the transformation." Wu Yulin, President of the Foshan Lighting Association, said that the development of the product was too fast and lost to the quality and service. Part of the product comes from its own factory, the other part comes from the supplier, its technology does not pass through, the quality also has some problems, there is no service mechanism under the line, business should have continuity, not only price, but no value. The failure of the transformation is Rui Gu technology. Rui Valley technology starting from modular power supply, the first domestic main customers are HUAWEI and ZTE, but for a variety of reasons, exit the ZTE market. Since 2009, HUAWEI has set up a basic product line, which has made a great squeeze on the living space of its original power suppliers. Second years, Rui Valley Strategic Transformation of the LED industry and solar energy. In 2013, Xiao Zhiwei, the general manager of the Valley Science and technology, said in an interview that the LED market was undulating in the two years, and the company spent a lot of energy in the field of LED driven power supply, but the market performance was not as good as expected. Obviously, at this time, the Rui Valley technology has missed the best period of development. Because in 2010, under the support of the policy, the LED market has developed rapidly in the primary stage, and the profit is relatively rich. It can't be lost, never again. Once the best period of development is missed, the transformation of the later period will fall into a long dilemma and cannot be extricate itself. In recent years, the Rui Valley technology has been left behind by the two power enterprises at the time of the power and the power of the sun. Last year, Xiao Zhiwei also complained to reporters that, compared to the communications industry, the price of LED power is too disorderly and the competition is so fierce that it can't be done at all. There is no doubt that Rui Valley technology has chosen the best time for the transformation of LED, but because of its excessive reliance on HUAWEI, the burden of historical burden, and the lack of a thorough transformation, it finally falls on the road of transformation. In the process of enterprise bankruptcy, the capital chain is like the spell of the break of the capital chain. For a long time, most of the enterprises in LED industry take the development model of tailor price and production capacity. It needs a huge and lasting fund support. Once a node in the capital is slightly blocked, the whole development model will fall apart and the enterprise will be in a dangerous situation. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises, without good capital reserve and management strategy, are more likely to meet the risk of bankruptcy. In East China, one of the largest LED manufacturing enterprises in East China, the zhongzeo optoelectronic because of the strategic financing error to the place of bankruptcy reorganization, fortunately its lantern lamp technology and resources still have value, lelda technology 40 million yuan acquisition and reorganization, never born. With the intensification of the LED industry, enterprises with lack of technical content will be preferred to be eliminated, and some enterprises with capital and technical strength can develop rapidly. In the "spell price, production capacity" which needs a large amount of funds to support the development model, the triangle debt makes the enterprise funds move more and more narrow space, further increase the degree of cash flow is not smooth. The delopus optoelectronics is dead on overcapacity and industry triangle debt. However, the triangle debt has always shrouded the LED small and medium enterprises. In the industrial chain of raw materials suppliers, supporting enterprises, application enterprises, dealers and customers, many enterprises may form the triangle debt on the industrial chain if they take credit in one link. People in the industry believe that the current LED capacity is oversupply, and the market competition is very fierce, some enterprises to pull customers to work, spell period, price, the minimum profit, because the profit is very low, so the turnover of the book funds is not much; another is the period of the spelling money, some of the arrears may be For half a year or more, it may lead to a break in the company's capital chain, which makes the company in a desperate situation. "A lot of enterprise capital chain fracture, in the final analysis or its main business of blind diversification. At the same time, the problem of triangle debt in the industry has exacerbated the risk of breaking the capital chain. " In the view of Lin Jintian, the general manager of the sun, the capital chain is the blood of the enterprise. Asayu photoelectric always keep sober resistance to temptation, in line with the attitude of supplier responsibility, adhere to the principle of health capital flow priority in customer selection, and resolutely give up the customers who do not abide by the contract. Only with innovation, can we develop the LED terminal market in excess of production capacity, and be shrouded with the same quality, homogeneity of the products, the same quality in the channel and the same price as the price. This causes LED products to fight each other and "price war". For this, the merchant complains, the product that sells at home also has, next door next door still has. How does the manufacturer get rid of the vicious competition? How do businesses stand out? How does the industry achieve a healthy development? "Innovation" has become a big weapon. No doubt, "innovation" means "difference", meaning "added value", which means "bigger market space". In order to break the awkward situation of long term low profit and homogeneity, in the market shuffle to seek survival and development, LED lighting enterprises continue to increase innovation, and the LED display enterprises with capital advantage have a positive layout in the differential operation. In the field of LED lighting, enterprises pay more attention to the elements of product positioning and design, and make breakthroughs around appearance, function and concept, and continue to excavate new products such as "OLED" lighting, "health concept lamp", "multi-function" lighting, intelligent system, COB high-power light source and so on. Channel marketing, more to increase the development of e-commerce channels, create a new business model; in the market segment, have increased the high Maori UV LED, car lighting, plant lighting development. However, in the field of LED display, listed companies such as optoelectronic, lead, Abison, Lehman, and so on, have changed their development ideas and began to explore new services and profit models. They will focus on high-end leasing, cultural media, sports, finance and other fields. Through cooperation or extension of mergers and acquisitions, explore the "LED display +" emerging business strategy, and thus become the "pioneer" in the LED display mode innovation. In the tide of industry development, small and medium-sized enterprises either have technical advantages, or have market advantages, or have customer relationship advantages, or have price advantages. In a word, do not blindly follow the big enterprises, to clear their own position, strengthen the ability to innovate, and work hard on the quality of products. In the face of large stride transformation and upgrading of large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises must endure loneliness, resist the temptation, clear their own positioning, try to avoid "big and complete", adhere to "small and beautiful", the product line should not be spread too long, find the suitable market for their own subdivision, to focus on the dissimilation line, to prevent blindness Mu Kuozhang, transformation, and the harm of decision-making errors.

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