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Industry news

The new path of Guangdong LED industry development

LED industry is one of the three major breakthrough in the current Guangdong Province, the development of strategic emerging industries, science and technology sector is also facing the main battlefield of economic construction, promote the combination of science and industry, the main direction to enhance the capability of independent innovation and industrial competitiveness. Since last year, especially after Guangdong's LED street lamp application site in Guangzhou will be held, the provincial science and technology department in conjunction with the LED LED lighting technology and application products joint meeting of members of the unit and the city, independent innovation as the main line, the LED street lamp demonstration project as a breakthrough in business model innovation and method innovation, comprehensive increase of LED lighting technology and products to promote the use of force, to expand the terminal market demand pull, LED industry has continuously made new breakthrough, a new step.

Leading national demonstration scale

Power Guangdong LED industry output value

In 2010, Guangdong province's total application of LED Street 200 thousand, demonstration road length of 2000 km, over the completion of "Trinidad one hundred thousand" LED street lamp demonstration project construction tasks. Strong demand in the terminal market pull, LED industry in the province's total industrial output value of 85 billion 300 million yuan, compared to the same period last year doubled, nearly 3000 companies, employing 550 thousand people, promote the employment of 2 million 200 thousand people, and continues to output ranked first in the country, become a hot spot for investment in strategic emerging industries. Huizhou CREE, BYD lighting and a number of heavyweight projects over 1 billion yuan in Taiwan Zhou Lei LED come in a throng, chip giant project total investment of 6 billion yuan, that Guangdong LED industry will usher in a new round of blowout.

Unique business model

LED street lamp demonstration project cost of ice break

In promoting the implementation of "Trinidad one hundred thousand" project in Guangdong province were selected for the buyer's credit, the seller of credit, "enterprise + Bank + user" and other business model pilot. Although achieved some success, but still can not effectively solve the bottleneck of LED street demonstration project financing. To this end, the Guangdong science and technology departments to carry out a comparative analysis, to find one of the short board. First of all, LED lighting production of small-scale enterprises, its own funds to pay the huge investment in the project, and to bank loans because the asset liability ratio is too high and does not comply with the lending conditions, so the seller credit is difficult to operate; secondly, the domestic energy management contract (EMC), smaller, even to get the project contract, the bank believes that the project the risk is too big and reluctant to lend, even the traditional EMC "EMC+ bank" model third, the local government also The climate does not suit one.; because of limited financial resources, departmental interests tangled and other reasons, to provide security for the LED demonstration project financing or buyer credit can not be implemented. Through the analysis of the defects on the business model, the science and Technology Department designed the new business model of energy management contract and supply chain management + financial ", choose the strength of the company's supply chain management company formed a strategic partnership with EMC. On the one hand, supply chain management companies rely on their own financial resources, and through demonstration projects to invest in the bank's large low interest loans. At the same time, the supply chain management company can effectively control the product quality and engineering risk through the vertical integration of production, sales, engineering and service processes. On the other hand, EMC company supply chain management company to get credit for the backing, to open up the market, to undertake more projects, and further enhance the supply chain management company and the lamp manufacturing enterprise bargaining power, this virtuous circle to form a closed chain of capital flows, the project operation cost can be greatly reduced. In order to balance the interests of all parties, the province also designed 25%: 75% of the funding solutions. That is, provincial and municipal finance by the total cost of LED street lamp 25% invested in financial funds (including the provincial finance to give a free subsidy of 10%), the remaining 75% by the supply chain management company responsible for financing investment. The program will further reduce the financing risk of the project, greatly enhance the operability of the new model, the real EMC model in the LED demonstration project to show their skills, to achieve tangible results. This mode once launched immediately by the Foshan, Zhongshan,, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Huizhou, Jiangmen City, welcome to have with the provincial science and Technology Department contract to build a green lighting demonstration city, 2 year plan to use commercial mode to install 400 thousand LED street lamp new.

Creating benchmarking system for the evaluation of products

Build screening LED product quality scale

Aiming at LED product quality detection means to keep up with technological development, lack of technical standards, product quality is uneven, disorderly industry problem of market competition, the provincial science and technology department in the first nationwide promotion evaluation benchmark system application of LED products. Through the selection and the product quality is closely related to the index, from the developed countries in the field of LED testing standards and methods, formulate a unified testing method, for large scale application and widely acclaimed products of regular testing, represent the level of product innovation industry benchmark index. Under the condition of uniform testing, the product quality is evaluated and classified by comparing with the benchmark index. In June 23, 2010, this innovative approach has been issued a wide range of concerns caused by the industry. In order to ensure the fairness of the benchmark system, the provincial science and Technology Department organized experts on the benchmarking system management standards were revised, and by the Guangdong semiconductor lighting industry association to act as the implementation of the benchmark system. At present, based on the benchmark system issued a total of 2 batches of Guangdong province "green lighting demonstration city recommended directory" products, the province recommend 50 to replace the 3 ordinary high-pressure sodium lamp LED lamp products, become the evaluation of the quality of LED products and display

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