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Three echelon array Guangdong LED industry has one of the two points

Light emitting diode (LED) epitaxial wafer and core production line.

One of the strategic emerging industries in Guangdong

Guangdong LED industry has been in the leading position, LED packaging production accounts for about 70% of the country, accounting for about 50% of the world; some technical areas with the world; in 2009 the province's LED lighting and related industry output value reached 31 billion yuan, nearly half of the country occupied the domestic total output value of LED.

In Guangdong Province, has just released the "" several opinions on accelerating the transformation of economic development mode, semiconductor lighting (LED) industry and high-end new electronic information industry, new energy automotive industry has become a recent focus on Guangdong, concentrating on the three strategic emerging industries. This is a new impetus for the development of Guangdong LED industry. Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen and other places, will also LED industry development as a pillar industry, issued a number of policies to support and encourage businesses with strength in the upper reaches of the wafer, chip field breakthrough, which led to the Guangdong LED industry high-end breakthrough.

In general, the LED industry in Guangdong is in the stage of vigorous development, and initially formed a relatively complete industrial ecological chain. However, industry experts also pointed out that the Guangdong LED industry has repeated investment problems. Local governments in promoting the development of LED industry at the same time, we should strengthen scientific decision-making, identify the local industry chain in the development of LED industry should be located in the development of appropriate development strategies to avoid low-level redundant construction.

A bet on LED industrial policy pushing force

LED application market prospects are very broad, the total market size is expected to reach trillions of dollars in the future. From a global perspective, in the promotion of energy-saving emission reduction consensus, governments are in the way of subsidies, and vigorously promote the use of LED, making the LED demand was blowout growth. According to the Guangdong Provincial Department of science and technology is expected in 2015, only LED lighting industry in Guangdong province market size will exceed 80 billion.

For Guangdong province in the LED industry has been fairly basic, to seize this opportunity for the rapid development of the market, the development of the LED industry, and from low-end to high-end packaging chips, epitaxial wafer breakthrough, can be described as the right time.

Guangdong province has just released "on accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development a number of opinions" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions") proposed recently, the province will focus on three strategic emerging industries: one is the high-end new electronic information industry; two is the new energy automotive industry; three is a semi conductor lighting (LED) industry, including key the breakthrough of high power semiconductor lighting chip manufacturing, packaging technology etc.. "Opinions", "12th Five-Year" period, the provincial financial arrangements will be 2 billion yuan a year, a total of $10 billion, focusing on fiscal policy to support the guidance of the development of strategic emerging industries. Feng Shengping, deputy director of the provincial investigation and research center of Guangdong Province, pointed out that in the development of LED lighting industry, Guangdong's policy push hand is playing an important force.

On the one hand, when the international giants in full swing when the patent network, Guangdong to speed up the revision of the relevant standards of LED lighting. July 1, 2009, Guangdong, the first to publish and implement the country's first L E street lamp local industry standards, "Guangdong L E D street lamp local standards". Since the implementation of the "LED street lamp in Guangdong local standards" has helped some enterprises gradually occupy the commanding heights of the industry.

On the other hand, Guangdong is also vigorously promote political research closely combined to increase scientific and technological efforts to fight in the high-end field breakthrough. Guangdong province has been included in the LED science and technology research program, through government financial support to drive enterprises to invest billions of research and development funds, made a number of independent intellectual property rights of the core technology achievements. In addition, Guangdong has also organized the implementation of the Trinidad one hundred thousand high-power LED street lamp demonstration project to promote industrialization, greatly stimulating the market demand.

Guangdong LED formation of three echelon cluster effect

Guangdong LED industry development, has formed a situation.

Up to now, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, LED industry has been listed as pillar industries. Among them, Shenzhen introduced the "Shenzhen LED industry development planning", according to the plan, in 2015 the Shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry annual output value of more than 130 billion yuan, has become an important demonstration base of technological innovation of China's LED industry and an important global LED products R & D and production base; "Dongguan city to promote the development of LED industry and application demonstration work in the implementation of the programme" put forward, to 2015, the Dongguan city road lamp new or transformed into LED lights, LED lighting industry annual output value reached 15 billion yuan; Foshan will be the "new light industry" as one of the key development industry, according to the plan, by the end of 2012, to achieve 20 billion yuan output value of Foshan LED industry, formed from the chip, package to application of relatively complete industrial chain, cultivating 3 ~ 4 internationally competitive independent brand and the core technology of the leading enterprises.

In addition, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Jiangmen and other places, but also in the development of LED industry. South China Normal University professor Huang Zhaohong said that at present, Guangdong LE D industry is strong in lighting, indoor lighting, large screen display and other applications, and presents from downstream to upstream development potential, "if the three echelon division, Shenzhen, Foshan, Huizhou ranked first echelon, Zhongshan, Guangzhou and other places followed by Huadu District Qingyuan, Jiangmen and other places, for the third echelon. "

Wang Dianfu, President of the Federation of Shenzhen LED industry, pointed out that the LED industry in Guangdong has shown a trend of full flowering, which has formed a relatively complete production

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