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Product Maintenance

Twenty LED dealer faces you caught?

According to my report is the dealer, LED lighting market competition, dealers miserable, LED industry how to change the status quo? Look at the LED market in the end what kind of problems, only the right medicine!

Low quality, poor management, poor business sense

Many dealers turned out to be the wholesale market business, it is the era of heroes, but the heyday of the wholesale market has become the past, but there are many wholesalers can not be timely conversion function, change shopkeeper for the peddler, not the company's management consciousness, only to see the immediate benefits, no brand awareness, do not engage in network construction. Terminal maintenance, lack of scientific inventory management, data management, customer information management, not to mention the strategic plan of regional development.

Cross Cuanhuo, low amount of running, for customers, disturb the market order

Effect, due to manufacturers sales in order to obtain only the amount of year-end rebate, to compete for customers, in order to promote sales of brand-name products, various incentives, for small profits, only the immediate small profit, regardless of the consequences, to Cuanhuo, lucky not tired; there are still, within their area to sell the normal price, make small profits after the price of money for non responsible customers within the region; the regional policy, manufacturers normally spread system, regardless of brand competition situation, for their temporary interests, disrupt the market order, not known to disrupt the market price and the order is equal to indirectly lost their jobs, like destruction of trees and forests regardless of its soil erosion as the reason.

Great changes have taken place in China's commercial form

Previous sales channels are the main market, wholesale markets and retail stores, and now, a large number of large retail chains, supermarkets, supermarkets and other terminals appear. There is a supermarket will lead to tens of thousands of retail stores closed, discount supermarket appeared transformation intensified the wholesale industry, in the coastal economically developed areas, the traditional wholesale market has gradually disappeared, the shop owner also began to get involved in the supermarket business.

Channel network business model complex and confusing

The current market sales channels is very complex, there are sales, operating by the channel network, and network platform, there are both dealers and manufacturers need a large number of network sales for the single run, as long as the dealer can send delivery. In order to strengthen the control of the terminal, manufacturers at all costs and no place to. Channel network management model of complex, confusing, so that the role of the channel network decreased significantly.

Low price competition among dealers in the region

Or in order to compete for customers, for sales, or in order to squeeze, eliminate the same species in the region of the opponent, resulting in a low price competition between dealers within the region. The consequences caused by the second cross regional low malignant Cuanhuo, which belongs to a civil war, the result is: the two batch of dealers have no profit, no profit taking, channels blocked, brand decline. This is a short-sighted, greedy small, aggressive low quality in the marketing channel network.

Better be the head of each acts in his own way, after Ma

Individual business, own, break up the whole into parts; the number of goods sold to lord it over a district; calculate how much, regardless of how much profit, business size, or do not think progress; carefree and content, or use unscrupulous divisive tactics, get petty profits.

The dealer does not have the brand operation ability and market control ability

Dealers due to the size, strength, quality, management level, business awareness and other factors, there is no ability to integrate marketing, maximize the advantages, the cost of the combination of the overall strength of the minimum. Even the national brand-name products in hand, but also can not do so that local consumers recognized as a higher share of the product. Although there are some sales in the local products, but also out of stock and disorderly price situation, do not have the ability to control the situation.

Dealers can not set up a correct construction of the two batch of the concept of sustainable development of regional sales

The mentality of the establishment of the two batch of the network is: first, rather than do not let sales to others to share their own market. Second, with manufacturers to seize market control. Not complete the two batch of the market system, in addition to me is a small shrimp teenager, manufacturers only stragglers and disbanded soldiers, for I can control the market, otherwise it will be lacking spirit of cooperation. Third, to prevent the appeasement brings disaster.

Dealer loyalty to the manufacturers declined

The degree of credit deterioration between manufacturers. Only manufacturers can do a good job in the market, manufacturers and businesses (including: channels and stores) with the best guide to consumption, create consumption, the truth we all understand. But now many dealers can not be in accordance with the manufacturer's standard operation, and even money is difficult to recover; and some brand manufacturers and not with the principle of equality and mutual benefit to dealers, manufacturers of the agreement signed by both parties party that can be modified, promises to the people; some large supermarkets and Pu "shop big deceptive, product into the store charges, fees Duitou ridiculously high.

Many foreign advanced channel network operators did not enter the Chinese market circulation

The development of foreign China channel network market relatively slow pace of China market did not enter many advanced foreign network operators on the circulation channels, like entering the WAL-MART, Carrefour and other large retail enterprises is also in recent years, logistics enterprises to enter the Chinese is rare. Our traditional form of circulation from the state

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