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Wake up! Internet + is not everyone can play?

The first marketing network "Internet +" turned out, to BAT commercial giant, down to the nameless venture recruits, all fell into the "Internet plus" frenzy, and showing mass infection, large area propagation characteristics. Many lighting companies have also invested in the transformation of the Internet revolution. However, the government is pushing the "Internet + Internet community" and advocates "Internet plus", the essence of different, they can be successful?

The government wants to re asset + technology, the Internet giant to light assets + services, what the traditional enterprise

The government level "Internet +", more refers to "Internet + industry", that is through the Internet technology to transform the traditional mode of production, the kernel is the digital industry; the other layer of meaning is used to transform the business circulation pattern, stimulating domestic demand, external demand and promote employment. Overall, the government version of the Internet +, emphasizing the heavy assets + technology".

The Internet industry put forward the Internet +, light assets + service has become its most distinctive label. BAT based Internet giant to the concept of excitement, they want to make their own products and services have a higher penetration, and ultimately become more indispensable". In advocating the Internet + pace, the original fighting each other Internet companies have been particularly consistent.

In this process, many traditional enterprises wishful thinking "Internet plus" as a life-saving straw. They regardless of the cost of the Internet tools to marry the rough access to the enterprise, or to build an independent online shopping mall, or burn to build APP, high cost, but only a handful of successful.

"Internet plus" is the golden age of others

What companies are suitable for the Internet +? The author tries to divide the enterprise into three types from the angle of production and circulation.

The first category of enterprises, the production and circulation of the Internet did not participate in the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as a class), its production, management, management, sales still follow the traditional model, the lack of Internet + independent awareness. If the class a enterprise suddenly turned to the Internet +, fell in the remote is the only outcome. In the face of traditional industry collective transformation "Internet plus", a company should not stumble, but not blindly follow the trend. Settle down and think, "do I need it? Fit? "

Second types of enterprises (hereinafter referred to as B class), its production and circulation based entirely on the Internet, led by BAT pure Internet companies is a typical representative. They came into being in the new generation of information technology and innovation, with a pure innate Internet gene. They are excited to reform, to subvert the traditional industries, with almost all the way to lead the kidnapping industry to "B, A, T, + internet".

Deep rooted in traditional industries, is an indisputable fact. Internet companies to enter a new area of cross-border, real difficulty is not small, especially for the traditional industrial chain to subvert the whole system, it can not be achieved overnight.

Third types of enterprises (hereinafter referred to as C), the focus of its production and circulation and the main business is still dependent on the line, while some aspects of the Internet began to contact, such as the use of electronic business platform to sell products.

From the relevance of the Internet and the level of consideration, C companies in the Internet + golden era:

1 enterprises have a certain digital basis, there are electricity supplier sales channels, the initial establishment of invoicing system;

2 although there is a certain foundation, but not solidified, the enterprise can be adjusted flexibly according to the actual situation, improve the huge space;

3 enterprises under the line is relatively fixed and secure, do not have to worry about a short time to do a good job on the line there will be problems;

The development of theory and technology of 4 traditional enterprises towards the Internet quickly, only IaaS, PaaS, CaaS, SaaS four models can be derived from a lot of new technology, C enterprises can use the latest and the most suitable technology.

Traditional business value chain, how to transform into the Internet value chain?

Since the integration of the Internet demand below, C enterprises need to consider how to take action, putting here has something to say.

1 do not think that open up the electricity supplier platform, or a network marketing is equal to the realization of the Internet +, which is a very dangerous understanding. "Internet +" need to do system transformation reborn type, if the enterprise only the electricity supplier as sales channels, online channels and existing channels will inevitably lead to fierce confrontation, caused great friction, it is difficult for the new business through the investment without output growth.

2 points clear at what stage, consider gradually to the Internet + transformation.

The first phase, the realization of the Internet sales, first put the product on the Internet to sell, so that the electricity supplier to drive the reform of the entire circulation of enterprises;

The second stage, the realization of the circulation of the Internet, that is, the use of the Internet to achieve the product from the warehouse to the consumer process;

The third stage, the production structure of the Internet, from what I do what you buy into a consumer centric, you buy what I do";

The fourth stage, the organizational structure of the Internet, the organizational structure, flattening Internet companies to encourage team innovation, break up the whole into parts, the formation of entrepreneurial atmosphere, enhance the enthusiasm of the staff.

3 get help, don't sweat. The traditional enterprise transformation of the Internet, or find a group of technology and operation of his own, or find the third party cooperation. After the electricity supplier

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