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Why? Buddha according to the case did not compensate for someone else executives accountable

According to unbounded news reports, in recent years as the largest investor rights case, FSL case of a false statement as of this month, there are 2182 cases after sentencing, enterprises need compensation for the loss of investors and bear the cost of litigation totaling more than 155 million yuan. Another 567 cases without judgment, acting in the case of Zhejiang Yufeng lawyer Li Jian believes that the company's final payment of the total amount may exceed 180 million yuan. This is equivalent to 67% of FSL's net profit last year.

For FSL, more serious than the loss of money is a corporate credit discount. In the cusp of public opinion, which is known as the Chinese lamp king, cash cow, said the veteran listed companies show sadness, even after the execution of the judgment, the event is still difficult to disperse the shadow. It is worth mentioning that this month, the former controlling shareholder of OSRAM to withdraw, FSL to the Guangdong state owned assets rising, in the background of state-owned enterprise reform, the change to the ailing company to bring imagination.

Enterprise executives can recover from someone

As a "Chinese lamp king", a veteran of listed company FSL crashed in 2012 broke the false statement case, the Commission on the administrative punishment of the company issued a written decision, and FSL has 15 related transactions but fails to disclose information to the company by FSL chairman Zhong Xincai relatives directly or indirectly control, decided to impose 150 thousand in the book of Zhong Xincai yuan fine. Since then, a number of investors began to rights and prosecution, FSL quagmire.

The disclosure of the semi annual report last year, the company achieved revenues of 1 billion 520 million yuan, down by 1.21%, attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of $100 million, down by 46.9%. FSL explained that the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court of the company's compensation is one of the reasons for poor performance in the first half. At present, a total of 155 million yuan compensation for FSL's profit in the third quarter has a significant impact.

With the decision has been issued, the resurgence of the internal waves, some executives decided to bring the price of compensation should be borne by the company or to the executive decision when the recovery? The spearhead of FSL's former chairman Zhong Xincai.

The case of another lawyer, Beijing's lawyer Zang Xiaoli told reporters that in 2013 the Commission of Zhongxin fine of 150 thousand yuan for the responsibility of the administration is false statement violations, which belongs to the administrative penalty, and not on the legal aspects of their behavior recognition.

At the same time, when the Commission has been identified as the main person responsible for the false statement of the case, why investors and litigation lawyers did not call the bell as a joint defendant? Zang Xiaoli revealed the details of the case at the time, based on the listed companies have the capacity to pay, and for the litigants increase a defendant will increase a lot in order to prepare materials, simple procedure, the original investors and lawyers only suit FSL, but this does not mean that in the case of Zhong Xincai not liable.

With further judgment of the case, FSL will continue to increase the price to pay. Zang Xiaoli said that after the first payment of listed companies, there are executives accountable for someone's rights.

What hindered recovery behavior?

After the exposure of the false statement, the person directly responsible for the incident, deputy general manager Zou Jianping, director and deputy general manager, such as the resignation of a succession of. May 2013, Zhong Xincai, director of the resignation of the chairman and other duties, and disappeared from the company's operating information.

What is the concept of compensation 155 million yuan? According to the company's annual report disclosed that in 2014 the annual net profit of 267 million yuan in FSL, in 2013 the annual net profit of $252 million, accounting for about 60% of the annual net profit of the enterprise. The first half of this year, FSL net profit of less than 100 million. FSL suffered a lot of cases, but there is no move to the executive recovery. Why?

Zhong Xincai is the main person responsible for the false statement of FSL, but he is also the founder of FSL. He graduated from university in 1964, he was assigned to work at FSL in 1985, in charge of the enterprise, in the development of securities market in the tide, he prompted FSL to become the first domestic listed companies, known as the "Chinese light king"; in the wave of privatization at the beginning of this century, Zhong Xin and the team of experienced MBO shattered dreams, foreign brands OSRAM entered the FSL to become the actual controller. Until the case exposure, more than 40 years of time, the bell is like FSL's big parents".

This is the name of the company, a manager who declined to be verified. The management staff told reporters that the enterprise is the same before and after the reform of a leader, he has the absolute authority in the enterprise, speech is What I say goes". According to its sources, the reason there are so many transactions that have not been disclosed, on the one hand because of the lack of occupation managers executives internal consciousness, on the other hand, because all members of the board of Zhong Xincai the "parents" of "fear", and on behalf of large shareholders of OSRAM in addition to participate in the meeting of the board of directors, the basic is not involved in the operation and management of the company.

Zhong Xincai in 2013 in March to accept the Southern Metropolis Daily interview also confirms this view. No reason for the announcement of the transactions, Zhongxin said, "is my fault, I did not go to the mandatory notice, if I go to the mandatory announcement, may not appear behind the problem. "For FSL and its son, the company's affiliated transactions, Zhong responded," I think they (

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