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130 million holding Shanghai Blu ray technology group to enter the semiconductor lighting

Rainbow Group's strategic transformation in the new stage. Yesterday, the China's largest, the world's third color CRT enterprises in Shanghai announced that it has achieved through the injection of domestic LED company's Shanghai blue light technology holdings, thereby entering the semiconductor lighting (LED) industry.

LED is the world's most promising industry, has also been planned as one of the group's three core business. Rainbow group deputy general manager Zhang Shaowen on the first financial daily said.

Holding Blu ray to 5 years listed

Zhang Shaowen revealed that the rainbow to inject 130 million yuan blue light technology, accounting for the latter's equity of $51%. Rainbow injection, blue major shareholder of Heilongjiang investment, Harbin Taisho is the Shanghai Pudong branch investment, venture capital and Technology Development Department of Peking University Zhang Jiang.

Blu ray technology is the first production of Blu ray LED epitaxial wafer, chip companies. 2005, the first in the domestic production. This is the core of the field of semiconductor lighting products.

As early as 4 years ago, the Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of information industry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units, has set up a "national semiconductor lighting project coordination leading group launched an emergency", "national semiconductor lighting project". In the "national medium and long term science and technology development plan (2006~2020)" and "11th Five-Year" plan, semiconductor lighting is listed as the key support of the photoelectric industry.

Zhang Shaowen said that the global LED lighting market growth rate of 14% in 2009 will reach $7 billion 200 million, China's LED industry annual growth rate of more than 30% in 2010, the market size will reach 28 billion yuan.

Blu ray technology currently only 5 production lines, annual production capacity of about 1 billion. Sun Ming, general manager of blue light technology, told reporters that the rainbow injection, will add 5 production lines. Zhang Shaowen said that in 2008 to be the 150 million annual production capacity of Blu ray technology, in 2010 increased to 250 million.

The rainbow LED dream there are some obstacles, such as the global LED basic core technology in the hands of Japan Nichia optics, Germany's OSRAM and other companies. In this regard, Liu Wendi, chairman of blue light, told reporters that the company's current strategy is to join hands with the industry's well-known enterprises, forming a strategic alliance.

Transition Crisis

Rainbow Group high-profile access to the LED industry, can not conceal its sense of crisis. Due to the decline in CRT TV prices are declining and the way, the CPT industry growth is experiencing difficulties.

14, 2009, the company's rainbow display devices Co., Ltd. (600707.SH) announced that the first half of this year is expected to loss of $35 million. The domestic peer SEG Samsung is said that the first half of the amount of the loss will reach 165 million yuan.

Zhang Shaowen said that the rainbow group has already developed a new strategic plan, that is, into the display, optoelectronics, resource related three areas. He also said that the growth rate of CPT industry has slowed, but the company will not give up the display industry, the future is more focused on flat panel display.

Over the past year, the rainbow group has been planning the layout of the new flat panel display industry. 2006, it set up a joint venture with Sichuan Changhong century double rainbow display devices Co., Ltd., into the plasma panel manufacturing.

It also seems reluctant to let the tablet another hot LCD business opportunities. Zhang Shaowen said that the Group intends to build industrial park in Shaanxi Qin District Fourth LCD glass substrate production line. The other 3 belong to Corelle, Nippon electric, Henan Ancai hi tech.

Source: First Financial Daily

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