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Analysis of the LED lamp in the blue eye injury?

This year, the LED blue spill eye injury, the statement repeatedly appeared, some people do not dare to use LED lights.

What is Blu ray in LED? Will hurt eyes? LED lamps safe? Reporters interviewed experts. Is blue eye harmful? The degree of blue light damage depends on the total amount of blue light received by the human eye, the same color temperature of LED lamps and energy-saving lamps are almost the same security.

In the days before the meeting of the 2013 Chinese (Shanghai) international semiconductor lighting technology forum, the experts discussed the safety problem of blue light expansion. Professor Mou Tongsheng of Zhejiang University Department of optical engineering, visible light is composed of red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple seven colors of light, which, at 435 - 500 nm wavelength corresponding to light blue and green, the scientific community will usually be 400 - 500 nm wavelength range is called the "blue zone". Zhang Shanduan, deputy director of the Institute of electric light sources, Fudan University, associate professor pointed out: the principle of white light LED is a blue chip LED chip to stimulate the formation of yellow phosphor white light. Blue light hazard refers to the light source of 400 - 500 nm blue band if the brightness is too high, the eyes for a long time to see the light source may cause retinal photochemical damage. The degree of blue light damage depends on the amount of blue light absorbed by the human eye under the light. Currently on the market LED lamps commonly used technology 'blue chip + yellow phosphor', so that the content of LED light blue light is relatively high, but this does not mean that the LED lamp is more eye injury than other lamps. Zhang Shanduan said that in their comparison experiments, the same color temperature of LED lamps and energy-saving lamps are almost the same security.

Analysis of the LED lamp in the blue eye injury?

Color temperature is the most common index of the spectral quality of the light source. Warm light color temperature low, while the "cold" temperature is relatively high. With the increase of color temperature, the proportion of blue radiation increases and the blue light increases. At the same time, brightness also affects the proportion of blue light. In general, the same color temperature fluorescent lamps and LED lights, as long as the latter's brightness is not more than 3 times the former, basically no harm. However, the individual is too bright LED lamps, the proportion of blue light may exceed the safety value. Zhang Shanduan said, with the gradual maturity of the LED process, manufacturers no longer need to blindly improve the color temperature and power of the lamp to achieve high brightness, but also objectively reduce the possibility of excessive blue light.

Shanghai otolaryngology hospital dean Sun Xinghuai said, is not the unique blue LED lights, mobile phone and computer screens are rich in blue, the hospital had never received due to the use of LED lights and eye injury cases. National electric light source quality supervision and Inspection Center (Shanghai) director Yu Anqi believes that the answer to this question is as difficult to answer whether the sun is safe. Generally speaking, the sun is safe, but if you look at the sun, it can cause eye burns.

Alliance national semiconductor lighting project and China lighting society recently organized more than 10 domestic well-known experts, specifically on the "blue eye injury" are discussed. The form entitled "ordinary" white and blue lighting LED. White paper on behalf of the group of experts on behalf of Professor Zhou Taiming, white LED light source in the human eye on the blue light radiation and fluorescent lamps and metal halide lamps and other traditional light sources, will not cause harm to the human eye. "

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