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Application and standard of China's LED industry to accelerate the development of flying wings

In recent years, the LED industry has been widespread concern in the community, especially in June 2003 the establishment of the national semiconductor lighting engineering leading group, so that the LED industry showed a significant acceleration of the development trend. According to Industry Association statistics, in 2004 China's LED output value has exceeded 15 billion yuan. In the days before the meeting of the China optical photonics Optoelectronics Industry Association of the five session of the three Council, the experts carried out in-depth discussion on the application of LED in the industrial development and the standard of application, and to identify the breach, to promote a consensus standard unremittingly.

: the foundation for the rapid development of application

To promote the development of all cannot do without any industrial application market, LED industry is no exception.

LED display can be said that the application of LED industry, the earliest development is relatively mature field. According to the deputy director of China optics and Optoelectronics Industry Association LED display branch, general manager of Beijing four intelligent transportation system integration Co. Ltd. Guan Jizhen introduced in recent years, China's LED display market has continued to grow, has become a new industry annual output value of more than 3 billion yuan, the industry will maintain steady growth.

Mobile application market in recent years, the development is also very rapid. According to Fudan University professor Fang Zhilie introduction, in 2004, the mobile phone LED application has accounted for 58% of the total output value of LED, the application of mobile phones in China reached LED of only 5 billion. Fang Zhilie believes that the development of 3G phones will bring a broader market space for LED. From the development point of view, the mobile phone application is still the main LED application market, but experts remind that this market will gradually tend to saturation.

About application, little of course not currently the most popular LED lighting applications. With the development of LED technology, its application in the field of lighting will face an unprecedented opportunity and challenge. Some experts pointed out that, so far, to enter the field of LED lighting is the so-called special lighting fields, such as automotive lighting, city landscape lighting, that is for the illumination of the illuminated objects is not too high, but the cost is relatively high stress field, is more prominent than other lighting applications LED the source of superior performance. Experts believe that LED to really enter into the home lighting and commercial lighting, will have to overcome two major obstacles: one is to further improve the luminous efficiency of LED; two is to reduce the cost of LED light source or the so-called unit price lumen. In addition, it is necessary to establish some relevant technical standards and carry out a series of technical development.

Standard: the guarantee of healthy development

The construction of standard system has been plagued by problems in the development of LED industry. In April this year, held in Xiamen, the International Semiconductor Lighting Forum and exhibition, the semiconductor lighting technology standards working group officially unveiled, plagued by the development of LED industry standards will be expected to be further resolved.

According to the China optical photonics Optoelectronics Industry Association branch secretary Peng Wanhua introduction, the relevant departments of the LED lighting standard system has organized a number of seminars, currently has three product standards and methods in formulating the standard. With the gradual development and implementation of the LED standard, the next problem is the problem of product calibration. Peng Wanhua proposal, I hope the relevant departments to actively support, and in the national organization to establish 2 ~ 3 ultra high brightness and power LED lighting products testing center, the establishment of a unified standard for testing.

Deputy general manager of Foshan nationstar Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. Yu Binhai believes that the establishment of LED standard system should be able to promote China's semiconductor lighting industry healthy, orderly and coordinated development, from this perspective, should fully listen to the domestic industry in the process of the idea of related standards. Because the work task standard basic standard, method of the semiconductor lighting industry chain and product standards heavy, more than Binhai suggest to distinguish the order of priority "in the process of formulating relevant standards give priority to the establishment of a packaging device and application products.

LED industry development up to now such a standard scale, an important role has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, the construction of the standard system should proceed from reality, step by step, as soon as possible to apply to the actual.

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