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Attractive prospects for urban landscape lighting market in Sichuan, opened a new situation in LED

In the future, landscape lighting will turn out to be a new stage for LED display". Chengdu night landscape lighting before restart because power consumption is too big and forced the closure of Chengdu landscape lighting restart this year, the city's first batch of 78 nodes to replace all the architectural landscape lighting to LED lighting, contour lighting, set lighting, glass lighting etc.. Zhao Suchuan, director of the Chengdu Urban Management Bureau, said at the scene.

At present, the rapid development of the lighting industry, and lighting applications in the field of landscape lighting is also in a period of rapid development, more and more people will focus on the landscape lighting industry.

Landscape lighting in breaking the various obstacles, enticing, not only in the main urban areas, the two or three line of the city also began to become dealers berserk cake". In the future, landscape lighting will turn out to be a new stage for LED display". Chengdu night landscape lighting before restart because power consumption is too big and forced the closure of Chengdu landscape lighting restart this year, the city's first batch of 78 nodes to replace all the architectural landscape lighting to LED lighting, contour lighting, set lighting, glass lighting etc..

The director of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Landscape Department Zhao Suchuan said, the original landscape lighting is forced to shut down, LED new material landscape lighting Chengdu has started energy-saving and environmental protection, and the future of Chengdu's landscape lighting will replace LED lighting. It is reported that, LED landscape lighting industry in Chengdu has been widely supported by the government.

The government supports the urban construction with the aid of the fund, the preferential policy and so on. Chengdu is now the second ring reconstruction project, after the end of the second ring of all street lamps, landscape lighting will be replaced by LED energy-saving lighting.

Not only that, several famous scenic spots in Chengdu city will also be replaced by a LED energy-saving lamps, such as: narrow boxes, Jinli Street and other large power consumption will be replaced as soon as the night scene.

The government and the public to support the rapid development of Chengdu's LED landscape lighting, the next few years, there is hope that the five main city of Chengdu landscape lighting all replaced by LED energy-saving lamps.

Urban landscape lighting by LED lamps to achieve energy saving, environmental protection, beautify the effect of the city, LED companies also rely on the rapid development of urban landscape lighting up. With the city to speed up the process, landscape lighting has become a symbol of a city, dealers and manufacturers are optimistic about the future of the landscape lighting landscape lighting market, believe that a new round of the upcoming era.

Factors that hinder the landscape lighting is what causes the first two years of Chengdu landscape lighting slow development or even stagnation? Star lighting company official said: the temperature above 36 degrees Celsius, the electricity load increased, a large part of the landscape lighting will be closed.

Large scale landscape lighting consumes too much electricity, especially in the summer. Last summer, the lack of power supply in Chengdu, several regions turn off the power, landscape lighting will turn off, not so much the temperature of the landscape lighting has brought about an impact, rather than high energy consumption to the city brought pressure.

Chengdu city lighting management office responsible person told the reporter, in the LED has not popularized, high energy consumption indeed brought great pressure to city landscape lighting, but with the promotion of energy-saving lamp LED, there are other problems.

For example, in quite a number of city nightscape lighting due to characteristics of LED lamps is not particularly understand, many problems appear in the aspects of design, construction and maintenance management, leading to poor lighting effect of the city at night, the public evaluation is not high.

There are places where the abuse of LED lamp phenomenon, make the city landscape beauty is destroyed, cause negative effects, makes some people doubt the city landscape lighting using LED, the influence of LED in the lighting of reputation.

Landscape lighting the prospect of LED from early 90s have been applied, but initially restricted by technical bottlenecks and sales channels, until recent years with breakthrough technology began to develop, become a new source of change in the global lighting industry pattern, and the LED is raised, such as broken bamboo like in the global lighting market quickly spread from.

LED lighting products has outstanding performance, is widely used in landscape lighting market, and quickly led to the rapid growth of the lighting market, and become the largest branch of landscape lighting power LED lighting applications market share.

Sichuan Star lighting stores dealers Chen told reporters: "for LED landscape lighting, we have been on the sidelines, taking Chengdu as an example, a large number of energy-saving lamps to replace LED to distributors and companies see hope, everyone on the market.

The next few years, it will become a large number of manufacturers and dealers' meat and potatoes. ". The promotion of urban landscape lighting visual arts, not only to enhance the image of the city, but also to make people living in the city can feel more beautiful night environment.

Open landscape lighting, lighting visual art, more and more attention by the city managers in China's urban landscape lighting project in full swing, but also greatly promote the development of the LED landscape lighting industry. City tourism preference of landscape lighting in July this year, Chengdu City Management Bureau of Pengzhou LED street lighting procurement project started bidding, this means that in addition to outside the city center, the two or three line of the city of Chengdu also began to implement LED landscape lighting plan.

With the accelerated process of urbanization, visual art has begun to spread, whether it is the bustling city, or two or three line city, landscape lighting are developing rapidly. Landscape lighting is a reflection of scenic beauty and scenic culture. The two or three line of the city's development like a raging fire in the tourism industry, and landscape lighting, not only to enhance the image of the area, but also make life feel more beautiful at night, people in the area around the can at the same time, also bring economic benefits for the development of the City, will be supported by the local government.

Reporters interview Chengdu several surrounding towns, such as Huanglong Valley, Luodai, Pingle Ancient Town and found that these places are brightly lit all night long, night scene is very beautiful, with visitors in a continuous line.

Pingle local residents told reporters that the landscape lighting will be open to the morning, many people came here to watch the night.

There are so many people here that business is good, and our income comes from tourism. Many of the two or three line of the city has great development value of tourism resources, strengthen the construction of the scenic night also become the first city to promote these chips outside, let these beautiful scenery scenic spots during the day at night is still magnificent, full of vitality.

At present, the most can reflect the characteristics of the scenic spots and cultural lighting at night can be said to be non LED light source.

Therefore, landscape lighting in the two or three tier cities are full of opportunities for development. LED landscape lighting era is not just Chengdu, many cities nationwide landscape lighting projects are carried out in full swing.

Local government departments have also set up a relevant expert review committee, the lighting project of the art of the art of the review, to ensure that the lighting project and the organic unity of practicality.

It is understood that, like Chongqing, Yichang, Zhangjiajie city this two or three line with LED street in the newly built highway, national highway, in some of the upcoming tourist bidding project began expressly: meet the requirements of energy saving lighting, LED lighting and best meet this demand.

In the context of the development of tourism in the two or three tier cities to promote economic development, landscape lighting has become an indispensable part of the Tourism Bureau in the project planning. In the local government called for the development of local economy, promote low-carbon, energy saving, environmental protection slogan, LED landscape lighting in the two or three line of the city's development has a lot of space.

LED as a new light source, to become the trend of future development will also become an important chip of the two or three line of the city to enhance the scenic image.

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