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Authoritative expert interpretation: semiconductor lighting technology development in 12th Five-Year special plan

What is the plan to develop the background? What is China's semiconductor "12th Five-Year" overall development objectives and principles? China will in which semiconductor lighting technology and application areas of key layout? What key breakthrough? How to ensure the special planning implement? Therefore, Department of science and technology of high-tech company responsible person interview with reporters, the relevant a reporter asked. Q: what is the development trend of international semiconductor lighting technology and industry?.

In order to accelerate the progress of semiconductor lighting technology and industrial development of semiconductor lighting, support the development of strategic emerging industries, the Ministry of science and technology on the basis of previous research, after full discussion and demonstration, study and formulate the "semiconductor lighting technology development" 12th Five-Year "special plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "special plan") and to solicit opinions.

The day before, the "special plan" published the full text (see the website of the Ministry of science and technology and Chinese technology network). What is the plan to develop the background? What is China's semiconductor "12th Five-Year" overall development objectives and principles? China will in which semiconductor lighting technology and application areas of key layout? What key breakthrough? How to ensure the special planning implement? Therefore, Department of science and technology of high-tech company responsible person interview with reporters, the relevant a reporter asked.

Q: what is the international semiconductor lighting technology and industry development trend?

Answer: in recent years, the rapid development of semiconductor lighting technology, positive higher efficiency, lower cost, more reliable and more diversified fields and wider application direction. Although the semiconductor lighting technology innovation is much faster than expected, but compared with the theoretical effect of light still has a huge space for innovation.

The focus of competition in the semiconductor lighting technology mainly focus on the GaN based LED epitaxial material and chip, high brightness high power LED devices, LED functional lighting products, OLED lighting, semiconductor lighting application and innovation MOCVD (metal organic chemical vapor deposition equipment) and other major equipment development.

In the field of industry, the semiconductor lighting industry explosive growth, increasing the speed of integration. Semiconductor lighting is considered to be the most potential strategic emerging industries in twenty-first Century.

In recent years, governments around the world have arranged special funds, set up a special plan, developed a strict plan for the elimination of incandescent lamps, and vigorously support the national semiconductor lighting technology innovation and industrial development.

Q: the development of China's semiconductor lighting demand and the current level?

Answer: with the pursuit of high quality of lighting, the rapid development of semiconductor lighting applications market pressure, and city urbanization on energy saving and emission reduction is increasing, R & D and industrialization of key technologies is an urgent need to carry out LED lighting products; at the same time, the development of semiconductor lighting industry is also conducive to promoting the transformation and upgrading of the new display, digital home appliances automotive equipment and other pillar industries in national economy.

In addition, the semiconductor lighting industry technology, labor-intensive features, can create more jobs.

In the national plan for science and technology R & D investment continued support and market demand driven by technological innovation ability of China's semiconductor lighting has been increased rapidly, the domestic power white LED light efficiency more than 120lm/W, close to the international advanced level.

Si substrate power type LED device with independent intellectual property core has realized industrialization, light efficiency more than 100lm/W; instructions, display and large size back light industry scale, energy-saving effect of functional lighting has emerged.

22 national standards and industry standards have been developed and published.

Q: what are the gaps between China's semiconductor lighting industry and international standards?

A: China's semiconductor lighting industry with the international advanced level, the gap is mainly reflected in: MOCVD core equipment and raw materials still rely on imports; epitaxial chip lack of core patents; testing methods and equipment support; related patents and technical specification research and layout behind industrial development.

In the critical period of seize the commanding heights of industry, the development of special planning of semiconductor lighting, help to further clarify the key direction of China in the next five years of technological breakthroughs, and concentrate resources to solve the bottleneck of the development of the technology industry, the upstream industry chain technology innovation gradually narrowing the gap with the international level, through the innovation of system integration in the downstream lighting applications to achieve leapfrog development.

Q: what is the general objective and principle of the development of China's semiconductor in 12th Five-Year?

Answer: "the overall goal of semiconductor lighting technology development" 12th Five-Year "special plan" is: to 2015, implementation of key technology breakthrough from the application of basic research, cutting-edge technology, demonstration and application of full innovation chain, key equipment and important raw materials to achieve localization; semiconductor lighting standardized, focusing on development of new products health and environmental protection, to achieve large-scale demonstration application; the establishment of public service platform for research and development, testing and with the international advanced level; build a batch of pilot city and characteristic industry base, foster a number of well-known brands with leading enterprises, the formation of internationally competitive semiconductor lighting strategic emerging industries.

The basic principle of planning implementation is: adhere to the combination of planning and market mechanism; adhere to the combination of system layout and key breakthrough; adhere to the combination of construction and talent cultivation platform; adhere to the domestic and international oriented combination.

Q: in order to achieve the above objectives, which semiconductor lighting technology and applications in China will focus on the layout of which key breakthroughs?

Answer: special plan for the full deployment of the innovation chain of semiconductor lighting, in the forefront of technology, focusing on the layout of large size Si white LED substrate preparation technology, single chip white, UV-LED, OLED and other new lighting technology, high efficiency, high reliability and low cost of the core device of industrialization technology and core equipment the key of supporting domestic raw materials etc.; in the research of application technology, development and function of innovative semiconductor lighting products and systems focus on the layout of the low cost, replacement, semiconductor lighting product development and demonstration of innovative applications in international construction; innovation mechanism system of open, public research and development platform; through demonstration and application to promote the smooth implementation of the "ten city lights" pilot work.

In 2015, the industrialization of white LED device light efficiency reached the international advanced level in the same period (150-200lm/W), silicon semiconductor lighting, innovative applications, intelligent lighting system reaches the leading level in the world; the industry reached 500 billion yuan.

Built 50 "city of ten" pilot demonstration city; the establishment of an international, open national public technology research and development platform.

Q: China's Ten City million pilot work has achieved some success, summed up what experience, what are the problems?

Answer: the implementation of the "ten city lights" pilot work, to promote investment in science and technology continues to increase, significantly accelerate the speed of technological progress, promote the formation of market mechanism and business model, promoting the cultivation of market and energy saving and emission reduction, and enhance the social awareness of LED industry.

According to statistics, the demonstration project of "ten city lights" pilot city has been implemented more than 2000 items, the application of LED lamps is more than 4 million 200 thousand units, annual saving of more than 400 million degrees.

"Ten city lights" pilot work has made remarkable achievements, but the relevant measures and coordination mechanisms need to further improve standards, testing and certification work needs to be further strengthened, EMC business model and its extension environment still needs further improvement.

Q: in 12th Five-Year, China's semiconductor lighting industry in promoting the demonstration of what measures?

Answer: "12th Five-Year" period, in the promotion of semiconductor lighting industrialization demonstration, will continue to strengthen the national level scientific planning and co-ordination, strengthen the support of national science and technology program in technology development and product innovation applications.

At the same time, strengthen the construction of quality assurance system and engineering evaluation, strengthen the service system, and create a good environment for development.

Q: during the 12th Five-Year, how to ensure the implementation of special programs through the mechanism of innovation and policy measures?

Answer: "12th Five-Year" period, to implement the task of planning should be determined, through policy guidance and relevant measures to further increase investment in research and development, cultivating the leading brand enterprises; institutional innovation combined with innovation, the establishment of national public technology platform; integration of standard testing and certification work, from the national level to accelerate the improvement of the standard testing and certification system; strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, support the construction of the international semiconductor lighting alliance; pay attention to the cultivation of innovative talents and teams.

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