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Barco LED carpet help Japanese rock band on tour

The global creative LED display technology pioneer Barco is pleased to announce that the Japanese rock band B Z 'creative LED module MiSTRIP in ACTION's 2008 tour. High brightness light module giant carpet LED screen, play in the band is moving, like flying carpet.

Stufish team worked closely with Barco creative design company, using a total of 1152 MiSTRIP, a rock show peak experience. LED giant screen 20 meters wide, 9 meters high, consisting of the installation of the framework of the lease of the MiSTRIP.

Stufish said that creative LED provides unlimited possibilities for designers. Barclays also said that the carpet is really light and video fusion model. In addition, the screen to add mechanical movement, with an incredible sense of three-dimensional or content 3D, will provide a new experience for the audience.

Source: the age of projection

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