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Behind LED! Japan, India, Ma Da PK

[LED] in recent years, countries around the world are very concerned about energy and environmental issues closely related to human survival, the global low carbon economy has become one of the most popular topics. LED lighting due to its advantages of high reliability, low power consumption, long service life, less pollution, strong seismic ability is recognized as the world's energy saving and environmental protection products, the development prospects of the industry has been good, driven by the huge potential interest, many countries have formulated the policy of industrial development, to promote the rapid growth of LED industry in our country. So these years, governments in order to boost the popularity of LED faster, have introduced what good policy? The following will focus on Japan, India, Malaysia, LED industry policy.


The Japanese government has always been known for its use of flexible industrial policies to intervene in economic development, and it is no exception in the LED industry. As early as 1998, Japan has begun to promote the development of semiconductor lighting technology and industrialization of the twenty-first Century light plan, is one of the world's first LED industrial policy.

Twenty-first Century light plan"

Subsequently, the Japanese government has introduced a series of related policies to encourage and promote LED lighting, thus helping the Japanese market to become the world's first to achieve LED lighting penetration reached 50% of the country. Relevant data show that in 2010 the rapid expansion of the Japanese LED lighting market size reached 86 billion 500 million yen (about $1 billion 100 million), compared with a substantial increase of 2.7 times in 2009.

Major policies related to the promotion of LED adoption in Japan over the years

According to Japanese media reports, was signed to mercury on the global control of the "Minamata Convention" in February 2015, the Japanese Ministry of the environment to the Congress often submitted legislation, including the principle of prohibition of the production will exceed the standard content of mercury in batteries, fluorescent lamps and other products, in Japan on June 12th passed the Senate plenary session. The Convention is expected to be approved in 50 countries after the entry into force in 2016, will also bring new opportunities for LED lighting.

Due to the invention of blue light emitting diode (LED) Professor of the Nagoya University institute won the 2014 Nobel prize in physics has pointed out that the popularity of Japanese LED lighting rate by 2020 will reach 70%, can cut electricity consumption accounts for about 7% of the total power generation (converted into electricity is about 1 day round). But to achieve this goal, we must reduce the cost of LED to about 1/5.


Compared to Japan, India LED industry started late, LED lighting market in India is still in the early stages of growth, but the government has played a role in promoting the release. Relevant data show that in 2012 the India LED lighting market size of about $100 million, but the overall India lighting market is still not high, only about 3-5%. In October 2014, the government of India began to implement energy conservation and emission reduction, and strive to replace the existing 750 million incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.

India's main LED lighting policy

At the beginning of this year, India's prime minister Moodie announced include the promotion package in the government office buildings, street lights and ordinary people to promote family LED energy-saving lamp, and start the LED home and street facelift program "bright road movement".

But the beginning of the India press information bureau also revealed that the energy efficiency of India Electric Power Bureau under the Ministry (BEE) and India semiconductor lighting energy contract management group (EESL) is also working on a business model "roadmap to launch LED lamp of government procurement".

At present, there are 302 government departments involved. On this project, for the domestic lighting market, India has more than 186 cities to join the LED lamp to promote the replacement of household appliances program. And the public lighting, India ready in March 2019, the 100 cities will be replaced by the general household electric lights and street lights LED energy-saving lamps. In addition, the government of India to implement efficient lighting demand management program is designed to replace house use incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp, switch to LED lighting, street lamps and the national plan (SLNP) currently locked with 35 million branch lights, will save 9 billion kilowatts of energy consumption, and has been installed for road lamps, 1 billion 500 million watts of power.

In addition, in order to reduce the LED industry dependence on imports of the situation, the government of India has the two largest semiconductor subsidies of $2 billion 500 million, including in Gujarat, STMicroelectronics and De Core Science & Technologies in Gujarat plant.

Due to the growing supply and demand gap, the need to save electricity, in 2015, the India government announced the subsidies for the purchase of LED bulbs to drive. India, Chandigarh, Delhi, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat Bong, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab have actively taken measures.

I believe in the promotion of the government of India, the future of India LED market space will be more attractive. India Lighting Association (ISLE) chairman, India TRILUX company president and managing director of the ISA valley. Mr. Agger pointed out that India's lighting power consumption accounted for the country's electricity consumption 20%, LED lighting market will reach $470 million in 2015, and the street lamp will make 60%. In addition, according to market analysis firm 6Wresearch report, India LED lighting market is expected to reach $2 billion 200 million in 2021.


In recent years, Malaysia attaches great importance to energy saving and environmental protection industries, hoping to promote energy conservation and environmental protection industry as soon as possible by the country as a whole. Among them, the green lighting has been listed as the focus of the development of industries and promotional content. At present, the application of Malaysia LED lighting products is still in its infancy, LED industry has not formed a scale

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