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Behind the scenes of Taiwan OLED industry

Organic light emitting diode (Organic Light Emitting Diode, OLED) but also has self luminous, without back light, high contrast, lightweight, wide angle, fast response and simple process and other advantages, so it is regarded as the mainstream of the next generation of flat panel display, has recently attracted many domestic companies active in Taiwan the formation of industrial investment, a "OLED boom". And always hold the domestic science and technology academic leading Jiaotong University in recently established the first organic light emitting diode assembly research laboratory ", became the first OLED research unit in Taiwan academic circles. Responsible for the plan is the traffic university department of applied chemistry professor Dr. Chen Jinxin is famous in the industry, he is Kodak's original 35 patents, and Kodak is currently in the OLED industry's most influential companies.

Department of chemistry at Tokai University and graduated in 1964, after serving in the army, Chen Jinxin to the United States, only spent four years he got his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Oklahoma State University, then entered the Ohio State University and the Harvard University postdoctoral research, in 1973 to enter the United States Kodak (Kodak) company. Because of Chen Jinxin's expertise for organic chemical materials, in the Kodak 25 years of service, has invested, organic photoconductive materials, laser power, transporting pigment, pigment, fluorescent light sensitive agent in Kodak research, nearly 70 articles about OLED patent, Chen Jinxin people have up to 25 articles and patents; and then Deng Qingyun from Hongkong and Shi Jianmin Chinese, known as the "three Chinese swordsman", but also because of their outstanding performance, lay a solid position in OLED industry "ancestor" of Kodak.

From "teacher" to "hands-on"

Because of Chen Jinxin's rich experience in OLED five years ago for the first time, domestic R & D investment in OLED ITRI material and Ritek technology, have on Chen Jinxin's long before, to help promote the relevant programs, so Chen Jinxin for the development of the domestic OLED has been very understanding. Two years ago, Jiaotong University President Zhang Junyan in academic circles has not specifically promote the research unit and the development of OLED, so inviting Chen Jinxin to teach, and actively to the "birth OLED research laboratory. At the invitation of Zhang Junyan, Chen Jinxin equipment and equipment with five big box, back grounded work for academic OLED.

Recall that Chen Jinxin had returned, though, research and development of organic materials is an important part of OLED, but still need to combine with evaporation, motor, vacuum components, process, package, testing the technology, because Kodak is a considerable size of the company, in the technical aspects of all personnel support work the environment can be described as "privileged"; and returned to China, the situation is different, everything from scratch, everything must be "hands-on" - whether the technology you are familiar or unfamiliar, the face of this situation, he forced himself to do. Whether it is or is vacuum evaporation technology, he has a thorough study, learn from a little to the overall, if you ask Chen Jinxin the last two years, may be the accumulation of these knowledge and learn from the experience, and the harvest is the original Chen Jinxin returning to the unexpected.

After two years of hard work, "the organic light emitting diode assembly research lab" finally in the days before giving birth, Chen Jinxin said, because OLED is an emerging technology, domestic academic research has been lacking in units of larger investment in research and development, technology and materials for students is also quite strange. Compared with industry, academia is significantly lagging behind many, but fortunately there is a strong support to assist the traffic university and the National Science Council of science and technology, science and technology and Acer Fulin, OLED successfully established laboratory components. Chen Jinxin said, OLED industry a bright future, but currently the most is the lack of talent, so OLED laboratory goal at this stage will be put on cultivating talents actively, and hope to play a leading role, to encourage more schools put together; and the future of the OLED laboratory will also toward the development mode of cooperation with industry and other research units.

Due to long-term research work in Kodak, Chen Jinxin know the importance of "Innovation" and "Invention". In order to strengthen the idea, he will be 24 students in the laboratory is divided into red, blue, green, white, polymer, process, package and flexible eight team, through competition to stimulate students' creativity, and further can apply for more patents for this group of soldiers of the show, Chen Jinxin deeply satisfactory. At present, most of the students in the laboratory are in the field of Applied Chemistry and materials, the future will continue to absorb the photoelectric, physics, or even mechanical and micro electronics personnel involved in the study. Chen Jinxin stressed that students from different fields can interact with different ways of thinking leads to positive interaction and cooperation.

OLED will be the first high-tech industry in Taiwan with the world

Since the start of the OLED boom, the country has more than a dozen companies claimed to be put into the ranks of R & D, including LCD, LED, CD-R, STN, ITO... And other industries, what kind of industry will have a greater chance of cutting? Chen Jinxin said, OLED has the technical threshold quite, plans to invest in companies should assess its core technology, and have a certain understanding of the market and products, not only have money you can try "". For the present, "but not alone the semiconductor industry investment", Chen Jinxin felt a little pity, because the semiconductor and OLED process technology is quite similar, compared with other industries, the semiconductor technology transfer

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