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Chen Yansheng: enterprises should provide high quality LED lighting products for the market

Moderator: companies are optimistic about LED, as the perspective of industry associations, how do you think companies can do to do LED lighting?

Chen Yansheng: in recent years, our domestic enterprises whether or not to do the original traditional lighting companies do not do the original lighting, LED street lights have a boom. But now the effect is not very good, quality is uneven, from the popular trend in the future is more inclined to do indoor lighting, especially some traditional sources of alternative products, such as LED, LED lighting lamp etc. in addition, like its downlight, small power, fast heat dissipation, because indoor than outdoor environment well, the outdoor temperature difference between day and night, rainy and windy environment, in this environment for product quality and stability requirements are relatively high. I personally think that the enterprise can move the indoor lighting development, and I feel with the LED lighting products continues to mature, the continual improvement of the quality, prices continue to decline, the future competition is more intense, in the fierce competition and I hope domestic enterprises do not price, or to ensure quality, is to work hard on product quality, to provide high quality LED lighting products market.

Moderator: LED lighting technology requirements are high? Relative threshold is high?

Chen Yansheng: LED industry chain is long, now we do lighting products is actually in the entire LED industry chain downstream, we are doing the application, in fact most enterprises do not do, do, do epitaxial chip package, now a part of enterprises now do package, more companies are now in fact is a good package LED to make lighting products.

Moderator: do you think the current LED in the industry as a whole what kind of stage of development?

Chen Yansheng: now is the LED instruction, do display, decoration has been very mature, now LED has started to enter the general lighting stage, but it is still in the initial stage, the future will have a long way. As technology continues to mature, it will be more and more wide range of applications, the market share will gradually increase, the future should be such a trend.

Moderator: from LED lighting point of view, compared with the international gap?

Chen Yansheng: I think the domestic and international gap is mainly reflected in the upstream, because the LED industry chain to capital intensive and technology intensive more and more gold, in the application level, package level should be said with foreign gap is not large, the chip and the extension with foreign countries there is a big gap, especially the use of in general lighting high-power white light, the relatively large gap with foreign. So now a lot of domestic lighting companies chip or packaged devices are imported from abroad, the real domestic high-power white LED is currently the first to compare with foreign countries is still relatively large.

Moderator: this year has been a hot topic is "low carbon, energy saving and environmental protection," do you think the application of low-carbon environmental protection in the lighting industry should be how to reflect it?

Chen Yansheng: in fact, with low carbon lighting industry are closely related, mainly through the development of energy efficient products, such as the recent 3 years from the beginning of the 08 year the Ministry of Finance and the national development and Reform Commission on the promotion of efficient lighting in the use of government subsidies in the form of products, the second is to promote the development of high efficient lighting products, in the domestic market share expand, general development trend in the future is to be energy efficient, but also pay attention to protect the environment. For example, the gas discharge lamp to reduce mercury injection volume, the future will take some measures for the waste tube processing, energy saving and environmental protection is the development trend of our lighting industry, in fact itself has low carbon energy saving.

Moderator: from the point of view of the enterprise, to carry out the development of energy-saving low-carbon products, to a certain extent, is also an increase in the cost of enterprises how to coordinate it?

Manager Zhang: LED why not now large-scale popularization have a great relationship with the cost of three male aurora in recent years has been looking for more environmental protection and energy saving products, to achieve low carbon environmental protection at the same time through raw material and technical means and reduce the cost.

Moderator: LED has just talked about why the manager is now due to low penetration rate is high, from the perspective of the association to promote the development of LED lighting it?

Chen Yansheng: we guide the consumer through the company's products, with the development of LED LED, the quality of a product is slowly improving, the cost price will gradually decline, which will form a virtuous cycle, if you cost prices fell even more conducive to the promotion of the promotion, the more the greater the scale of production, the cost will be lower. This is a gradual process of development.

Moderator: this year to next year, the development trend of the industry as a whole, how can you give us a summary or forecast?

Chen Yansheng: after the financial crisis from the first half of this year, the entire industry rebounded faster, basically has recovered to the level before the financial crisis, now most of the enterprises are full load production orders are very full, formed after the financial crisis to rise the peak, I think until the second half of all will gradually return to normal levels next year. In addition I just talked about the LED has now started to enter the general lighting, the future may be in the development of LED product and promotion, especially in the general lighting is a direction of the joint efforts of the lighting business.

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