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China's DVD industry has been completely finished?

Abstract: a famous domestic color TV enterprises a deputy general manager told reporters that the laments, "Chinese DVD industry has been completely finished!"

Twenty-first Century Economic News reported on May 7th that a well-known domestic color TV enterprises, a deputy general manager told reporters so sigh, China DVD industry has been completely finished!"

The 51 golden week consumption, this is a good time to sell, because of American MPEG patent technology management company (referred to as English MPEG LA) and DVD Chinese enterprises on behalf of China - Audio Industry Association and China CCCME - signed "MPEG-2 joint patent license" memorandum of understanding, almost all domestic DVD production some manufacturers are not happy, even lamenting the fate! Because according to a memorandum of understanding every year since then, LA will Chinese of MPEG per DVD charges $2.5 in royalties. So, as of now, China each producing a DVD to pay royalties exceeded $20, each DVD almost no profit!

Faced with this situation, the domestic DVD manufacturers should do?

First of all should be as a warning for the future. Our business is always used to enjoy, there is often no forward-looking vision, focusing on short-term interests. In the scenery, will not think about how the future of the day. Therefore, when the risk, are often "dead", which shows the benefits of transparent management. But now, for many domestic DVD manufacturers have no posterior, first to do is to rethink their journey as a warning for the future, through the. Look at the brilliant mileage DVD is not difficult to find, is entirely on foreign manufacturers when! The method is very simple, that is to let you use it, then you cut a knife, let you touch off guard! The same way in domestic software enterprises is not very successfully, what are the reasons. It is the interference of different government?. In the home appliance industry, the government should pay attention to the beginning of the industry, but also the development of relatively mature, the management of the industry is relatively strict. While the development of the software industry seems to be "a milksop" turn iron into steel! Therefore, free strategy allows the government to facilitate a lot, at least to cultivate the market.

Now, foreign enterprises through joint venture in the domestic production of DVD machine, and then export, in terms of cost and capital to be significantly better than domestic enterprises. But in contrast, the domestic DVD manufacturers in terms of personnel, policy and other aspects of the inherent advantages.

Followed by positive communication with the government. No matter how close the market, or how open, the government's macro management and active intervention in the market is essential, and sometimes more immediate. For the development of the DVD industry for several years, in the face of industrial crisis, the government's intervention is particularly necessary. This requires the majority of manufacturers to actively communicate with the relevant government departments, communication, so that they better understand the situation, the development of relevant measures. At this point, the domestic software companies are doing quite well. Although they do not live up to expectations, but at least made some red paper, did not grasp the opportunity. For DVD vendors, from the current point of view, there are still some advantages.

Finally, it is to explore their own advantages, combined with reality, and strive to industrial innovation. With the loss of cost advantage, the domestic DVD enterprises to continue to implement large-scale export has become unrealistic. According to relevant data, in 2005 1-5 months, domestic enterprises in Shanghai port exports of DVD fell by 78.6%, while the export of foreign-funded enterprises to grow at a rate of 10.7%. In Shanghai port exports of 2 million 787 thousand DVD units, 2 million 563 thousand units in China by foreign-funded enterprises, domestic enterprises accounted for only 193 thousand, 97% for processing trade export, some of the original export large brand has been quietly retreat. Nevertheless, but the domestic DVD market has been relatively mature, slow down the pace of development. Therefore, the domestic DVD manufacturers need to combine the existing environment, the industry will be a certain direction of transformation. For example, the format changes, the use of more mature technology, has been defined as the national standard AVS. Or to carry out industrial alliances, format innovation, in order to form a unified market in china. Once the market is relatively mature, foreign manufacturers in the face of profit must follow the advance, then the initiative will be in the hands of domestic manufacturers.

The development of things will not be smooth sailing, which will encounter such trouble.

The current dilemma of domestic DVD enterprises may be the next successful opportunity, the key is whether we can seize this opportunity, and strive to!

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