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Coca-Cola and Lenovo will usher in the first grade computer made "examination"

As Harry Porter faced in at Hogwarts School, China Lenovo Inc also ushered in the first grade of their exam. However, the problem is not the title of the exam and pharmacy, but by the Winter Olympics to build Lonovo brand, copying the Chinese model in the global channel as well as the smooth layoffs in the world.

If passed the three examination, the world's third largest computer will show that he is a qualified students in the first grade, and allowed to enter the international market of the second grade. In the current case, Lenovo has won the first test at the Winter Olympics in Turin, Lenovo's 5000 computers and engineers are almost perfect - the second and the third exams are just beginning.

In March 20th, Coca-Cola and Lenovo two Olympic sponsors in the Shanghai market TOP announced a strategic partnership; in March 21st, Lenovo released ThinkPadT60 new X60 in Shanghai, and announced that Lenovo will use ThinkPad to enter the market of small and medium enterprises.

In March 22nd, DELL founder and chairman Michael Dale in China, said DELL will further expand the scale of China design center, an increase of 70% (about 200) design, this is the DELL company to further expand the important measure of investment in china. March 22nd foreign reports, DELL announced a large-scale product line price reduction plan, the highest price of 28%.

"We want to be the most competitive, but not in a price war." Chen Shaopeng, general manager of Lenovo Greater China in an exclusive interview with this newspaper pointed out that the Chinese PC market competition at any time in the change, it is difficult to ensure that no price reduction. But for now, we're not going to cut prices on a large scale."

In March 16th, Lenovo announced in the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe cut 1000 mainly belongs to the sales and procurement staff, and the headquarters from New York, North Carolina, Rowley moved to purchas. At the end of February, the Association for the first time in the world to promote its own brand Lenovo computer.

This time behind the hustle and bustle of the Lenovo is gradually clear, after the first grade after very careful in the global market began to become the offensive, and his old rival DELL is a step by step, not the slightest slack.

Fusion: from five-star hotel to Samsung Hotel

In March 10th last year, the Committee on foreign investment (CFIUS) in advance by the Lenovo review of the occasion, Lenovo chairman Yang Yuanqing told the newspaper said: "the conflict of the two companies in our business is very small, so we do not need to immediately" mars hit the earth ", to put it into a solid. We feel that this must be a gradual change and integration."

Time flies, a year, today's "Mars" and "Earth" is the collision?

Layoff is Lenovo must do, this is the new Lenovo a very favorable measures, "Lenovo general manager China Chen Shaopeng told this newspaper that" the purpose of layoffs is to improve the company's operational efficiency, reduce operating costs, is conducive to the company's long-term. In the short term there will be an impact on the reduction of the work and life of these employees, but we will give them employment guidance and reasonable compensation, hoping to get their understanding and support."

In the eyes of many commentators, layoffs are also seen as the inevitable result of deep cultural integration after mergers and acquisitions. "I just want to say that the days of the past are gone forever." An experienced IBM PC department employees of the old process of mergers and acquisitions lament. After the merger began to control spending from the past, ordinary employees can travel to live in five star hotel, now only live samsung. IBM staff said their company as the "capitalist mess", "employment of heaven", its high stability and remarkable benefits, equalitarianism.

"Now" the capitalist mess be broken. "." Lenovo Greater China, a senior executive said to the newspaper.

"Lenovo itself is a wolf, with the new CEO, this wolf wild is greater." The employee said that the new CEO is a few months ago from the cruel DELL vice president positions on the job of William Amelio. This is called "cost control experts" Americans fittingly appear in Lenovo, fittingly launched make snap transformation, and as expected to Lenovo into a testing ground for master of culture shock DELL wolf culture and IBM. It now appears that the result of the impact of the two cultures is that the warmth of the integration period began to fade, earnings to become the most important business objectives, performance has become the most important indicator. Lenovo began to cut costs, with a powerful means to control costs.

"At first we need stability in mergers and acquisitions, but we want to do in the global PC market in second, the first, must take the offensive," Chen Shaopeng said, "we need to have an offensive CEO to lead the team, need to introduce more aggressive corporate culture."

"The Think Pad team this year to work very well," Chen Shaopeng said of his last October took over the team, "early, they may appear to contain a slide after the integration of the wave momentum; in November 2005, December and January in their shipments of terminal customers and sales year-on-year growth has reached a historical a new high."

Channel: let the half learn that half

This channel is a big market for personal computers, Lenovo can get a beautiful report card, the key question is to pass third exams - channels. Lenovo has felt the problem of existing channels, the proportion of Greater China

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