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DOE released the latest SSL seven R & D plan

Recently, the United States Department of energy (DOE) released the March 2009 edition of the seven year plan for the development of solid state lighting in fiscal year 2009 to fiscal year 2015 (Multi-YearProgram Plan FY2009-FY2015).

The plan describes the U.S. Department of energy plans to carry out activities in the 2009 to 2015 years to carry out its SSL mission. At the same time, the review of the major research and development achievements in 2008, announced a new lighting competition, and outlines several large government industry conference hosted by DOE. In addition, the program provides information about the current portfolio and funding opportunities, and updated by the end of March 2009, the Congress for SSL funding. Expected fiscal year 2009 funds of about $25 million.

For scientific development, incorporating new analysis, new improvements, and the latest priority research projects, DOE will continue to update the program for many years.

A major upgrade of technology research and development program including the revision of the component definition of solid-state lighting lamps, to comply with the IES standard; emphasis on the LED and OLED meet product development issues; revised the task structure of LED and OLED, as well as the product development and the core task of the new priority update technology, and cost; list of market barriers.

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