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Dongguan LED core battle LED began to trot Era

July 29th that day, a burst of sunshine in Dongguan. In the sun and rain, with LED national standard Publicizing, a lighting products CCC certification and certification of energy conservation and technology seminar held in Dongguan, more than 300 experts and scholars and enterprises responsible person to come here.

Behind the standard Publicizing and seminar, is currently in Dongguan and even the domestic LED industry stride when can not ignore the dilemma: LED lighting standard confusion, because the market for "non core" focus on the development of core technology and other defects.

LED began to trot Era

Dongguan LED love, have to start from scratch. Since 2008 to now, governments at all levels have introduced a series of policies to promote the rapid progress of the era of Dongguan LED enterprises". April 2009, the Ministry of science and technology announced the application of semiconductor lighting project (referred to as ten city million) pilot cities list, to carry out the pilot work of the city a total of 21 "city of ten" project, Dongguan successful finalists. In the last year, the national development and Reform Commission issued the industry guidance, requiring to 2015, LED industry scale to reach 500 billion yuan, domestic chip market share reached 70%.

Back in December 2008, the Guangdong provincial science and Technology Department, Trinidad one hundred thousand project has been launched, in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Shenzhen and other 7 cities to build a scale of about 100 thousand LED street lamp demonstration project. At the beginning of July this year, Guangdong Province issued "the development plan of Guangdong province LED industry (2010 ~ 2015) draft", proposed to focus on promoting the accelerated development of LED industry, and strive to 2015, the Guangdong LED industrial scale exceeded 300 billion yuan, the production base of the completion of the global LED application package center and the largest products.

In mid July, the Dongguan municipal government to the LED industry as a strategic emerging industries and into Dongguan's five years doubling (doubling the value of the output within five years) plan, vigorously develop and support. July 20th, held in Dongguan semiconductor lighting industry association preparatory meeting, elected the head of the association and the governing body. Since then, the end of the LED enterprises in Dongguan without the history of the LED Industry Association, Dongguan LED industry has given people more, small, chaotic impression or thus began to change.

National, provincial and municipal three "lighting project" has started, not only lit up Dongguan city street, it is more important in the aftermath of the financial crisis in Dongguan, in the light of a fire - strategic emerging industries LED entered "brisk walking times".

Industry standards or floating uncertain

"We now believe that only more than 1W LED light source is a high-power." KingSun relevant responsible person Zhang Wenliang told reporters that last year, LED industry also generally believe that each source of power is more than 0.5W can be regarded as a "great power" of the LED. But this year, the industry has raised the standard of 2 times, each LED1W or more is considered high power. Fan Ningning, deputy general manager of Ford electronics also expressed similar views with Zhang Wenliang.

Corresponding to this, the development of LED is the result of edge flowering. According to the China Semiconductor Alliance Secretary General Wu Ling introduction, in the 60s of last century, 0.11 watts of light efficiency increased by up to one thousand times, reached the current level of 110 watts, the process has been the application of products. As a white light, there is a broad market space.

The constant change of "standard" reflects the progress of LED technology.

Just as the definition of "high power" LED light source is constantly adjusted, the standard of lighting LED is constantly improved from "no to". In 2009, Dongguan KingSun featuring the development of Guangdong Province, the local standard of LED street lamp. Because of the standard reference to the KingSun, by the number of "conflict", this year, the standard for many companies is a "piece of cake".

However, both at home and abroad, the standard of lighting with LED is still very poor, especially in the upper reaches of the epitaxial wafer and chip technology, its inspection and testing standards is a pending question.

Guangdong Institute of product quality supervision and Inspection Institute senior engineer Li Zili said: there is no relevant testing agencies can detect the power of the LED chip, life, etc.."

Dongguan's "core" hero dream

Lighting in the LED industry chain, the problem is not only the product standard is not perfect, more important is the development direction of "non-standard"". Focus on Market Research and ignore the core technology research, is the biggest problem faced by Dongguan LED enterprises. Although Dongguan has been in LED, small size of flat panel display and other emerging strategic industries has formed a certain foundation, but facing the emerging industry proportion is not high, the planning started late, the core technology and high-end talent support is not strong, the lack of the flagship enterprise, the overall competitive advantage has not obvious influence bottleneck.

Not long ago, the Dongguan municipal Party committee secretary Liu Zhigeng said that Dongguan has to do the LED and other emerging industries development plan, especially this year to actively promote the strategic emerging industry "five year doubling plan, the introduction of financial support, project construction, government procurement, marketing, personnel support and other preferential policies, and strive to five years several major industries will, including LED cultivation as the leading industry to lead the city's development, realize the emerging strategic industry total industrial output value doubled than now.

However, to see the government's financial and policy support, many companies seem confused. Many companies only stare at the government investment

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