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During the Spring Festival LED ten hot Reviews

This year's Spring Festival, LED circle moment did not idle, whether domestic or foreign, every day there are heavy news. Before the festival started, especially editing sorted out ten LED industry information, let us quickly review the Spring Festival in this celebration, LED circle have occurred "what"? 1 three optical scale is equivalent to raise 3 billion 300 million yuan to build a "three optical" Sanan optoelectronics recently announced, by way of non-public offering of shares to 8 specific investors to issue 151 million shares, issue price of 21.8 yuan / share, the total funds raised 3 billion 300 million yuan, after deducting the cost of issue 63 million yuan of the total, raise the net funds for 3 billion 237 million yuan. The company to the second largest shareholder of Fujian Sanan Group Co., the number of issued shares for 15 million 137 thousand and 600 shares, Fujian Sanan group share issued by 17% to 16.33% before the issue. The company recommended materials for public offering of stock, to raise funds mainly use: Wuhu photoelectric industry (two) projects a total investment of 4 billion 100 million yuan, to raise funds invested 2 billion 800 million yuan; the remaining 500 million yuan to supplement liquidity. Sanan optoelectronics has 144 sets of MOCVD equipment production and R & D, Xiamen 22, Tianjin 19, Anhui 103; the equity investment of 100 delta postpartum, will reach 244 units; the scale of production is much higher than that of other enterprises of the same industry. 2 iPhone or with anti draw screen: Apple's new equipment can be purchased to produce 200 million sapphire screen Apple has purchased production equipment, can produce 1-2 billion sapphire glass screen, the next generation of iPhone or will be equipped with scratch resistant glass screen. Apple has jointly issued a large order with GT Advanced Technologies, procurement for the manufacture of sapphire display furnace and furnace cavity. GT Advanced has obtained 518 furnaces and furnace chamber systems, so it can produce between 103 million and 116 million inches per year, with a 5 inch screen. In addition, the two companies are still ordering another 420 sets of systems, which will double production capacity. GT Advanced also ordered the Intego Sirius sapphire screen detection tool, which will ensure that the production of the display has a higher quality. These devices will be sent to Apple's partner GT Advance plant in Arizona, which is expected to produce iPhone screen. 3 seamless green intends to 15 million 730 thousand yuan share seamless green mainland LED company announced that the company in January 30th with the seller liwenbin entered into an agreement with the price of 15 million 725 thousand and 300 yuan, to the acquisition of the 16 million 595 thousand Target Corp vast-win new energy of the ordinary shares of Target Corp accounted for approximately 4.8% of the issued share capital. Seamless green will issue new shares to pay the transaction price, the issue price of 1.16 yuan, compared with the previous closing price discount of about $0.85%, the issuance of approximately 13 million 556 thousand and 300 shares, accounting for about 2.51% of the share capital has been expanded. Target group is mainly engaged in R & D, production and sales of LED lighting products in china. 4 Analysis of India lighting market with LED lighting applications mature, emerging markets to accelerate the introduction of LED lighting. India Tan Milner announced in 2013 will replace 200 thousand darbond incandescent lamp for LED lamp, and international lighting giant Philips, Panasonic in 2013 to rush into the India market news shows that India LED lighting market potential, an exclusive interview with the India LEDinside team De Nanosemiconductors CEO Deepak Core Loomba, India lighting market for readers. Talking about the India lighting market, Deepak Loomba pointed out that in 2012 the India LED lighting market size of about $100 million, but in the overall India lighting market share is not high, only about 3-5%, the home lighting market, the new case by LED, originally by CFL users to switch to LED products will low. Deepak Loomba said that the growth of India LED lighting market mainly from government projects, such as the replacement of LED street lamps, orders from the government as a whole LED orders up to 51%. On the other hand, downlight and industrial and other non domestic lighting also accelerate the introduction of LED light source phenomenon. 500 million Ye Yinfu: no longer and the whole packaging factory for LED lighting will trigger another wave of cross-strait industrial integration tide, Taiwan's largest LED packaging factory Everlight chairman Ye Yinfu said recently, has integrated Taigu billion light before, also bought a European Germany's WOFI lamps, the future will not go to the whole and other packaging factory. Ye Yinfu pointed out that as consumers continue to rise in awareness of energy conservation, coupled with the price is getting closer to the traditional lighting, LED lighting has gradually matured. With the growing demand for lighting, Ye Yinfu expected this year, the proportion of revenue will be more than 100 billion light backlight. 6 Taiwan to develop LED lighting efficiency benchmark effective July 1st recently, the Ministry of economy of Taiwan issued a notice to set the ballast built-in light emitting diode (LED) lighting energy efficiency standards ", and effective July 1, 2014. Notice that the benchmark for ballast built-in LED bulb (hereinafter referred to as the LED bulb) shall comply with the standards of the CNS 15630 specification, and announced by the Inspection Bureau of standards for inspection of goods should be applied to range. However, if the rated color rendering index (CRI) is above ninety-five, the standard is not applicable. Notice that the LED lamp luminous efficiency should be numerical benchmark above schedule. LED bulb measured input power calculation to the first digit after the decimal point, second digits after the decimal point is four to five homes; compute the flux to the whole numbers, the first digit after the decimal point is four to five homes; the luminous efficiency calculation to the first digit after the decimal point, second decimal number is four to five in. 7 LED off-season shine shine in January revenue benefited from LED lighting pull cargo beyond expectations, coupled with LED TV backlight

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