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Eight popular joking LED circle thing

[LED] - "quibble" recently announced the 2015 ten pandemic, including "Internet plus", "off the record", "gain a sense of" reflect the current political and economic China ecological hot words, also there is no lack of yen value "willful", cut the hand of the party, "red" and "brain big open hole" and "mainly depends on temperament" and "baby" and other popular network of everyday life.

Both for buzzwords, LED circle, of course, also try. Small series selected among the eight popular words plus inventory, it is not difficult to find that these buzzwords can also reveal the extent of the LED industry over the past year trajectory.

Internet plus 1

Interpretation: "Internet plus" is the Internet and social economy of each factor of production "add", which makes the Internet and traditional industries depth of integration, reconstruction, reconstruction of development of new formats. Symbol + is not only to join, integrate, but also means upgrading, innovation and development. "Internet plus" is a new way of thinking, is a new mode of development, is a new economic form. This statement was originally proposed by Premier Li Keqiang.

LED people so play: internet medical, Internet sports, Internet real estate...... Since the prime minister Internet plus ", all walks of life are trying to pull the relationship between themselves and the internet. LED industry how to fall "Internet plus"? The industry believes that the LED industry after fusion and networking, big data industry depth in production can achieve lean production, automation, increasingly high degree of intelligence, provides the basis for large-scale production, greatly reducing the cost. So if we can really talk about Internet plus fusion, LED industry is really meaningful. If you just play concept, pull O2O, not really is Internet plus?

2 sense of acquisition

The sense of "acquisition" refers to the satisfaction that comes from the acquisition of some interest. On February 27, 2015, general secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the comprehensive deepening of reform and the tenth meeting of the central leading group, to the overall reform of science mission, launched a number to call to ring, stand, accepted by the masses of hard strokes are real, the gold content of the reform program fully displayed, so that the people have more to gain a sense of "". Access to the word quickly popular, and the scope of the use of curing trend, multi use to refer to the people share the fruits of reform and happiness.

LED: so play from the price too high to be reached to fly into the homes of ordinary people, the price of LED lamp is more and more close to the people, more and more families are able to use LED lamps, energy saving and environmental protection, to a certain extent, can be said to enhance the people's sense of "". While the price war intensified, the quality of the door still recall when the industry reshuffle can be heard without end, LED, how firms in providing lamps cheaper and better to the market at the same time let enterprises have a reasonable profit and healthy development, so LED owners can also enhance the "win", is still worthy of consideration.

3 create a guest

Definition: "creation" refers to the creation of "guest" refers to people engaged in certain activities. "Creative" refers to the courage to innovate, and strive to turn their ideas into reality. March 5, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang in the government work report pointed out that the public entrepreneurship, people innovation to create a new engine to promote China's economy, one of the engines. Subsequently, the state has introduced a number of policies and measures to the entrepreneurial innovation to specific support. "Create a customer" and "public entrepreneurship, people's innovation" linked together, especially with innovative ideas, independent entrepreneurs.

LED people so play: in recent years, LED industry consolidation intensifies, a large number of SMEs will be eliminated. In order to survive, at this time does not play a "creative" spirit, but also when? On the other hand, after the collapse of stage a comeback again when I return, "off the record" also had the LED industry There are plenty of people who, for example, veteran Xu Guanhua in 2011 after the bankruptcy re start, in August 2015, Xu Guanhua and his team successfully developed a set of independent research and development of new chip, new light source, a heat conducting substrate in one of the new energy saving lamp materials, and thereafter with the project with branch enterprise group two branch of Songhu prize.

4 color value

Interpretation: "Yan" is the face, face, "value" is the value of the value. The value of "Yan" means that the male and female are handsome or beautiful, which is used to evaluate the appearance of people.

LED people play this way: people want to see Yan value, LED bulbs also depends on Yan value". Which also has energy saving effect and beautiful appearance of the LED bulb, put the "Siphon" in the beginning of last November the website Makuake to raise funds, the target amount of 1 million 500 thousand yen (about 78108.32 yuan), but last year at the end of 11 it has raised approximately 11 million 690 thousand yen (about 608 thousand and 700 yuan). Not only exceeded the standard, but also a record of the history of the public to raise the public in the history of industrial products.

5 baby

Interpretation of the baby out of the network tide language scared the baby". "Baby" means "I", "scared baby" is "scared to death me". When the frightened girls used to sell adorable. Later, the "baby" single, as long as the talk atmosphere of coordination, in almost any context, girls are available "baby" or "baby" to himself, such as "happy dead baby" "killing" the baby baby "Namaste" and "the baby.".

LED people play this way: look at the entire LED industry this year, can be described as mergers and acquisitions, closures, tide surges! The scale of war, price war, war war shocking! The quality of the door, recall door, door to see! Play so big, it is really scared baby"!

6 brain hole wide open

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