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Energy saving light radiation than the phone is not small fuss

Detection and judgment, as long as the standard CB17743-2007 "radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment to the limits and methods of measurement" products, the product quality meets the requirements. Shanghai Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau of the risk detection also proved this point, from the results, Shanghai City Sales major energy-saving lamp products, energy-saving lamp power from 4W to 48W, the basic coverage of the current public household energy-saving lamp power range, is to meet the safety requirements of radiation on the human body.

Recently, there are users themselves in the test of energy-saving lamps found that the energy-saving lamps in the open state will emit electromagnetic radiation.

With the rapid follow-up of public opinion, making energy-saving lamps surrounding electromagnetic radiation amazing news spread rapidly, causing a small social shock, OSRAM and other brands of energy-saving lamps are also caught in the cusp of public opinion. Site articles are from the network.

Then, the electromagnetic radiation of energy-saving lamps have no harm? How much harm? How should the public protection is safe? According to the time of the test showed that nearly ten different brands of energy-saving lamps, alarm will be detected by professional measuring instrument, electromagnetic radiation within the range of 10 centimeters more than 200 V / M, OSRAM energy-saving lamp radiation up to more than 1 thousand and 600 V / M; when the distance measuring instrument of energy-saving lamps 1.

5 meters away, the value dropped to a dozen volts / meter, the test is based on the current state of the electromagnetic radiation protection regulations, the public security lighting electromagnetic radiation value should be less than 40 Volts / m. Copyright Disclaimer: the information provided by this site, if you need more detailed information, please contact our customer service.

Then, the test of it? In March 26th, a reporter from the Shanghai Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, according to energy-saving lamp electromagnetic radiation how much harm? In March 20th, the Shanghai Bureau of the city quickly in all kinds of energy-saving lamps products sold are "human radiation safety" special risk assessment test.

Detection products separately from the large-scale comprehensive supermarkets, large-scale professional lighting market and specialized stores, all 87 samples covering the city's production enterprises and foreign enterprises in production of domestic / international well-known brand products, such as GE, PHILIPS, OSRAM, Panasonic, TESCO, "the" word, OPPLE, sun, NVC, Wright, FSL etc.. Copyright statement: this site articles are from the network, if there is infringement, please contact the station staff, we immediately removed after receiving, thank you!.

After testing, the 87 samples of human radiation levels are within the standard limits of F factor of 0. Special note: this site reproduced all the comments do not represent the views of this site, such as the need for related products, please contact the site, the copyright belongs to the original author.

85 or less, not found excessive situation.

According to the media reports in the GB8702-1988 "electromagnetic radiation protection regulations" in 1988 by the then State Environmental Protection Bureau radiation environmental management office organization, the standard is put forward including 40V/m for electric field intensity environment limit. SEO sunflower collection of invincible pseudo original software is the only way to deal with pseudo.

That the risk evaluation of detection (code name: energy-saving lamp, self ballasted fluorescent lamps) is a kind of lighting equipment, the Shanghai Bureau of the risk assessment analysis is based on the current international evaluation on energy saving lamp radiation on the human body the most scientific criteria for evaluation of "IEC62493:2009" lighting electromagnetic radiation on the human body, the international non ionizing radiation based on the standard Protection Committee (ICNIRP) has confirmed the biological effects and human exposure to radiation limits given radiation acceptable limits and test methods for radiation limits.

The GB8702-1988 standard is not applicable to energy-saving lamp products, the current application range first GB8702-1988 standard is 100kHz-300GHz, and the frequency range of current energy-saving lamps in the range of 30kHz-50kHz, the standard is not applicable.

Secondly, the use of test methods do not meet the IEC standards and the actual use of the situation.

The electric field strength in media reports to measure 200V/m 380V/m, measuring probe close to the energy-saving lamps, testing distance in 0-10cm, with the actual use of energy-saving lamp body and the distance of the situation does not match, do not accord with the international standard IEC62493:2009 "lighting equipment for provisions on distance measurement evaluation of the electromagnetic radiation in the human body".

GB8702-1988 "electromagnetic radiation protection regulations" does not specify the measurement method, and the international standard IEC62493:2009 on the detection of specific test methods and test equipment.

Energy saving lamp electromagnetic radiation has a great harm to raise a Babel of criticism of the problem? They also caused the director Yu Anqi and lighting industry experts in Shanghai lighting society concern, experts believe that this situation has significantly deviated from the original energy-saving lamp radiation.

According to Yu Anqi introduction, lighting electromagnetic radiation on the human body harm protection standard, the international standard for "IEC62493:2009 lighting equipment for the electromagnetic radiation on the human body evaluation", after the use of the energy-saving lamp radiation exceed the standard criteria of media coverage is GB8702-1988 in the "Regulations" electromagnetic radiation protection, now there is a lot of content with the current technology standard is obviously outdated, there are many applicable energy-saving lamp radio effects of radiation on the human body injury judgment.

Yu Anqi believes that on the radio radiation on the human body harm, because the frequency of different harm to the human body is different, so there are "weighted network" of each frequency band, the final evaluation results accord with the actual situation, and we now see is neither the measurement of environmental standard, and the standard of the network must be measured, the applicability of standard are wrong, don't have science.

The experts further explained that the working frequency of energy-saving lamps in general 30kHz ~ 50kHz, when the lights may reach 100kHz, which is 30 thousand Hz ~ 50 thousand hz.

At the start of 100 thousand Hz, but the radio frequency and the radiation intensity is two completely different quantity, high frequency does not indicate that the radiation intensity is high, the mobile phone we are working in the 900MHz ~ 1800MHz, millions of millions of Hertz Hz, using high frequency (30kHz ~ 50kHz) to light fluorescent lamp tube, instead of 50Hz frequency lighting, it is a lot of advantages.

And the use of high-frequency lighting, under the same power can improve the luminous efficiency of 8% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, so the world is now mostly accepted high frequency current drive fluorescent way.

Prior to the remarks made by the experts, Yu Anqi believes that in the energy-saving lamp radiation big aspects of false statement is not a recognized expert in the field of lighting appliances.

Yu Anqi said, is the amount of radiation section of the current wireless mobile phone radiation, the radiation is far greater than the energy-saving lamps, and the mobile phone is in use, so the brain is closer, so don't be much worried about radiation for energy-saving lamps.

In fact, since 2008, energy-saving lamp product quality, all levels of government (national and Shanghai) have increased the supervision of "testing" limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment to the requirements of the standard and the determination, as long as the standard CB17743-2007 "radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment limited and the measurement method of" products, the product quality meets the requirements.

Shanghai Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau of the risk detection also proved this point, from the results, Shanghai City Sales major energy-saving lamp products, energy-saving lamp power from 4W to 48W, the basic coverage of the current public household energy-saving lamp power range, is to meet the safety requirements of radiation on the human body.

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