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Expert analysis of microbial safety of vegetables"

A few days ago the media reported the Panasonic Panasonic brand of vegetable production in Suzhou Matsushita factories, and in Suzhou AEON supermarket AEON supermarket market news.

We can see that in the salad vegetable area, Panasonic's logo is very conspicuous. The sale of lettuce is mainly used as a salad material.

From the packaging point of view, the price of Panasonic vegetables are mainly divided into two kinds: 4 in conjunction with 1 vegetables, 24.8 yuan, with a total of 3 vegetables 18.8 yuan. In addition, the packaging also comes with a small bag of salad sauce kewpie facilitate making Vegetable Salad.

Compared to other lettuce in the market, Panasonic safety vegetables or high-end market.

But you also have expensive truth.

We see the introduction of Panasonic vegetables in the safe vegetable area.

Panasonic safe vegetables

Features: closer to nature, more health, nutrition, delicious, traceable fresh vegetables.

From peat nutrient soil in Europe; pure water irrigation; indoor plant factory, air purification, away from the haze; GAP level certification, good agricultural practices work flow, industrialization mode; no pesticide; no harmful heavy metals; non GMO traceability.

Chinese Society for Microbiology microbial resources Specialized Committee chairman, Beijing Feng Tai Heyu Biotechnology Co. Ltd. manager Zheng Wei to comment on the safety of vegetables from the production environment, national certification and consumer perspective.

Wei Zheng

Since 2008 engaged in technology development and promotion of agricultural production and environmental management work, in the ecological system to maintain and strengthen the quantification and standardization of research and practice experience, experiment, transformation and promotion in a number of national issues, there are a number of agricultural production and environmental field of the invention patent.

1, production environment

Medium (soil): at present, China mainly uses three kinds of soil, water and mixed substrate. "Panasonic safe vegetables" using organic peat. The quality of peat itself was higher than that of cultivated land, and the organic matter was the highest in the NY / T 391, which was lower than 20%, while the normal value of peat was more than. Focus on organic! There are a lot of organic certification of vegetables in our country, but the production materials, especially the soil substitutes have no organic certified products.

Peat as organic medium formation and physical, chemical and biological environment for plant roots exchange is very complex, large-scale production technology is difficult to achieve, but closer to the natural growth of vegetables, better quality. Organic matrix is the most important production environment technology in the world, which needs the support of the basic disciplines of molecular ecology, botany and geophysics. The use of solid peat as a vegetable growth medium, rather than a more general, simple, convenient, low-cost way of liquid, should be a detailed way after a variety of experimental options.

Air and water: for industrialized vegetable production, air filtration and pure water are readily available. Good production environment, vegetable pest free no disease, no need to use pesticides (pesticide costs), naturally no pesticide residues.

Seed: Panasonic safe vegetables, dare to identify non GMO, indicating that the establishment of a close relationship with the seed industry of panasonic. The development of vegetable varieties, seed production, promotion is a strict system, since the opening of China's agricultural market, in the end of the actual operation of the vendor management has been a problem.

2, certification

GAP: China's current implementation of the agricultural norms by the three departments responsible for the implementation of the Ministry of agriculture pollution-free, green and origin of the logo; the Ministry of environmental protection to implement organic; traditional Chinese medicine GAP. GAP is not included in the implementation of the "three a" pollution-free, green, organic and origin identification, and soilless culture is difficult to achieve the "three one". GAP is the current agricultural practices, international trade of agricultural products, such as: follow the unified international Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) to the national food safety standards (recommended by the 2016 central document clearly put forward in 2020 with CAC safety standards), agricultural production clearly using the GAP specification. Panasonic to take the GAP certification strategy is very aware of the current domestic operating procedures, the use of international norms that reflect the security, to avoid the actual operation of the barrier, and there is no conflict.

3, consumers

Nutrient soil: the use of "green soil" and the use of arable land in the purchase of common sense, more similar to the use of soilless culture, there is a higher degree of market acceptance.

Panasonic safe vegetables logo for the production and sale of fresh fruits and vegetables to provide the end product identification should cover the elements. The current implementation of the "three one" and GAP producer is a great pressure, but fully comply with the "supply side reforms, ecological construction and food safety trends. Producers need to invest more in soil, water, air, seeds and plant protection in order to produce "safe vegetables."". "Matsushita safe vegetables" logo will enable the development of plant plants more standardized, more emphasis on vegetables and production processes rather than just facilities.

Fertilizer: "no fertilizer use Panasonic safe vegetable logo, perhaps because the use of fertilizers in GAP have been clearly defined, without special instructions; perhaps to avoid the impact on the consumer use of fertilizers, but GAP is different from organic fertilizer use, GAP allows; perhaps Matsushita using more advanced technology, rather than foreign that caused the attention of competitors. Perhaps these three factors have or have other tests

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