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Product Maintenance

Five magic trick to teach you to win the favor of LED customers

Sales and marketing LED salesman (but not limited to the LED industry) in the process of visiting customers, the most headaches? Most of the salesman's answer will mention a little: I do not know how to quickly make customers feel good about themselves. We put ourselves in a position to think, when you come to a strange person to come to you to recommend a product, usually do not show the feeling of boredom. So, how to quickly allow customers to have a good impression? It is really a problem to be solved!

Because only customers have a good impression of their own, in order to further establish a trust relationship, in order to steadily promote the upgrading of bilateral relations, and ultimately successful transaction. Have a good impression, that is to have a good start; but a good beginning is half the battle. So today we talk together: how to make customers feel good about themselves?

To solve this problem, we first recall a few scenes, in life, once you have a good impression of who?

We first classify, including the following:

One is the high value of the people, beautiful young man, no one does not love.

One is to talk to people, they tend to let us have a brief encounter, encounter confidant feeling.

Is a special person, they have a distinct personality logo, or humorous, or bold, or optimistic, or wearing a unique, let a person gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory.

One is the strength of the people, the strength means that they have a lot of resources, this resource may be wealth, perhaps experience, perhaps information, money and contacts.

One is to make us feel comfortable, you can not tell why, but they have the ability to make you comfortable, so you want to get close to him.

To sum up, when we have the above characteristics, or when we are able to create a "field" of the above factors, the customer is more likely to "love" on us, below to share these five magic:

Magic one: upgrade your color

Upgrade the yen value not to say that you go to South Korea to own the whole with Lee Min Ho like, but said: first of all, you have to remove all factors may lead to customer hate: for example, unpunctuality, body odor, wear white socks, wearing tight clothes, or too exposed on the shoulder and head dander vulgar language.......

Secondly, you can't change your appearance, but you can change your attitude, face and clothes: for example, always smiling, and sincere nature; take the initiative to shake hands and transfer their enthusiasm; increase their sense of humor; choose a suitable for their own style and decent clothes, not too fancy color design; a refreshing and hair; standing, sitting and walking posture and nature.

Appearance is our first business card, a direct impact on the customer's first impression of us.

Magic two: be a good friend

Active enthusiasm: passion, like the sun, will quickly melt the strangeness of our customers and create a good atmosphere. This requires us, on the one hand, after seeing the customer should take the initiative, warm greeting, and tone to hearty, thick, not feeble; on the other hand, after meeting to express feelings of joy, for example: Hello, Mr. Wang, I am honored to meet you, I also feel very happy.

Using the call: the actual business process, at least more than 50% of the visit occurred in informal occasions, this means that our customers can not always call so official and formal, otherwise easy to make customers feel alienated, for example, can try some informal names, such as Liu Ge, Zhang sister, brother, brother...... If used properly, it will make the customer feel comfortable and friendly, so as to narrow the distance between each other.

Good choice of topic: topic selection, early entry, you can choose some hot topics, such as: the recent stock market, the trafficking of children should be sentenced to death; the middle depth, to choose some customer care or love topic, such as: electricity supplier customers love the government policy on the Internet, in the transition point industrial customers are more concerned about how the traditional industrial transformation; late ending, can find some common care on both sides of the topic, such as: the product itself or have similar experiences, so as to find more resonance.

Listen to empathy: empathy is not sympathy, but from the emotional and intellectual understanding of customer and customer acceptance of two basic steps, empathy is: first, to throw stereotypes, put yourself in the customer's point of view; secondly, through repetition and confirmation, understand the customer's thoughts and feelings, on the basis of full understanding, expressing yourself the ideas and emotions; for example: customer complaints: you are sometimes very boring! You can say: meet products have not reached the expected place, really easy to have irritable mood, I have had the same experience, will also be irritability, can you tell me, because those parts of our products make you tired?

Magic three: to create their own personality mark

Design your own iconic action: the one and only sign of action will increase your own memory and charm, such as Churchill V, NBA star Iverson's gesture to listen to the music, Jacky Cheung is impressive.

In the design of the action should be noted that, first, the action itself must have a positive meaning

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