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Guangdong LED lighting industry to release positive energy"

LED began to emerge, gleaming in the long river of history. National semiconductor lighting engineering research and Industry Alliance Secretary General Wu Ling in the LED industry development process, Guangdong Province as an important global industry gathering, whether in industry or marketing aspects are walking in the forefront of the times. At the time of the opening of the Forum on the development of the LED industry in Guangdong, the reporter invited the national semiconductor lighting engineering research and Industry Alliance Secretary General wu.

From the beginning of the nineteenth Century, Edison invented incandescent lamp, electric power began to be applied in the field of lighting at the beginning, as an important part of the light source, began to enter the real life of mankind. With the continuous progress and development of the third generation of semiconductor lighting technology, lighting technology, lighting (LED) with the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, longevity began to enter the public view, the countries all over the world in the government's strong support to accelerate the pace of LED to replace the traditional lighting lighting, the application of LED technology to a new level.

So far, LED began to emerge, gleaming in the long river of history. National semiconductor lighting engineering research and Industry Alliance Secretary General Wu Ling in the LED industry development process, Guangdong Province as an important global industry gathering, whether in industry or marketing aspects are walking in the forefront of the times. At the time of the opening of the Forum on the development of the LED industry in Guangdong, the reporter invited the national semiconductor lighting engineering research and development and Industry Alliance Secretary General Ms. Wu Ling talked about the development of LED industry and the development of Guangdong LED model.

LED is not only a substitute by LED lighting technology known as the "third source revolution" into the real China just a few years, but in this is not a long time, LED industry has made a breakthrough in the development. "This is our national semiconductor lighting project to start tenth years, Blu ray LED successful development of twentieth years, fiftieth years is the birth of LED technology. At this time, LED Industry Development Summit Forum held in Guangdong province described along homeopathy. "Recall history of the development of LED technology, the Secretary General Wu Ling is feeling.

In any era, there is a technology which has great influence on society and human beings. It is understood that, at present, the evaluation of the international semiconductor lighting industry is mainly three aspects: one is the LED to replace the traditional lighting technology like the car instead of the carriage, is a successful technology revolution; two is in the lighting industry revolution, mainstream semiconductor lighting has been established, the three is in the global energy saving and emission reduction under the social background, the third generation of semiconductor materials LED and its application will bring huge development potential based on. Recalling the past, LED lighting industry has made it clear that, and for the future, LED will also have a broad space for development.

"LED is not just a substitute, the future will have more functions on it. "Wu Ling said, LED lighting is still the main source of alternative, the future based on the semiconductor lighting technology not only in the form of lighting, and will change in function, intelligence is the mainstream of development in the next ten years. If we compare the third generation of semiconductor materials into a big tree, LED lighting is just a fruit on the tree.

Facing the urgent needs of the world demand for energy saving and emission reduction and response to the current information society entered the era of big data and mobile information era, the third generation of semiconductor materials have good opportunities for development; can be widely used in lighting, power electronics, photovoltaic, electric cars, hybrid, high speed trains and other areas of energy conservation; core competitiveness, microwave communication after 4G, high-speed computing, micro sensor, networking, cloud computing, smart city and other new generation of information technology; especially in aerospace, space communications, UV detection, remote sensing and other important applications in the field of prevention, has the vital significance to the national information security and national defense construction.

With the rapid development of science and technology is highly cross integration feature, microelectronics, optoelectronics handhand era, from the angle of industrial strategy and technology strategy, the third generation semiconductor technology is becoming the best way to seize the commanding heights of the next generation of information technology, the research and application level, is one of the decisive factors in the future high-tech industry status the world of our country determined. The technology industry should be guided by the market at present, the progress of technology is mature and continue to promote the development of the LED market, LED lighting prospect has been lit, the market force has been formed, LED lighting industry will enter a rapid development stage.

With the rapid development of industrial economy, a series of problems have come. Universally in the LED industry today, Secretary Wu Ling has expressed concerns about the status of the industry: "in the past two years, LED industry scale expands unceasingly, the market is growing, but on the other hand, industry concentration is not high, market disorder, quality gates, once the outbreak of the price war, the lack of core enterprises technology, lack of competition with foreign enterprises' knowledge, there are 'weapons' overcapacity" spreads, these adverse factors have seriously hampered China's LED industry healthy and sustainable development. "In this regard, Wu Ling pointed out:" science and technology industry should be with the market oriented "development ideas, to fully understand the basis of market demand, enterprises in technology research and development and marketing.

Wu Ling believes that the promotion path of LED lighting products should be from the government to promote public lighting, and commercial lighting, industrial lighting, until the final cost, the price dropped to a certain stage, the price up to a certain extent, will begin to enter the civilian market average. LED promotion can not be instant success, and in accordance with the laws of market development step by step. Now China's LED industry in the standard, interface specification, testing and other aspects are not perfect, has its own special characteristics of the development of the industry, in terms of product promotion should be gradual. "At present, in the background of industrial environment is not perfect, market demand, market depth is a breakthrough in the field of LED lighting applications currently competing for.

In the market-oriented, Wu Ling also gives his suggestions: one is to grasp the market demand, to achieve insight into the opportunities; two is to study how to meet the market demand, according to the needs to develop product planning; three to strengthen the corporate R & D strength, build their own core competitiveness. Make good use of the visible hand to create a good industrial environment in the market led by the premise, the government's macro-control role can not be ignored.

In the decades of the development of LED lighting industry in China, the visible hand of the government has played an important role in guiding and promoting the strategic emerging industries. In the social and economic activities, how to play the role of "visible hand" and "invisible hand" of the market? How to coordinate the relationship between the two? How to locate the function of both is a big problem that the current industrial development needs to face. In this regard, Wu Ling has his own views and opinions: "in the industrial revolution stage, identify the respective government and market positioning is very important, LED is a new industry, cannot do without the market demand, more cannot do without the cultivation and support of the government.

The government should increase investment in R & D, build industry 'discourse', cultivate the market, safeguard the fairness and stability of the market, to provide a good environment for the development of LED industry. Wu Ling said that in the play good government tangible hand, Guangdong has been described in the forefront of the country. In May 28, 2012, Guangdong province took the lead in promoting the use of LED lighting industry in Guangdong province. In addition, Guangdong also supports the creation of enterprise research and development benchmarking system and standard optical components to accelerate the pace of the project, in order to achieve mass production of LED lighting products has laid a good foundation. At the same time, Wu Ling also pointed out that the decision of the Guangdong provincial government to stimulate the development of China's LED industry is also quite obvious positive significance, while the policy of LED industry chain constitutes a substantial positive.

Through the government to promote the way of public lighting, the release of large-scale demand, can effectively promote the release of LED lighting applications scale effect, bigger and stronger. At the same time, the terminal product volume also and further promotes the development of the whole industry chain and grow, is a good practice of strategic emerging industries in the development of Chinese, a leading and exemplary role in accelerating the development of LED industry in china. The opportunities and challenges of LED lighting as a new generation of light sources, in recent years by various countries and regions in the world's favor, but with the full implementation of the policy of incandescent lamp, LED lighting as the ideal light source also ushered in a new opportunity to open a huge market. However, the market economy is always a double-edged sword". On the one hand, China's LED industry cluster is huge, highlighting the scale, the market prospect is very broad; on the other hand, because of the low entry threshold, LED industry is still mired in a state of disorderly competition, product quality is uneven in quality.

With the continuous advance of the parties together, Wu Ling believes that the next 3-5 years will be the key moment of the semiconductor lighting industry development in our country, but in the face of fierce competition, China's semiconductor lighting industry is still facing a lack of investment in research and development, lack of innovation, industry scattered resources, industry concentration is not high, the lack of overall planning construction standards certification system the industry environment is not perfect, the service support system has not yet established a series of industry problems. At the present stage, the weakness of China's semiconductor lighting industry lies in the lack of technical support and the lack of innovative talents and the ability of continuous innovation.

Wu Ling said that the current LED industry in China is facing a rare opportunity, but the challenge is very grim. In the future, LED of China government and enterprises should start from the increase of core technology investment, and actively carry out cooperation with the international advanced enterprises breakthrough patented technology barriers, steadily enhance the competitiveness of its products and technology competitiveness. In addition, close to the market demand, the market as the premise, and constantly tap and meet the growing diversity of consumers, personalized consumer demand, to create a unique brand and brand awareness and reputation. Only in this way can we seize the commanding heights of the market in the global LED competitive environment, invincible.

Finally, Wu Ling told reporters that in the past ten years, China's LED industry has maintained at more than 20% growth rate. As a new generation of light source materials, the controllability of LED determines that it can be endowed with more creative imagination space, but also gives it a vast market development space. The next three years, LED will really usher in the history of its rapid growth period, enterprises should seize the opportunity in a timely manner, with excellent technology and quality to meet the arrival of the era of LED.

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