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How to accelerate the process of manufacturing 2025 LED industry

In 2012, the U.S. government to support the "industrialization", put forward the total investment of $1 billion "National Network for Manufacturing Innovation program (National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, NNMI)". In the next 10 years, the United States manufacturing innovation network covers more than 45 national research institutions. At present, the United States has created 7 manufacturing research center at the national level. The research center has some common characteristics, that is, the government and social cooperation model, through the open innovation platform, to industry, academia and government innovation resources together, promote manufacturing technology innovation and accelerate the commercialization process. Besides the United States, Germany also made a similar "industrial platform 4.0 (Plattform Industrie 4.0)" to speed up the implementation of industrial 4.0.
In response to the global industry competition pattern is undergoing profound changes, the Chinese government in 2015 issued a "made in China 2025" strategic planning, and then released in August 2016, four ministries and commissions and the "five big project implementation guide", the first is the manufacturing innovation center construction project implementation guide. According to documents, manufacturing innovation center "by enterprises, research institutes, universities and other kinds of innovation main body combination of voluntary, autonomous, with enterprises as the main body, a new type of innovation in the form of independent legal person to establish carrier". The aim is to "finish technology development to the transfer of diffusion and the activities of the first commercial application of the innovation chain each link, make cross-border collaboration innovation ecosystem".
Thus, manufacturing innovation center will be a realization of "made in China 2025" accelerator, becomes the key to Chinese manufacturing collaborative innovation network nodes. Why, then, the Chinese government put forward the construction of manufacturing innovation center at the moment? For success abroad? Local governments, enterprises, research institutes and universities how to work together? According to McKinsey in multiple regions in the world to help the local government construction practice experience of similar innovation center to try to answer these questions. And as a member of the manufacturing industry, LED display industry have also been manufacturing industry related problem, believe that this article will bring enlightenment of leds.
The central role of manufacturing innovation center is to strengthen the joint research and development of new manufacturing technology and business promotion
Released "made in China 2025" strategy, greatly inspired the morale of the manufacturing enterprises, but in the concrete execution appeared two glaring reality of challenges: the first challenge, the core technology of intelligent manufacturing is still the foreign enterprises, the production efficiency is far lower than the developed countries. The McKinsey global institute released a new report "China's choice: seize the productivity of a $5 trillion opportunity", points out that in the automotive, semiconductor and pharmaceutical research and development of labor-intensive manufacturing, Chinese enterprises' investment return on capital was 8.5%, while in the United States, the figure is 16.5%. Chinese companies on the core technology of master still lags behind that of developed countries, such as industrial robot manufacturing, Chinese enterprises in addition to the more mature in the field of system integration development, other link (especially the motor servo system is the core components manufacturing) are relatively backward. Although Chinese enterprises can be realized through acquisitions to catch up with and even lead, but it is slow in independent research and development. In fact, "zheng production, use" collaborative lack of carrier, around the current set up a lot of industry alliance, but the nature of the industry association organization research and development of the real role is limited. Manufacturing innovation center should be of the essence of "joint laboratory of all kinds of innovation main body", is a research and development business into a core model of non-profit organizations, the innovation organization through open development platform, implementing the resources sharing, technology sharing, business development benefit sharing.
The second challenge, large state first try, but small and medium-sized private companies balked. Due to the government's guidance, large state-owned enterprises and give full play to the advantages of the "concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings" on the major equipment, major production technology obtained the breakthrough. But on the other hand, small and medium-sized private manufacturing enterprises of intelligent manufacturing process is slow, big reason is the lack of understanding of intelligent manufacturing and incentive policy funds. Beneficiaries of China's intelligent manufacturing technology upgrade should is tens of thousands of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, they will purchase a large number of the hardware and software of intelligent manufacturing system, which reversed transmission upstream of the intelligent manufacturing equipment research and development and production. Manufacturing innovation center, therefore, should also be "intelligent manufacturing equipment and system demonstration exhibition platform", even can increase the intelligent manufacturing technology science training effect, strengthen the small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) understanding of intelligent manufacturing.
The United States and Singapore's experience suggests that "the government investment, commercial operations, all kinds of innovation main body share the benefits" is the feasible path of manufacturing innovation center
As a key link of "national network for Manufacturing Innovation", the U.S. government held in Chicago in 2015, Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation research Institute (Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute, referred to as "DMDII, see below). Its success factors can be summed up in three points: "the government investment, professional managers, members sharing scientific research". First of all, DMDII consists of the department of defense, the support of the government and the city of Chicago, Illinois, started in the university of Illinois, through public-private partnership (PPP) raised $170 million in initial funding (state, the municipal government to provide initial capital of $26 million, the department of defense to provide $70 million to investment). Secondly, the center's director of board members including general electric technology, northwest university President, government workers, etc., before the operation team members include main VC, the bibcock enterprise operating and development director, McKinsey consultants, etc., are all experienced professional managers. Finally, the model USES the member classification system, the center each year about 15 r&d project development, invite companies and scientific research members and start-up companies to participate in joint research and development, scientific research and patent Shared by all members, members can also be put forward technical requirements, participate in project and research and development, and display equipment and technology. The center with a total area of 9000 square meters, equipped with research and development center, training center and technology applications show the rig. Now brought together 173 companies and 49 scientific research institution, introduction of Boeing (Boeing), procter & gamble (P&G), John Deere (John Deere), and other leading enterprises.

Singapore's manufacturing industry face similar challenges, subject to a limited supply of land resources and its economic development factors of rising costs. In 2015, the Singapore government to cooperate with McKinsey planning "Lighthouse" project (see below), hope to offer global manufacturing innovation resources, again to activate the local small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Lighthouse is actually a digital operations Center, the Singapore economic development board to provide capital and help to introduce members, by the Advanced Technology and research Remanufacturing and Technology Center provide venues, joint scientific research institution, McKinsey participate in curriculum design and development of new members, a total of 28 million Singapore dollars, only covers an area of 2500 square meters, is equipped with the Technology, research and development Center, training Center and exhibition incubator DengZi platform. The Singapore government hopes the platform play a role of the big four: (1) strengthening the large manufacturing enterprise for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the digital manufacturing exemplary and leading role; (2) to promote local companies and multinational companies technical communication; (3) the small and medium-sized enterprise the demand of digital manufacturing directly with equipment providers and docking; (4) promote the enterprises and institutions on the application of the intelligent manufacturing technology innovation and collaborative innovation. Currently the platform has a Rolls-Royce (Rolls-Royce), SIEMENS (SIEMENS), 3 m and other heavyweight members.

----------Archled Technology Co.,Limited

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