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Increase input to boost the rapid development of white LED

In recent years, the domestic LED industry, especially the high brightness white LED develops very quickly, the main reasons are as follows:

One is the national and local government attaches great importance to and supported by Ministry of science and technology: first, led by the relevant state ministries and commissions together in June 2003 to set up a "national semiconductor lighting project coordination leading group", to guide the development of the domestic LED industry, and to determine the semiconductor lighting demonstration project industrialization base. There are five cities in Shanghai, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Nanchang and. And the establishment of the national semiconductor lighting engineering research and development and industrial alliance, specifically to carry out activities related to the development of LED industry. The Ministry of information industry, LED Industry Development Forum organized nationwide, the relevant state ministries have developed LED lighting industry development of the "11th Five-Year" plan and long-term development planning, and give great support, many provincial and municipal local government also attaches great importance to the development of LED lighting industry, LED industry development planning were developed in the region, and give key support.

The two is to increase the input of high brightness and white LED industry: the first is the national investment in recent years by the national "863" project respectively into many LED industry, support research institutions (University) study of high brightness LED project. The Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of information industry, the Ministry of education in innovation fund, development fund, fund research and industrialization projects, support some key research institutions (universities), research and development of key enterprises to carry out high brightness and white LED and promote the industrialization process, many provincial and Municipal Local Government with various a lot of money into the LED form of industry development in the region. The second is the enterprises investment, first from the input has good talent, many LED enterprises introduce relevant personnel from overseas, recruit doctoral and master graduates, strengthen research and development team. Secondly, from the point of view of capital investment, in recent years, whether it is research institutions or enterprises, have invested a lot of money to enhance hardware facilities. According to incomplete statistics, in recent years, the purchase of more than 50 sets of MOCVD equipment, the production of LED hundreds of sets of automatic equipment, there are a lot of new investors to join, to create a new LED enterprise. In short, so much investment, will undoubtedly accelerate the development of high brightness and white LED industry.

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