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Inspection and quarantine departments: export lighting wire safety issues worthy of attention

Since 2009 included in the catalogue of the law, the quality of export lamps gradually improve. However, the inspection and quarantine departments found that the export of lighting products wire safety problem is still serious, and even has become the export of lamps and lanterns product safety type test failed, the number one killer". According to statistics, the EU rapid alert system for non food products and the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 2012, informed our unqualified products 75 export lamps, which relates to a power supply wire in 31 cases, accounting for up to 41.3%. According to the Ningbo electrical safety testing center (Yuyao laboratory) statistics, since 2012, the laboratory has detected 70 batches of substandard products, to reach the unqualified batch of 28.9%.

According to the analysis, the main line for the export of substandard lighting products for the following three aspects:

First, the conductor cross-sectional area is not enough, will cause the risk of wire overheating, short circuit and even fire risk;

Two is the conductor insulation insulation strength is insufficient, can cause the insulation wire aging, rupture and other electric shock hazard;

Three is the lack of effective protection of wire, such as the lack of flexible wire fixing device, power lines around the sharp edge, will lead to the wire is easy to pull out, the surface of the shell and other dangerous electricity.

From the point of view of the reasons for the failure, can be broadly classified into the following three categories:

First, the lower the threshold of the industry, uneven quality of production enterprises, some of the family workshop type enterprises do not understand the international standards of products, and even do not know the existence of standards.

Two is the intense market competition makes some enterprises give up the quality control of the bottom line, in order to reduce the cost of the deliberate use of low strength and inferior materials, such as specifications of 1 mm for 0.75 mm, line rubber line for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production line, a "pull" is "off", then "" would "destroy" the disposable products.

The three is the raw material procurement management is not strict, quality management system is not perfect, the high price to buy inferior goods, some enterprises lack of testing equipment, can effectively verify the conductor materials, samples of raw material and goods "form" like "God".

According to the above conclusions, the inspection and quarantine departments suggested that the relevant enterprises:

To carry out large-scale and large-scale enterprise internal training, establish the enterprise as the first person in charge of product quality consciousness. In particular, by explaining how to use the lighting standards and some of the typical and typical examples found at this stage, so that the technical staff and quality assurance personnel to understand the use of standard organization product production.

To further strengthen the sense of quality, pay attention to product quality and safety in itself at the same time, the quality requirements of key components such as lead to attention, improve the incoming inspection, purchase of equipment and personnel training, from two aspects of hardware and software, and improve the ability of wire inspection, strengthen the contract review and confirmation of the overall requirements related to the product in the contract review.

To actively carry out product compliance testing work, improve the production process and quality management system, and accelerate the pace of technological transformation and innovation, adapt to the changing requirements of the international standard, take initiative to improve the quality of products by the market.

To maintain close communication and contact with the relevant departments, through the official website of foreign or domestic institutions concerned issued relevant standard website and update, to avoid the product does not meet the standard requirements by return loss.

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