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Inventory LED enterprises in the electricity supplier should avoid the four errors

Introduction: we all know that the electricity supplier in the LED lighting promotion because of its relatively new model, the cost of early investment is relatively low, the LED companies are welcome, in the industry also caused heated debate. Many companies began to explore how to transition from the traditional channels to the electricity supplier, the author of this sort of LED enterprises in the electricity supplier should avoid some of the mistakes in the business, I hope the company can take detours.

Inventory LED enterprises in the electricity supplier should avoid the four errors

Misunderstanding: as long as there is traffic, there will be sales

Traffic is the basis of the electricity supplier, but not a rise in sales volume becomes better, the decision is the quality of sales volume is good or bad. Want to get a quality of traffic flow management need to be refined in different channels, develop strategies and different flow rate of the target value, the use of different marketing method, such as the rebate website alliance to flow to purchase promotional information; category center content from a search engine or navigation website traffic to use the search content and accurate related recommendations, the conversion of the rich.

LED in the enterprise to develop the electricity supplier model, to filter the low quality and no contribution to the flow of profits and value, for example, only to receive gifts or buy only deep discount merchandise, lest waste server, logistics and customer service resources, emphatically grasp the "hesitation in a commodity under the single flow, the must in the search, details, category and other efforts.

Myth two: the line can do a good job online retailers

Retail line experience, available immediately, through the scene stimulation temporary impulse buying; online retail has a large number of customer information, precision marketing, the speed and breadth of WOM, without geographical, time and shelf space constraints. Therefore, LED enterprises in the marketing level of both ways to be treated differently. LED products in the electricity supplier is more retail, in this regard, the majority of the retail line relies on brand effect, posters and print advertising promotion, the use of the store environment and sales staff to stimulate the purchase. The online business needs through the SEO/SEM, EDM, network alliance, portal advertising, SNS cooperation to get traffic; at the same time the use of a large number of customers search, collection, purchase goods, related data and information, precision marketing, provide accurate recommendation for users. Currently, LED companies are more likely to choose Taobao Tmall and other integrated business platform.

Myth three: only a good grasp of distribution and customer service a key point of the customer experience can be

Online customer experience is one of the errors is that as long as the distribution and after-sales customer service experience can do. Customer experience is a comprehensive consideration, involves the richness of goods, sales price, timely delivery of customer service, service quality, system and user interface is simple and easy to use, not only the distribution and customer service. The impact of customer choice and the rate of return on the purchase of a variety of factors, LED companies in the development of the electricity supplier model needs to focus on the full range, more details, not one-sided treatment and the loss of regular customers.

Myth four: the scale of growth will naturally reduce the cost of

Everyone on the Taobao Tmall universal will by star and sales ranking, normally speaking, LED enterprise after expanding the scale of the negotiations will be greater, increase sales can help reduce procurement, logistics and marketing costs. But it is easy to ignore the importance of business model scalability. When a business model can not be expanded, the larger the cost, the higher the cost is far less than expected. For example, in the district through the property and security to build delivery points, this increase in the middle layer of the way to improve the management of the time and cost.


At present, LED lighting enterprises commonly used business model is not perfect, is most like Tmall into a comprehensive business platform, and Home Furnishing, LED lighting professional business platform, a small part is self mall. As most of enterprises is the traditional lighting, there are many misunderstandings on the electricity supplier, but also through electronic business platform, the price must be very competitive. Therefore, the positioning of high-end brands or products must be very cautious, it is recommended not to drift into the electricity supplier. On the other hand, due to the domestic LED lighting standards are not perfect, but do not have the executive power, so in order to occupy the market, many companies at the expense of quality price war. This is a very dangerous signal, will make the entire LED lighting industry damaged, each LED lighting companies need to locate themselves, carefully involved.

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